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Cops bust "wives only" brothel for cuckold fetishists

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Russian men have been paying big bucks to ***** with somebody else s wife.

Authorities in Moscow recently raided a brothel that only employs married women — and they charge more than six times the usual price, Central European News reports.

"A seven-room apartment had been turned into an exclusive brothel where prostitutes were allowed to work only if they brought a marriage certificate," said police spokesman Margarita Maslova.

"We arrested 11 people," she added. "Although the woman that was running the business, who they were instructed to call "mamma," managed to escape and is being hunted."

Desperate housewives had been recruited to work at the brothel by word of mouth, and most of the time their husbands had no idea they had been working as prostitutes, according to CEN.

Many of the women had chosen to cheat for cash because they wanted extra spending money, but some had been pressured by other wives who worked at the brothel, police said.

And it took a big spender to afford the services of the wedlocked ladies — because these affairs dont come cheap.

"Johns" were charged over $380 an hour to do business at the "wives only" brothel. In comparison, a typical visit in Russia would normally cost around $60 an hour.

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What a shame,it did no harm!
Rating: 6, 2 votes.
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Cops bust "wives only" brothel for cuckold fetishists
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