Posts: 289
#1 · Edited by: peachy
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Posts: 46
#2 · Edited by: nwukbull
Jax, dont rise to this shyt. You know me...i know you and you seriously dont have to justify yourself or juggle hosspiss. Cuckold or no cuckold your a stunning fem of the finest calibre a century from DRAB. It's a pleasure to know you and shocked your biting to such shyt. Pack in juggling the dweebs and concentrate on the more worthy or your gonna get a good telling off  Xx - NwuKBull
Posts: 968
Where do I start with LFTM76 first of all JAX if you are drab then I have been on the wrong planet as you are a stunning woman and the response to Liteskin, strongbull and yourselves posts over the last weeks proves that everyone thinks the same you are a beautiful cuckoldress. LFTM76 is just another wanabee Cuckold who gets off on the fantasy of it all whilst Liteskin lives the fantasy for real with stunning woman like yourself. Leave the wanabee to live his fantasy in his little fantasty world. Luv Andy(oz) x x x Droopy and Miss
Posts: 42
#4 · Edited by: EnglishMark
its a thumbs up ,amongst other things, from me on your "drab" body!  Ignore the halfwit poster and just enjoy yourself in real life 
Posts: 46
#5 · Edited by: nwukbull
Jax and I are planning our next encounter and it's quite a plan. Peachy will be over the moon and Jax is mmmmm'ing already. The troll & dweeb is going to find out how 'un-drab' she is and be left premature ejaculating over the end result. After all thats all the forum trolls & dweebs are capable of. Whilst us bulls are bulling it and hotwives are hotwife'ing it they're left masterbating. Nowhere near capable of being a bull, not even qualifying as a cuck and far below any pity - NwuKBull
Posts: 1782
peachy and jax jax you are one hot lady and i have said this lots of times and alway will, and peachy you are one lucky cuck as i have told you as well and you have a great bull with lightskin . you guy have put fun back in the site and it great to see . thank you let me know what you think of my small cock send message on this please
Posts: 143
#7 · Edited by: LiteskinBull
talking about Jax like that is just unacceptable in fact how in the fuck would you know WHAT she looks like?? that assumption has made a total ass out of you for real!!
Dont worry about it Jax he dont know and he never will!!!!
Why do we even bother responding to wannabes and key board warriors i think we should now just ignore them in fact lets make a blacklist lol Real Bull for REAL meets
Posts: 99
Jax is soooooo sexy. Bulls and cucks alike are lucky to have Jax and other hotwives on here. Just ignore the haters babe.
Strongbulluk StrongBullUK
Posts: 289
#9 · Edited by: peachy
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Posts: 28
#10 · Edited by: Mids_Bull_26
No shortage of supporters here jax and why wouldn't there be?
From what i know from seeing and speaking to you ....Your as genuine and sexy as they come with all the Great Values of a true hot wife (unlike many on this site)
So quit giving jealous haters the satisfaction of a response!
Oh yeh and stay off the cheap wine lol
AJ x I keep my socks on
Posts: 289
#11 · Edited by: peachy
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Posts: 19
Jax is a fantastic woman, and anyone who thinks otherwise is really missing out
Posts: 53
Just ignore any more drivel from this permister and he will soon get bored and give up!!!!!!!!!!! Nice body by the way!!!!!!!!
Posts: 184
I posted support in a reply on the thread you are referring to.
L x Keep on Cucking!
Posts: 289
#15 · Edited by: peachy
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Posts: 279
Only a couple of things really need to be said
......if you do not have anything constructive to say, then.........
Next up it is important to point out a difference between Peachy/Jax/Liteskin/StrongBull et al...THEY ARE REAL
...and finally, although beauty may be in the eye of the beholder, LFTM76 should really get through that fog of jealousy/regret/desire and simply look at the pics Jax & Co have been generous enough to allow us access to. The female body is a beautiful thing and Jax is right up there.
& Peachy I shall go away and have a glass of Pinot Grigio to toast you all
Keep it up!
Posts: 70
this is really unnecessary...why bother? ignoring has more effects than 1000 words
Posts: 46
#18 · Edited by: nwukbull
Nice post well said Peachy and yeah she let you get the last word in for a change. I hope she's not getting soft on you hehe. Give Jax a slap on the arse from me. Tell her i insisted  Quoting: peachy Unusual for our relationship I'm getting the last word for a change! This site is free, its for cucks, bulls, hotwifes, wannabees and real people. Mr Big Cuckold is a great administrator and we all love what we get out of it whether its big or small, (yeah jax I know Big is better) in fact it has changed my life for the better. As in other aspects of life it has good guys and bad guys, such is life and it would be a dull world if we were all alike. With this in mind let us reflect on how lucky we all are to be here because I was a cuck long before the dawn of the internet. Please therefore don't let one, or a couple of clowns spoil what we have here and don't rise to the bait of these sticky keyboard timewasters. I'm not wasting anymore time arguing on this site, if I want to argue I'll go to work. "Oh" and I've been married to a vibrant, intelligent, sexy slut of a wife for many years and I have called her many things at times but Drab? You're having a fucking laugh ! Peachy - NwuKBull
Posts: 636
....just saw the photos of your better half ! fantastic
Posts: 93
Hi Jax and Peachy
It's hard not to rise to the bait, we know just how you feel, its takes a lot of courage to post on this site and you have been one of the more generous posters in the UK forum, its seems a pity you have to put up with comments like the one that got you so irrate. Have you considered taking more control of your images and posts by having your own blog, one were you can delete the idiots comments, we are considering it, how about a joint, its just a thought. In the meantime keep posting we all love to read about your adventures. xx
SSW & BD shysexywife & her cuckold small dicked husband
Posts: 289
#21 · Edited by: peachy
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Posts: 46
#22 · Edited by: nwukbull
..... - NwuKBull