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My wife and her cousin out on the pull right now

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#61 · Edited by: enfetish
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Christ on a bike - grow up!!!

And my 'Yawn' was primarily directed at Deryckt to be honest - just give it a rest for heaven's sake! There is no need to come across as some low rent lawyer forensically analyzing text in the minutest detail and then going off on some lame cross examination which would embarrass even the worst made-for-TV courtroom drama!

Liteskin, I believe you have decent intentions but maybe learn to do that old trick of counting to 10 before touching the keyboard?!

And I agree, it was totally out of order to disparage Jax - to be honest many women would love a body like hers - and she can hardly be thought of as 'drab' when she is such a naughty girl!!!

I am only bothering to comment because I don't like seeing people who put the time in to post (whether they are true or fantasy) getting unnecessarily picked on. I initially stood up for Deryckt as I only judge as I find, but Deryckt, I am now finding you to be a complete young - just calm down - and if you can't say anything positive, don't say anything at all!

Keep on Cucking!


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A little sensibility ought to prevail, that if a user has frequented the site for a couple of years and not posted much (if anything), then there's hardly a need to have multiple identities is there? That would only be useful if one liked to 'provoke' and 'flame' without having the decency to do so under their own name.

Regardless, many folks use this site merely for fun (I being one of them). It's a website, most of us share a common interest. I have no desire to figure who or who is not real / fake. There are real world activities that can resolve that particular issue. I also have no real desire to contribute. Sue me eh?

I speak as I find, and I see some arrogant postings and quite youngish rants and raves about the validity of a poster, people having multiple ID's and then criticisms of folks wives / girlfriends.

Is it any real wonder the credibility of online sites is poor?

I usually don't bother posting at all, since disembodied cuckolding fans really don't matter do they?... it's the net. However, on this occasion I simply felt compelled to post a couple of items.... on folks attitude and behaviour.

If somebody doesn't like an opinion, say so, then move on.... if you feel a need, ban me... it's not going to be a huge life changing event is it? *rolls eyes*... otherwise, can folks get back to the purpose of the site...

To ENJOY cuckolding in all it's forms, not bicker like impoverished schoolyoungren


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You Brits sure like to squabble. You pounce on every nuance (in your opinion) that doesn't fit your scenario or resume. Just allow people a voice
and if you can't agree then move on. I do, however think there is a place for constructive criticism when the poster is being ignorant or arrogant. There is less and less actuqal cuckoldry on this site, it is being taken over by those with no real interest in it. Many seem to be lazy guys looking for a jump and think by presenting themselves as bulls they will be successful: notheing further from the truth I should think.


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I side with liteskin on this one.
Surely the kick we all get is about the action between the sheets not how big the steak or how expensive the wine shes eating/takening with the guy.....profession shouldn't matter a jot - should be looks and compatibility.
Sounds like she is more interested in the size of his wallet instead of his cock lol
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My wife and her cousin out on the pull right now
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