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wife going out on saturday

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my wife is clubbing in bristol on saturday with the intention of helping her divorced gf find a man. I told her to do what she wants. she says she will only dance and flirt.But i know how randy she is after just a couple of red wines. I have a strong feeling that when she comes home i will be the cuckold she knows i have always wanted to be,


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we all know what women are like when they've had a few takes, especially when are are in a group. sounds like you could well be getting your wish lol

how long has your wife know about your cuckold tendencies, and does she believe them?


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Do you really want to know what happens?
I will be out in Bristol tomorrow night. If you can give me a clue as where she is likely to go, what she will be wearing or even better a photo, I will keep a look out for her and report back with what she gets up to. I may even be able to grap a couple of covert pics of her in 'compromising' positions.
If you are up for it, email me at [email protected]


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she has known abou my wish to be cuckolded for years but she really was not into sex.But since looking at these sites she is rampant and says she is hot all the time.She says she is going to cuckold me when the opportunity arrives. She is blonde blue eyes 38d five foot four early forties her friend iis about five foot two and medium length black hair.Both are scottish.I dont know exactly where they are going but could be chicago rock or the rummer.


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you have got to find out where they are going out

imagine sitting at home knowing that half the bull squad from cuckoldplace will be cracking onto your misses after shes had a few - cold be a very interesting night lol


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I think we need a picture or two so we can kep an eye out for her and friend. I will be in the 'rock' tonight. Will report back any interesting developments if I see her.

Any other similar situations out there in Bristol?

[email protected]


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well she got in with her gf at 430am.Got me out of bed and made me make them a cup of tea.Anyway they didnt go to chicago rock but to a bar further along the waterfront.sorry guys. well they flirted with lots of guys and eventually paired off with two.She said he was tall and handsome and made her horny but he was a bit shy. well they made out for about two hours but she didnt go any further because she thought her friend would be shocked.She said if they had been alone then she would of fucked him.However this guy now knows where she works and he is going to take her out to lunch.(perhaps a shag as well). Also she is considering telling her gf about our lifestyle so that she can assist her in making me a cuckold.This isnt nearly the result i wanted but hey one step at a time.The mere fact that she made out with this guy has me hard and horny. If you want me to continue with the story of our conversion then please let me know. This really is one hundred percent genuine.


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Sorry I missed her but it was really crowded along the waterfront. Lots of activity of every denomination! Some of the women were really pissed by midnight and in a right state. They could get into all sorts of trouble with the wrong group of guys.

Keep us informed of progress. Good luck with the adventure.

[email protected]


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please continue
Peter C


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Sounds very promising. Maybe she's testing you for your reaction as much as anything. As long as you play it cool and she can see how turned on you are by the idea of her going with another man, then I'm sure you are about to become a cuckold husband.

Good luck! Please keep us informed.
Peter C


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Thanks for all the support guys.She has an online bull in the usa and he is coming to stay with us in september.She really is hot for him.It is her long hours on line with him that has changed her.And honestly i do mean changed.She spent hours with him online last night while takeing red wine.He is sending her some sexy underwear and he has sent her pics of his cock online.I have spoken to him and the good thing is he seems a really nice guy and has a great sense of humour.She has also had phone sex with another guy and they both sent pics on there mobiles of there bits and pieces.Im also hoping the guy she made out with on saturday will visit her soon at work and take her out. A short few months ago she was totaly uninterested in sex but now she says she is always wet and randy and flirty with all the guys in work. I am always in a very hyper state of excitement these dys .well thanks again guys I will keep you posted;)
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wife going out on saturday
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