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Interracial Sex v.s. Cuckolding?

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I ask this out of genuine courosity rather than to create controversy. I'll add that I do not have a taboo concerning interracial sex. I ask because of the huge number of interracial sex videos without a husband present, or a wedding ring on the 'wives' finger for that matter, that are referred to as cuckolding and that I've observed that cuckolding, particularly in American produced porn depicts almost exclusively interracial sex. Foreign films have shown what we now refer to as hot wives or shared wives for some time and interracial sex makes up a much smaller percentage of their films in that genre. Although America is slowly grinding along the path of color blindness. European's general acceptance of interracial relationships is more progressive. I wonder, to what extent any of that affects what is depicted as cuckolding. I see cuckolding and interracial sex as two different fetishes. Apparently a large number of people who have one have both. My courosity is why would the color of the cock your wife chooses to fuck instead of yours be so important? In my feeble mind the fact that she would choose share herself with another man would far outweigh the inportance of the color of his cock?


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It's just that bigger cocks are , on the most part , black . Which is the cuckold fantasy , a lot of the time.
Although I totally agree that the video should have a husband participate of somehow make it known that the bbc is someone other than the husband/boyfriend


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While there is a tendency in the US to have less racial prejudice, it is still there.
As a result there is something in interracial cuckolding that is a touch dirtier, more evil. more dangerous.
The majority of Black Men are gentle, respectful, and loving with women.
There is that minority that is of "the hood". They view white women as toys to be used and discarded.
A lot of men of other races have this same view.
But there is something historically edgy about Blacks dominating whites and even destroying them sexually that sparks a urge of sexual excitement.


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Of course it is a cultural thing. The thrill of the forbidden, etc. and in the US, with a long history of racial apartheid (in the South), there are still remnants of this in the mindset, even with people who are quite progressive and open minded. They know that there are others, many others, who will look down on them for interracial dating, people who will disapprove, and that is thrilling. Look at the German cuckold sections. The "bulls" always have Turkish names. There, Turks are the forbidden outsiders, rumoured to be virile and sexually more capable. A white German woman looks like a whore if she dates a Turkish man (in many people's eyes), so the taboo creates the thrill.

Having said that, my wife is form Poland and she has always found black men attractive, just like some women find tall men attractive, or muscular men, or whatever. Me, I like plump, well rounded women who are short and a bit dominant.....


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The lover having a bigger cock is a cuckold staple. That black men are consistantly larger is certainly the conclusion which is promoted.

But there is something historically edgy about Blacks dominating whites and even destroying them sexually that sparks a urge of sexual excitement.

That certainly does play into some of the dynamics of cuckolding. The wife is submissive to the dominant bull, he doesn't just have sex with her, he dominates and uses her to the point her desire to have sex with a lesser man is destroyed.

Well said, cultural taboo certainly is at the core of the racial dynamic.

Thank you all for your comments


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You said's was and still is considered taboo. A black man owning your wife infront of you. The contrast in skin, and the precived notion of larger cocks.

Mostly because it's something that white men fear... there lovley white wife getting fucked by a dominate fat cocked lover.

It is what it is, it was fantasy and now reality in some cases.

If it was normal and something that everyone was doing half wouldnt have the fantasy would they?


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#7 · Edited by: bravo
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prejudice combined with professional porno-labes which can use 1 shooting for 2 fetishes. conditioning did the rest.


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While black men, on the average, are probably bigger that white men, on the average, I dated a black woman years ago who confided that her ex-husband, a 6' 4" black man, had a tiny cock, about 4". Mine is about 6.5", and she was quite happy with it during our year-long relationship.


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Yes, zinc03, interracial and cuckolding are two separate fetishes.

Loss of status is a big theme in BDSM fetishes such as cuckolding where the status loss involves losing your privileges as a husband to another man. You can intensify this loss of status by mixing in various other BDSM fetishes. For instance, some might like to have the husband crossdress or perform homosexual acts or be chastised or castrated. Others might like to fantasize that the man who "takes" their partner from them is more fit or more socio-economically privileged (like a boss.) Others prefer that the "other man" have fewer social advantages, the implication being that your scandal is intensified by losing out to someone lower in the societal pecking order. Examples include the idea of blue-collar or menial workers with the wives of professional, or teen-agers and other youth, or non-whites with the wives of white men.

The key to the erotic charge is the undeniable reality that white males are more privileged in Western societies than non-white males. Psychological baggage that we all (black and white) carry around about "miscregenation," or "black licentiousness," or race based penis size can add to that charge. These notions are false (yes, probably even about penis size, people;) relics of racist ideologies of the past, but they remain woven deeply into our culture and upbringings and so are excellent fodder for our dark fantasies.

So think of interracial not as cuckolding itself, but as an intensifier of the experience of being cuckolded like mistress-slave play or sissification can be.
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Posts: 1418
#10 · Edited by: Zinc03
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Thank you for your comments.
Short and on point, thanks.
I've chosen not to list the statistical realities on the thread because I was more interested in why people so frequently comingled the two fetishes rather than the degree of accuracy behind their perceptions. I do appreciate your permisteral experience which is certainly not statistically unique.
I'd expect no less from you. Your post brings up other fetishes which are often combined cuckolding. There is an obvious BDSM connection with cuckolding so the combination of fetishes such as those you mentioned seems a natural evolution.
So think of interracial not as cuckolding itself, but as an intensifier of the experience of being cuckolded like mistress-slave play or sissification can be.

Perhaps that is what it all comes down to, the combined fetishes are 'intensifiers', sissification increases the excitement for some while it might do nothing or even be a negative for others. The same may be true of mistress-slave play, etc. While some may not find interracial sex as an 'intensifier' it seems clear that a majority on this board do. Of course others view it and other combine fetishes which don't push their permisteral buttons negatively rather than positively.

I do find it interesting that the vast majority of women who have extra marital sex do so within their given race, yet cuckolding as promoted depicts the opposite and that seems to be the preferrence of most. One of the beauties of fantasy, to each their own.


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I think for me, fantasy-wise, the interracial side lends itself well to the sense of "other." It's easy in pictures or videos to see homoracial couples as coupled, where as an interracial couple is much easier to view as one party going outside an established relationship.

Which, of course, is one of the complaints folks make about interracial cuckold porn in that it fetishizes a bit of racisim, basically implying that interracial couples couldn't possibly be married. So I should state that I really don't have that belief, but I do have an easier time imagining "other" when it comes to those couples.
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Interracial Sex v.s. Cuckolding?
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