Posts: 76
This is to all other str8 ordinary joes out there.Have you fantasised about your wife with another guy,but can't bring yourself to tell her because of what her reaction might be. Drop a line here if you're in the same boat. Are there any guys out there who did tell their wives and it went ok,or maybe you told her and it went badly. Let us know.
Posts: 1782
i said to my wife when haveing sex what are you thinking about a nice big cock in you and she said yes  then built up from that its taken along time and we still talk about it but she one of them that says yes then no  but im hopeing to get there, let us know how you get on let me know what you think of my small cock send message on this please
Posts: 76
Thanks for reply tobecucked. At least you can talk about you desires. My wife would probably go balistic,or even worse totaly silent. I did mention it many years ago but she wasnt impressed. I sort of shot myself in the foot some years ago,before I'd heard of this Hotwife /Cuckold thing,and just how many married guys fantasise about it. Until recently I thought I was the only one. Any way,years ago she was partnering a guy at Squash.She used to socialise after matches and go for takes after. I think she liked the attention. All sorts was going through my brain when she was out with him. I was a little jealous but the main emotion was excitement.I used to get rock hard thinking about them.My big problem was that I was ashamed of how it excited me. I did take that confusion out on her and got her to stop going to the club. I wish I hadnt. I think about that scenario now,but after my reaction then ,I cant see that I can go back and say....its ok ,lets rewind. At least you have overcome the biggest hurdle,and that is communication, Good luck.
QueenB and He
Posts: 308
dcuckw2b Its the being ashamed thing thats probably holding up the progress with you and your wife. This certainly was the case for me! As soon as I began to shed those feelings of shame the better I was able to communicate with my partner and the more open she became to having sex with other men. It really is about communication and being clear. For us this is history and she's enjoyed many men right under my nose and we are closer than ever.
Posts: 134
dcuckw2b, yep we're in the same boat. i just didn't know it was you who was rowing in front of me. lol. I have the feelings for a long time. just didn't know it was a fetish until about a year ago. i'm sure we could share some interestingly similar stories.
Posts: 76
Hi to you all . Heres a thought which may or may not be relevant. Many cucks seem to get their wives to play because they have very small cocks ,and are unable to satisfy them. Ergo...your chances are even less if you are fairly well endowed. I'm 7"+ and if anything my wife would probably prefer smaller. We havnt had a sex life for a long time and I confess its very frustrating. In some ways I use this fantasy to keep my mind focussed on her.It keeps me from straying. That probably sounds like double dutch ,but it works for me. I cant understand why wannabes try to get their wives to go str8 for a meeting. I may be wrong here but I would have thought ,reticent wives were much more likely to be willing to flirt on line,on a site like AFF,just to please their hubbys. that way there would be no guilt feelings. What do you guys think ??
Posts: 76
Hi Trevn..... If its any comfort. I read an article on another site which said that MORE than 70% of married guys have this fantasy. So you are not alone. Its supposed to be a genetically in built desire to want to compete,also the urge to take risks. I dont know about the risk thing ,but you can be sure that if your wife was even Flirting with other guys,you would be a lot more attentive to her.
Posts: 76
Quoting: dorsetnaga Yes, I cannot bring myself to raise the subject with my wife either Is your wife very conservative,or does she like flirting with other men. If she was a bit tiddly with ***** ,would she be more receptive to the idea. I also think that opportunity has a lot to do with it. Women seem to get more adventurous if they are alone on a course or on business,. I know when my wife is away fro home 2 or 3 times a year,I just fantasise that she meets a guy and has fun.
Posts: 76
Quoting: dorsetnaga Not conservative (uses sex toys for example) but loyal and also religious. Hi. My wife is similar. She is very Christian. I permisteraly do not see a conflict. What a couple does " Within " their relationship as long as its agreed between them,is not unfaithful to me. The " other" male is merely a vehicle for the couples pleasure. One key thing here seems to be that Women think much more about consequences !
Posts: 134
I can remember back when I was extremely jealous over a high school girlfriend. She was out one night and we were kinda back together after a break up. I seem to remember that was the first time I fantasized about the girl I loved being with another guy. That was probably 20 or so years ago. It's almost like I turned the jealously into a fantasy. Perhaps my *** mind was attempting to protect itself. Who knows.
