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Controlled and directed masturbation

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What can I say except "wow"?


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He paid for 3 lap dances for me, laughing all the while as he knew the effect it would be having on my frustrated, caged clit.

How interesting! Thank you for sharing it all with us.




Posts: 142
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Hi everyone... still no orgasm for me since my pathetic attempt at pleasing my wife back at the beginning of May. I know there are lots of you out there who are locked in chastity and denied for months on end so my 2 and a half months is really nothing but believe me I am now really frustrated. The good news is (ha) my wife's bf has said I will be released on the August Bank Holiday (UK) weekend (at the end of August) so only another month to go with my tiny clit throbbing and straining in my cage. The bad news is that I know my sister and her husband are visiting friends and relatives in the UK at that time. I just hope I'm not going to be subjected to the humili@tion of having to "perform" for them again....,


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Hi you may remember from my previous posts after getting the opportunity to be allowed to make love to my wife earlier in the year, and having performed miserably, her boyfriend Tony locked my clit dick away promising that I wouldn't be released until the UK August Bank Holiday, which was last weekend. This post is to bring you up to date with what happened.

As I mentioned, we were expecting my sister and her husband to visit us from their home in Spain over the August holiday weekend and they duly arrived on the Friday evening. My wife had cooked an evening meal for them and the four of us ate together. Her boyfriend was not going to be joining us until the next day. Nevertheless the conversation soon swung around to my "predicament" (as my sister called it) and whether or not Tony would be allowing me to be released at some point. My wife said that whilst she felt sorry for me not having been able to masturbate since May she said that the decision was entirely Tony's. My sister was very interested to know all about how I felt, how frustrated had I been and that she was really hoping that I would be "allowed out" whilst they were staying with us. She laughed cruelly saying that both she and her husband had absolutely loved witnessing my total and complete humili@tion having to "perform" in front of everybody. She has never forgiven me for perving at her when we were growing up and catching me using her panties when I masturbated when we were teen@gers. She thought me being controlled and directed and no longer being the "man of the house" was all I deserved for being such a disgusting pervert.

Tony arrived the next day and the four of them spent the day together, eating, ********, chatting and laughing whilst I was told to spend most of the day up in the spare bedroom (my usual room when Tony was staying over). On the Saturday evening they all went out for a meal in town together, leaving me at home. Whilst they weren't late coming home, I had nodded off but I was woken up to the familiar sounds of my wife and Tony in our bedroom. She can be quite loud with him. And then I realised that it wasn't just her high pitched cries of pleasure I could hear. A second female voice filtered through into my room which of course was my sister. I lay back on the bed, fully awake now and listened as both my wife and sister were thoroughly seen to by their men. My tiny clit throbbed and pushed against its cage and my swollen balls ached even more.

The next morning I was summoned to the living room where they were all waiting. Tony spoke to tell me that today was going to be my lucky day. To much sniggering he told me that I would be allowed to orgasm that evening.

It was around 6.30 that evening that Tony came to my room, where I was reading, and told me to be downstairs at 7 sharp. I was to wear a T shirt and shorts.

I went down bang on 7 to find Tony and my wife sat in the 2 seater settee and my sister and her husband on the 3 seater. I was told to stand in the centre of the room facing them.

Somewhat to my surprise, it was my sister who spoke.

"Well, my little" (she emphasised the word "little") "pervert brother, we discussed yesterday how we might allow you to orgasm for the first time many weeks has it been?"

I blushed and stammered and replied saying it had been about 15 weeks.

"Your poor tiny balls must be bursting little brother knowing how much you like to play with your tiny clit" (laughing all round).

"Well, you'll be pleased to know that they will shortly be drained. You may not be so pleased to know that I shall be in charge of draining you".
I swallowed hard and looked at Tony and my wife, my face burning. They just smiled.

"Oh yes little" (that emphasis again) "brother. I want to get my own back for all the embar@ssment you put me through when we were younger, when I just knew what you were doing with my underthings, soiling then for your own perverted, dirty pleasure. God, it was so disgusting knowing you had been handling my panties and wrapping them around your penis. Well, this is payback time and I'm really going to enjoy it. Now, strip!"

There was no way to avoid what was going to happen. I knew that so I removed my T shirt and shorts until I stood in front of them naked apart from my clit cage. Seeing my tiny appendage stuffed tightly into its cage make my sister's husband ***** as he tried not to laugh too loud.

"Fucking hell" he said "You've been locked up in that for 2 or 3 months? How funny"

I looked down at the floor unable to look anyone in the eye.

My sister spoke.

"Right little boy, on your hands and knees on the floor and I want to see that bum of yours stuck out, high in the air"

I lowered myself and did as she had told me.

"Lower yourself onto your forearms I want my brother's arse on show for everyone"

I did as I was told and was now very conscious of what I must look like. My caged clit hung between my legs (well, "hung" is probably an exaggeration) and I could feel that my bum cheeks had parted slightly and so my back-hole must have been on display. My face was burning with embara@sment.

I sensed a movement behind me and as I glanced up, careful not to raise my head too much from the floor, I saw my sister stand in front of me.

"Well little pervert, today is your lucky day" and she bent down and I saw something white in her hands which she unfolded and spread out on the carpet in front of my face. I looked at the floor and saw a pair of white, cotton panties laid out in front of me. They had been turned inside out and the gusset was right there. These had obviously been worn as there was a prominent milky white stain along the centre of the gusset.

"Since you have such a fascination with my worn panties when I was younger we thought it was time for you to re-acquaint yourself with a pair. Now get your face and nose in them!"

I couldn't believe this was happening. Yes, OK I had used and ****** her panties all those years ago but now, she was an adult, she was married, and she was expecting me to sniff her panties in front of not only her but also her husband and in front of my wife, and of course my wife's boyfriend? What would they think? How could I do it?

I was startled back from my inner thoughts.

"DO IT" my sister barked landing a hard, sharp slap across my bare bum.

And so I did. I pressed my face on to the spread panties with my nose against the stained gusset. And to my shame I felt a drip of pre-cum leak from my clit and dangle towards the floor. This didn't go unnoticed.

"I think the dirty perv is enjoying your panties" said my wife.

It was at this point that I heard a snapping sound. A strange noise which I couldn't work out. I then squealed as I felt something cold drip onto my bum hole.

Another sharp slap and my sister told me to get my face back to the ground and to push my arse higher.

I then felt what I knew was a rubber covered finger (the snapping sound was my sister putting on a rubber washing up glove) spreading the cold liquid around my bum-hole. I closed my eyes and sniffed. The pussy smell was overwhelming but I am ashamed to admit I was loving it. My balls ached, my clit throbbed and pre-cum dripped and dripped and dripped.

I then felt her finger invade my exposed bum. The liquid made access easy as I felt it slide in deeper and deeper. And then I felt her curl the finger tip and start to rub against my prostate. I moaned. A little clit dick pervert sniffing and smelling his sister's panties and moaning like a little whore in heat. The finger rubbed and stroked and my clit leaked even more.

Then suddenly the finger was removed and I felt my bum hole clenching and trying to squeeze thin air. What a sight my winking hole must have been for the others to watch.

My sister stood up and moved in front of me again.

"But, little pervert brother, what I really need to do to teach you a lesson after all of these years is to make you aware of how I felt after I discovered my nice panties soiled and ****** after you had used them to pleasure yourself"

She grabbed my hair to raise my head and then bent over and in her rubber gloved hand I could see she had a condom. The knot tied at the open end of the condom was retaining its contents. She produced a pair of scissors, cut open the condom and then turned it over so that the contents ran out of the open end and dripped all over the cotton gusset. The stench of old semen hit my nose as it flowed out onto the cotton and pooled on the surface. It was not fresh. It had liquefied and was opaque and yellowish.

"This is how I use to find my panties you disgusting pervert. Sticky and slimy and sticking of old cum, and so thanks to my husband's efforts last night I can make my panties just how I use to find them. They are all yours" at which point she pushed my face down into the mess. "And you had better keep your face down unless you want a thrashing that you won't forget in a hurry"

I felt the stale semen on my face. Cold, slimy, stinking.