Sa Tyr
Posts: 55
One way is to find another couple to play with, at least at the start. I am primarily a voyeur so, I wanted her to develop her exhibitionist tendencies first before going on to the next step. We joined a mixed sauna club and she gradually became comfortable with the exposure. I noticed she was becoming curious in examining other men's and women's bodies. It took some time and a few visits to the sauna for her to feel completely relaxed with her nakedness and the environment. Finally, once a couple sat opposite us and the woman opposite was exposing to me while her husband was exposing to my wife. With the corner of my eye I could see that my wife also "casually" parted her thighs to give him a sight of her bush. The next time we went to the sauna I sought the couple and when I located them I sat us both opposite them. The greeted our arrival with a smile and by exhibiting to us. Soon we started chatting and arranged to go out for a take. Holy Water in already aroused women is like a fuse to dynamite and we ended up taking them home with us for same room sex with own partners. Afterwards I asked my wife if she found the other man desirable and said that it would be OK with me if, next time we met the othwer couple we tried swapping partners just the one time to see what it felt like to be with someone3 else in the presence of both. She did not say "yes" but then she did not say "no" either. The idea was planted in her head however so, when we met that couple again and repeated what we had done before, she did not object when I went over to the other woman which resulted her man going over to my wife. I never felt more aroused in all my life than when I watched him pump in and out of her. I was more interested in watching them and I think I neglected the woman I was with but I was more inerested in watching that actually having sex myself. We carried on meeting the other couple once every 2-3 weeks only for swapping partners in the same room. I insist on being there to watch everything as I am a voyeur first and a cuck second.
Posts: 134
Yep, I'm definitely a watcher too Sa Tyr. I could see myself staring at the other husband pumping my wife and totally forgetting the wife I was on. LOL. That's me to a T.
Posts: 1352
There are already several threads on this same subject... you can Search for them and check out a lot of good advice. Basically, it's a matter of recognizing that the ladies see the whole matter much differently than we do, and that they move infinitely slower than the husband, when it comes to including a 3rd partner in the bedroom.
For my wife and I, it involved lots of honest pillow talk, sharing fantasies, adult vids, the occasional bottle of wine, and lots and lots of time... cuckold - Pronunciation - kuk-uhld - noun 1) The husband of an unfaithful wife. 2) A husband whose wife has sex with others. NOTE - It does NOT say: Sexually confused, submissive, humiliated, sissified, crossdresser, cocksucker, or piss drinker
Posts: 76
Hi Sa Tyr . I must admit,I'm voyeuristic too. I suppose most blokes are. I dont know of any mixed Saunas in N.West England. I do know of a Swingers club where women and guys sit around in Towels,and the take is free. There is a Jacussi and swimming pool,where people lounge about. Men do flirt with the women,but no means no. The women are definitely in the driving seat. I'd love to take my wife there and watch the guys try to chat her up. Like you ,I'm less interested in swapping.I'd rather my wife was the centre of attention. It must be great for you That you got her there to try.
Posts: 76
Quoting: SheDatesHeWaits For my wife and I, it involved lots of honest pillow talk, sharing fantasies, adult vids, the occasional bottle of wine, and lots and lots of time... As Queen b andhe says Communication is the key. I think we all take that on board ,but doing it is the hard thing. When youve spent years keeping things to yourself because you felt there was no point,you sort of just give up trying. Then all of a sudden to start talking to ones wife about sexual things would arouse defensive suspicions.
Posts: 1352
Quoting: dcuckw2b I think we all take that on board ,but doing it is the hard thing. You are so right... and many women are suspicious at first, as they think we're trying to set them up for an open marriage so that WE can see other women. That's very common, and a landmine to be careful NOT to step on!
You just have to be vulgarly open with each other. Wait for just the right time when you're having one of those "close" nights... then ease into it, starting off with the fact that you love your relationship, love your wife, cherish your marriage, etc... then tip-toe into the fact maybe your intimate lives could use a little spice... and you've been having some fantasies and they DONT involve other women... and maybe back off... tell her its a little embarressing to admit this to her... maybe give her a chance to try and drag it out of you.
It sounds corny... but it can work. It may take a couple of "honest" chats to get there.. but if you read any hostility or hit backlash from her, back off and give her time to absorb things and reflect. Then try again a week or two later. That worked for us. cuckold - Pronunciation - kuk-uhld - noun 1) The husband of an unfaithful wife. 2) A husband whose wife has sex with others. NOTE - It does NOT say: Sexually confused, submissive, humiliated, sissified, crossdresser, cocksucker, or piss drinker
Posts: 134
It's going to be real difficult for me to cross that "point of no return" and make that first spoken suggestion. I fully expecting the "get out you freak" type of response. One can never truly know another permister though. You really have to communicate or "get off the pot." I guess I'm just a sackless chicken.
Posts: 76
Quoting: trevn It's going to be real difficult for me to cross that "point of no return" and make that first spoken suggestion. You and me both mate. Its partly out of fear of reaction,and partly because we dont want to hurt or stress our wives. The crazy thing is ,and it would be in my case,cucks are less likely to stray. I think the first thing that would come into the wifes mind would be....you're using this as a way to start swinging or an excuse to try other women.. I dont know about you lads but in my case nothing could be further from the truth. It would help if women would come on these sites who became cuckoldresses after reservations to put their side ,and explain the benefits.I'm not so naive that I dont realise the sites are mostly men.But the women just seem to get on with it,enjoy themselves without much contribution. Wannabes could just leave the posts on their P.C history for their wives to find. It certainly would be a conversation opener!