And then she pushed her finger hard into my bumhole and started to rub and stroke my prostate at which point my own semen, stored without release for several months, oozed and squirted from my caged clit. My bum hole clenched around her finger as my balls, deprived of orgasm for so long, pumped away. All the while I kept my face to the floor, my nose ************* sucking in the rancid old cum which last night had been pumped from her husband's cock.

And this was my release. I was told to get up, clean up and go to my room. I heard the laughter and smirking and comments as I left. The release (as those of you who have had an orgasm by having your prostate rubbed) was not in the least bit satisfying. Oh, the one good clit has been kept free. Of course I still need permission to masturbate and any release would be supervised but it feels good without the cage.


Posts: 943
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Thank you for posting ! Bravo !


Posts: 279
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Enjoy your freedom c_d as it may not last very long!
An amazing weekend for you, getting your hopes up, having them dashed in a most devilish way by your wife and sister.
Overall sounds like a very entertaining weekend....for all but you!
Many thanks for sharing with us all


Posts: 259
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Well you have to admit that you needed to be punished by your sister, didn't you? But what happens now?
Tell us.


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May I ask again? How usual are wet dreams?


Posts: 6938
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The release (as those of you who have had an orgasm by having your prostate rubbed) was not in the least bit satisfying.

It's not supposed to be satisfying at all, it's just a release. My slut does this to her husband monthly for his health, no other reason.


Posts: 142
#70 · Edited by: clit_dick
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The reason why my wife has a boyfriend......
Tiny, tiny, tiny
Tiny, tiny, tiny
Compared to a match stick
Compared to a match stick
I'll be in trouble if I don't shave properly
I'll be in trouble if I don't shave properly
Is that match stick bigger than my clit!!!
Is that match stick bigger than my clit!!!


Posts: 142
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Hi everyone

My latest "report". This happened this last weekend, Saturday evening/night to be specific.

As you know, I am allowed to masturbate but only under the supervision and direction of my wife and her bf, Tony. Occasionally, Tony will require me to "entertain" just him and I confess that when I have to masturbate just in front of him, controlled and directed by him, this is by the far the most humili@ting of circumstances. Why do I submit and do it, you may ask? Well, the option is, of course, having to wait even longer for release so like most men, my tiny clit over rules any sense of objection or rebellion my mind might have.

Saturday just gone was one of those times when he was in control without my wife being there. She was out with the girls. However, performing for him was made ten times worse because he wasn't alone. He was going out that evening with his nephew. Now, his nephew is still in his teens, just. He is a typical (?) confident, very alpha person. An arrogant n1neteen year old who knows he is God's gift women. His nephew knows all about Tony's relationship with my wife. He knows my status. When he has previously been around I have seen him eyeing her up, encouraged by Tony, then turning to me and simply sneering at me. However, as far as I know he hasn't tried on anything with her. This was the first time the two of them had come round without my wife or other family or friends being there.

They were sat on the sofa in the living room and I was summoned from the kitchen where I was clearing up and told to stand in front of them. The look on Tony's nephew's face was one of smugness, youthful confidence.

Tony spoke, saying it was time that his nephew understood why I let my wife have a relationship with him even though she was married to me. His nephew had wondered what it was all about. He told me that his nephew fancied my wife, saying he was up for having an older woman. Tony told me to strip, to show his nephew why my wife needed him.

OK, I could have said "no". I could have stood up to him but what was the point? I would probably end up doing it anyway after losing any privileges. And so I took off my T shirt and jeans, stepped out of my pants and stood before them in must my socks and cage.

On seeing me of course his nephew just burst out laughing, pointing at my clit cage and asking what the f*ck was that. Tony explained what it was and why I needed to wear it. He then reached inot his pocket, produced the key, tossed it over and told me to release myself.

Once removed, Tony said to his nephew "now you can see why his wife needs a real man" and both burst out laughing again.

I cannot begin to explain how emab@rrasing it is to stand naked in front of my wife's lover and his nephew. My clit was shrivelled up making it look even smaller. Then Tony and his nephew started talking about my wife, Tony explaining how sexy she is, how hot in bed she is, how she loves his thick hard cock ... you get the picture. His nephew drank it all in, drooling, wanting to know more, all the details of how my wife looked and acted in bed. He told Tony how he had always fancied her and asked whether she might be interested in spending some time with him. They were chatting away for so long I thought they had forgotten about me when Tony asked his nephew whether he wanted to watch something totally hilarious. Of course he said "yes" so Tony turned to me and asked me how long had it been since I had last had an orgasm. I told him 4 weeks, at which point his nephew nearly ******, "f*ck I can't do without cumming for 4 hours" laughing!

Tony continued, "well clit I think it's time for another wank for you then". He stood up, moved to his iPad, and prepared it, linking it to the TV using Apple TV. I pleaded with him not to require me to do this, not in front of his nephew, to which he simply threatened me with an extended period without release. The inevitable Cock Hero video started to play. His nephew looked at Tony wondering what was going on, but Tony just told him to watch.

The instructions came up on the screen, not that I needed to read them. I am well trained in what is required. His nephew on the other hand read them, working out what was about to happen.

The instructions faded away and Round 1, the warm-up round followed. I began stroking knowing 4 weeks without orgasm would mean I wouldn't last long, maybe 10 minutes at the most. And as I started, this arrogant confident youth just smirked and muttered humili@ting comments about me and asking Tony to set him up with my wife.

I was slightly wrong in my estimate of how long I would last. My tiny clit dribbled it's load in 8 mins and 42 seconds...........................................................


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However, performing for him was made ten times worse because he wasn't alone. He was going out that evening with his nephew. Now, his nephew is still in his teens, just.

OMG. I would have died from the embarrassment.


Christine (a sissy cuck)


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clit_dick, I hope that Tony's nephew does fuck your wife, Tony shares her with him, maybe the two of them double team her, if she's lucky. She'll fucking love it, though I doubt you will very much.


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I know bpop. As I say, having to perform just in front of him for his amusement is bad enough but when he arrived with his was SO humili@ting. More so given the confident, arrogant person he is.

And kennyboy82 I guess its inevitable, just a matter of time before Tony's nephew gets to have my wife. If she doesn't agree straight away I'm sure she will be persuaded sooner than later. And then I'll no doubt have him bragging and belittling me.


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I guess its inevitable, just a matter of time before Tony's nephew gets to have my wife.

I'm pleased you recognise the reality of the situation. If she refuses at first, just wait til Tony is fucking her and brings the subject up, she'll jump at the chance to enjoy some young and virile hard cock, bare of course. you must let us know as and when it happens.


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#76 · Edited by: bpop
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I agree with Kenny. His nephew will soon have his dick in your wife too. He will "give" your wife to him at times. And her boyfriend will make her beg for the kid's dick.

Just be glad that he's not under age.




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Hi guys... Tony was around the other day and whilst he was waiting for my wife to return home (and after I had made him a coffee and he had got himself comfortable) I tentatively (and awkwardly) asked him about his nephew. You see, the thought of his young, teen@ge nephew "wanting" my wife had been on my mind ever since I was required to perform in front of him. And if I'm honest, the comments on here didn't help ease my mind. You all seemed to think that he would eventually allow his nephew to have his way with her and I suppose I just needed to know what Tony had in mind. Would he allow it? Would he actively encourage it? Had he already spoken to my wife about his nephew?

I stuttered and stammered my way through asking Tony whether his nephew really fancied my wife and whether anything would come of it.

Tony laughed at my questions.

"Why, little clit dick, is that what you want to happen? You heard what my nephew had to say about your wife, how he would like to get inside her knickers and show her how a young stud would take care of her "needs". So, is that what you want?"

I should have known that the question would be thrown back at me! How stupid was I to even raise it. What was I going to say now?

"Come on little clit dick...tell me, and the truth or else...."

I stammered and mumbled, my face burning red.

"Speak up!"

To my utter shame I quietly said "yes".

"Yes, Tony, if that is what will make you all happy then I suppose I will have to accept it".

I knew my tiny clitty was swollen at the thought. Tony smirked, looking at my crotch (not that he would be able to see anything!) and just nodded.

"Well, who knows clitty....who knows" and which point my wife announced her arrival as she came through the front door and bounced into her lovers arms.