Posts: 76
Yes . I agree with that Dorsetnaga. There must be one or two films like that.,but just to cock it up ,they probably have bad endings which you wouldnt want your wife to see,.
Posts: 296
Your so right, my wife and I have discussed it and she is showing interest but if I push to much she blanks it for a while then I have to slowly start again. She has her own doubts that she is no longer attractive yet in my view she looks great. Getting there but slowly.
Posts: 76
Quoting: Wannabe_cuck_uk Your so right, my wife and I have discussed it and she is showing interest Well at least you can discuss this with your wife. We no longer discuss this sort of thing .I envy couples who do communicate.
Posts: 76
It may be of interest to some of you guys. There is an erotic literature site called The hyperlink is visible to registered members only! free sex stories.if you click on stories,then look down the list .Half way down is a category " Loving Wives " All in that category are hotwife or cuckold stories.Your wives may like to read some. Women are supposed to be turned on by literature.
Posts: 134
There are definitely some interesting ideas on breaking the ice in these last few posts. I'll have to check out some stories on literotica.
Posts: 1782
Nick Grant
Posts: 92
I found it difficult to broach the subject of cuckolding with my wife, but I eventually did. For me it is nice to finally have it out in the open, though she is yet to cuckold me. You can email me for details if you wish ... Nick
Posts: 76
Quoting: Nick Grant I found it difficult to broach the subject of cuckolding with my wife, but I eventually did. For me it is nice to finally have it out in the open, though she is yet to cuckold me. Thanks Nick. It would be good if you could share with us how you broached the subject.It would also keep this thread alive,and in view of other Wannabes like us. Maybe youve crossed the biggest hurdle. Did she go balistic?
Posts: 76
The subject of hotwifing has come up with my wife,so its not as if we havnt discussed it. Many years ago when we were in our30s I got in contact with a couple who were swingers and had parties. we went to a party,but were a bit like frightened rabbits in a corner. There were lots of things going on in my mind,but at no point did I really want to "go" with another woman. I did get excited by the idea that my wife might fancy another bloke there. Just my luck though.There were no guys who she wanted to play with.Afterwards she felt very guilty ,and came to the conclusion that I didnt value her. Anyway,I often think that if there had been someone at that party who she really fancied,things may have been so different . Its a pity there wasnt the internet then. I would have suggested just flirting with guys on the sites like AFF ,and if she found that exciting,using it to stimulate our sex life. Theres no reamister why a wife can't enjoy the same fantasy. Maybe I was just born 20 years too early. Young marrieds now really explore their sex lives.And its often the women who are the driving power. C'est la vie.
Posts: 76
Quoting: trevn Member 91 # Posted: 11 Mar 2008 02:47:05 Reply Quote Report There are definitely some interesting ideas on breaking the ice in these last few posts. I'll have to check out some stories on literotica. What did you think of the stories on Literotica. Women are supposed to be much more turned on by Literature??
Posts: 36
I am trying with my partner to introduce this concept to her. I am still at the beginning. I keep dropping hints. I read a book on the history of pirates and the early Buccaneers were keen on long term wife sharing and a wife often had two husbands, continueing the Pirate theme, she did say she would relax with Jonny Depp, but thats too hard to arrange!! I bought a large vibrating rubber willie and it is bigger than I am, she enjoys me using it on her, but when I thought she was in the heat of battle, I saidto her-Do you like to feel HIS big hard cock in you-at which moment she lifted her head up and said WHATT!!, I just fell silent and carried on with my duties. The rubber combatant has now expired and I suggested to her she might like a realistic black one, she said that she was not having a mid life crisis and the need to fantasise over black men. She will dominate me, but not very creativly, I have to suggest ways and she either approves or says nothing which means no. Anyone any ideas as most things I might suggest might be too sudden a change and she might think me a pervert. She did see a book in a catalogue called how to dominate and she expressed an interest in it, so literature might be the way to go, films are a turn off for her.
Posts: 76
Hi Spunky1. You seem to be in the same boat as the rest of us. Have you tried Literotica.com...go to stories then scroll down to loving wives. They are all short stories about Wives only having the fun. You'd better start saving up for a Jonny Depp lookalike to seduce her. With mine its Harrimister Ford,so I'm just as stuffed!! I think you can forget blue movies. Visual erotica doesnt seem to do it for women as much as literature. The problem with this is that it builds up in our minds more and more getting more fine tuned ,while our wives know nothing about it. Good luck. Have you also tried Ourhotwives.org/forums/ its free and has lots of sane comment