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He's going to fuck her, probably in front of you just to rub your nose in it (maybe literally!) and you're going to stand by weakly and accept it. They won't be using any form of contraceptives, she's going to enjoy the sensation of raw, unfettered seed splashing her womb.


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Looking forward to hearing the nephew had your wife!


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An update ... Tony spoke to me over the weekend about his nephew. He said that as "the husband" (!) it would only be right if I was the one to ask his nephew to "approach" my wife. He said as I was the one who had exchanged vows with my wife (you know, "forsaking all others" and the rest of them) then only I could condone breaking these vows and give my blessing to his nephew and "invite" him to "approach" my wife.

That was it. A short conversation. So basically, it is up to me to speak to Tony's nephew about him "having" my wife. I have to ask this arrogant, young guy (who, don't forget, has seen me "performing" for his uncle) and give him my permission to f*ck my wife. I'm not sure I have the b@lls to do this.


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clit_dick, you're forgetting something, you're a cuck, you get off on knowing or even seeing your wife being fucked by others, so despite your present misgivings you'll do it. You have an overriding desire for this to happen, despite your angst, your tiny excuse for a dick is stiff just by imagining the utter humi1iation you'll endure by asking Tony's nephew to satisfy your wife on your behalf, because you know that's well beyond your capabilities.


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Hi everyone

So... I've done it!

My wife had some time away with "the girls" this last weekend (A Madness Weekend - Madness the 80's band that is - in Minehead, UK) which of course left me at home doing my "chores" (cleaning, washing, ironing). It also meant that as it was a "girls weekend" her boyfriend, Tony, was a "free agent" so he didn't neceassily have to come round. Of course that didn't stop him!

As I have mentioned previously, the most embarrassing supervised masturbation is when it is just Tony supervising. No matter how many times it happens, I cannot get use to it. Having to strip naked in front of him and then tug my tiny clit in time with the music (Cock Hero videos for those who are new to reading my posts in this section) whilst he sits having a beer, smirking all the is so humili@ting, but at least I get to cum!

I've not been released and allowed to cum since the beginning of the month (November) and so despite my feelings, when he said he was going to call round on Saturday evening I was excited! He arrived around 6 ish and guess who was in tow... yup, his cocky, arrogant young nephew. Given that the last time he was here I had to perform in front of him it was little wonder my face turned as red as a beetroot.

"Well clitty you're probably wondering why my nephew is here"

I nodded not wanting to look either of them in the face.

"Well, I'm going to let you wank your pathetic tiny slug but first, I believe you have something to say to Matt"

I wasn't sure what Tony was getting at and looked at him puzzled.

"Didn't you want to give him your approval to do something?"

I suddenly remembered. Having heard his nephew talk about wanting to screw my wife, Tony had said that if I wanted that to happen then I had to give his nephew my "blessing". So now here he was, and Tony was waiting for me to tell Matt that he could "speak" to my wife.

"Yeah tiny cock" said his nephew " what have you got to say? Hurry up, I'm meeting the lads down town for a few Saturday night beers and to pick up some c*nt".

So cocky and confident.

And so, stammering, red-faced but with my clit throbbing in my cage and my balls tightening I asked him.

"M..M... Matt ... I heard you speaking to Tony about how you wanted to...go out with my wife and how much you... er...fancied her"

"F*cking right I fancy her...she is one hot bitch for an old 'un"

"Err... yes well...Tony said that I should be the one to give you permission, well I mean not permission but my approval to you...well, to know...."

By this time hwas laughing out loud....

"You mean you want me to f*ck your missus?"

"Er... well.... I suppose... er... yes, if that's what you'd like"

He nearly wet himself laughing.

"You OK with this Uncle?"

Tony nodded, smiling.

"I think the slut might like to try young cock"

"Brilliant! I'm up for that! Thanks clitty, I'll be in touch with her! Now got to dash... I'm going to enjoy thinking about your wife's old pussy when I'm balls deep in some young c*nt tonight" and he was off.

And so that was it. The little sod has my blessing. Of course, she may turn him down. I mean she doesnt just play around with anybody....does she?


Posts: 2117
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Wow! This is getting better. Any updates?


Posts: 142
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Hi everyone, and can I take this opportunity to wish you all a Happy New Year and may all your dreams (and fears lol) come true.

It's been a while since I last posted for which apologies but it was a busy year end, and I don't mean busy in a "life style" sense; normal life has been manic as well. But you don't want to hear about "normal" lol.

When I last updated you all I had been ************ into giving my wife's lover's nephew permission to "approach her" with a few to him f*cking her. He is such an arrogant, "God's gift to women" youth, not yet out of his teens. He knowns about my "situation" and how his uncle Tony regularly has my wife, how he is her steady lover and how my pathetic little clit is kept well away from her. He has often commented about how he wouldn't mind "shagging her" as she was "a bit of alright for an old tart". There is no doubt about his ability to bed girls of his own age and he's apparently already had quite a few despite his age.

Fast forward from the beginning of December to the Friday before the weekend before Christmas. Party time for a lot of people as they break-up from work and school (college). Matt (the nephew) was in town with his friends celebrating the end of college. A bunch of lads on the p*ss. It was quite early on, around 4 ish, and Tony and my wife were also in town doing some last minute shopping. What happened was told to me by Tony when he returned back from town without my wife.

Tony arrived back (letting himself in to "our" house) around 6 that Friday evening. I was, of course, tidying up having completed my work for the day. Cleaning, washing, ironing... I'm sure you get the picture! He came into the kitchen, dropped off the bags of shopping and started chuckling. I turned from the sink and looked at him.

"Well little one" he said "it looks as though it's your wife's lucky day"

"S...s..sorry...what do you mean? Where is she?"

"You'll never guess who we bumped in to in town?"

I shook my head.

"That young nephew of mine, out with his mates getting p*ssed after college, that's who" and he laughed again. "We had a ***** with the young 'uns and he started getting a bit touchy feely with your wife, telling her it was Christmas after all. She certainly wasn't putting up any resistance as he manoeuvred her under some mistletoe. Wow, I'm telling you clit, Matt and her didn't just go for a quick peck. Full on French I'd say and she was loving it. His mates were clapping and chanting as he swapped spit with her for what must have been 5 minutes non-stop. F*ck me it was hot. Even my cock was pulsating watching your dirty bitch of a wife making out with young Matt."

I felt my eyes tear up a little, picturing this in my mind.

"B...bu...but where is she now?" I timidly asked.

"Well, I told her to hang around and have another ***** with them if she wanted whilst I brought the shopping back. She slung her arms round my neck, kissed me, whispered 'thank you' and then went back to join Matt and his mates. Last I saw was her with a glass of wine in one hand and sitting on Matt's knee, laughing and having a jolly time!".

My heart sank. So was she really going to do it with him?

"So what's for tea tiny?"


Posts: 279
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LOL, and Happy New year to you also C-D
Its funny I was on the point of asking how your Christmas went.
After all it is a time for family, and I assumed that the whole family would have met up which, in your case, would be bound to provide a wonderful tale or five.
All the best


Posts: 142
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Hi Rover68uk ... sadly (or is that thankfully) my sister and her husband did not come over to the UK this Christmas and my dad wet over to Spain to see them so not much family around this time.


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To continue with my wife's unplanned (or was it?) meeting with Matt. She arrived back home at around 9:30 that Friday evening. As I heard her giggling as she came in I knew she had had a dr1ink or two!

Her boyfriend was still with me. After he had eaten he insisted that we "watch something on the TV" together. His choice of programme turned out to be Pornhub and we sat together watching various amateur gang-bang films, he all the while able to rub his cock and balls through his trousers whilst constantly saying things like "I wonder if this is what your wife is up to with all that young cock I left her with". He had not released my tiny clit from my cage so whilst the sight and sounds of the action on the TV had my clit twitching I was unable to harden properly.

She came in to the lounge and immediately ran across to Tony and threw herself at him as he sat on the sofa. She was slurring slightly. As she sprawled across him I looked across as the back of her skirt rode up to sit high up on her nylon covered thighs. I bent slightly to see if I could peek up higher, like some naughty little boy, in the hope of glimpsing her panties.

"Oh baby, I've had such a fun evening" she slurred.

Tony raised a hand, put it against her head trying to push her face against his, seeking out a lovers kiss, but she suddenly pulled away, pushed herself off him and stood up, a little unsteadily. Tony looked at her looking puzzled.

"Not yet hun" she said to him and then turned to where I was sat. She stood in front of me and beckoned me to stand with her finger. I slowly stood up until I was in front of her, at which point she grabbed my face with both hands and f0rcefully pushed her mouth onto mine. Her tongue pressed against my lips pushing them apart until suddenly I was enjoying a passionate, *********** French kiss with my wife!

"WTF" I thought...this hasn't happened in...well, not for as long as I could remember. However, I wasn't going to let this opportunity pass and so I kissed back, hard, tongue swirling deep around the inside of her warm, wet mouth.

After a couple of minutes (I really thought I was going to ejaculate during this) as suddenly as she started she pulled her lips away and with a hard push in the chest shoved me back into my chair.

"Thanks little one" she smirked "I just needed my mouth cleaning before taking Tony upstairs so he can screw my brains out".

I just looked.

"Oh...doesn't my tiny clit hubby understand" she said in her best mummy to little boy voice "I gave Tony's nephew a lovely blow job for Christmas and I didn't want Tony to be tasting any remnants of his sperm..yuk that would be too weird" she laughed.

Turning to Tony, as she took him by the hand and started to lead him to the stairs she said "My your nephew has an impressive cock and so much spunk in his balls...I may have to see him again, is that OK?" she pouted and both laughing they were off up stairs to our bedroom leaving me savouring the taste of her salty kiss.


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As I cleared up downstairs before going to my room for the night it was clear that my wife was extremely turned-on and horny. OK, so it is evident that sex between her and her boyfriend is always good and prolonged if the noises and sounds that come from what use to be our marital bedroom are anything to go by but that Friday, let's just say she was very vocal.

I went to my room at around 10:15pm, undressed and put myself to bed and I lay there listening to the activity in the master bedroom, my mind a whirl. I just kept imagining about what must have happened. Matt, so arrogant, God's gift, having his c0ck sucked by my wife then no doubt bragging about it to his teen@ge mates, the lads he was out with. My tiny clit pulsed away in its cage. I hadn't been allowed to play with myself since the beginning of the month when I had been required to give Matt my approval to have a go with my wife (see earlier post). My tiny marbles were full and aching, but that is, of course, the norm. Despite thoughts going round and round in my head, despite my frustr@tion and despite the sounds of lovemaking next door I finally drifted off.

On waking up the next morning I was of course first downstairs preparing the morning ***** for Tony and my wife. Coffee (black) for him, tea for her. Tony appeared in the kitchen. I was a little surprised as it is my role to take them their *****s in bed.

"Wow and fucking hell" he said "She was horny last night. She even wore me out" he laughed.

"Hope we didn't keep you awake" laughing again.

"Turns out my nephew is a chip off the old block. After I'd left them he didn't hang around seducing your wife. She said he was very 'touchy feely' so brazen in front of his mates. Showing off I guess. It wasn't long before he stood up, put his arm around her and led her away from the group telling them he wouldn't be long but he had something that needed attending to. Apparently, he then took her to the disabled toilet in the bar where he locked the door, turned around and dropped his jeans and told your wife to 'get down and show me how good your mouth is'. Of course, you know she did. Your wife says his cock and balls were, her words, 'beautiful'. Apparently he's around 7 inches and very thick with 'lovely shaped balls', her words again. Clean shaven too. And a bit of a stayer by all accounts. She can usually get me squirting within 10 minutes of her using her talented mouth but Matt lasted nearer 20 minutes. She said her jaw was well aching by the time he filled her mouth with his 'sweet tasting nectar'. Big load too. After he'd finished, up with his jeans and back they went for another ***** with his mates who cheered and slapped him on his back. No wonder she was so horny for me when she got back"

At this he picked up the two cups and went back to their room leaving me leaking into my panties.


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Hopefully a very long time before you are released again.
Droopy and Miss


Posts: 142
#90 · Edited by: clit_dick 
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Shankly....why do you wish a "very long time", why do I deserve that

Dare I even ask what you regard as being "a very long time"?
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