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Letter sent to agony aunt's page about 21 year old son

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I was reading a letter published in a British newspaper Agony Aunts’ page over the weekend sent in by a concerned lady about her 21 year old mister. The lady said that whist cleaning her mister’s bedroom she’d discovered several porn mag’s and a pair of stockings and suspenders. She also said of how he was a shy boy with no friends and never went out much. The worried mum wanted to know if she should mention what she found to her mister, and what was the best to do. The agony aunt said she should not mention the finds and instead try to get the boy to socialise more.

Those of us with small cocks will I’m sure recognise what is going on here with this young man. Undoubtedly he is masturbating whist wearing the stockings and suspenders. No doubt a small cocked submissive who loved to fantasise about being feminised and controlled.

What I believe the lady MUST do is to confront her mister about her discoveries. No matter how humiliating it might be for her mister, she MUST make him tell her everything. If as I suspect he is wearing the stockings and suspenders, I would advise the ladys to allow the mister to wear them 24/7 as a punishment! Also examining his cock size would also be very beneficial. Anything around 4 inches or less and the lady must take full control of her mister.

Actions I would advise the lady to take would include. 1,feminisation including the shaving off of all of his body hair. 2, fitting him with a cock cage to control his masturbation. 3, educating him in the art of pussy eating(this could be done by herself or another lady under her supervision)

Finally to cure his shyness I would reveal his secrets to other women such as Aunt’s, neighbours and possibly other women of his age(girls he was in school with)

What do other posters think should happen?


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In an Ideal world Mothers would make very quick intervention in such matters!
but we do not live in an ideal world and most ladys would react in just the way
the letter writer has or just ignore the problem!
But there are some ladys that do interviene and in the long run they are doing everyone
a great service.
For a woman to find that her mister has a very small penis is shattering! ladys hope for a
fine strapping lad who will further the family gene's.
Most women who would take direct action will already have got rid of the man in all likleyhood
due to his underendowment or inability in giving her the sex she needs and now she is faced with the
second dissapointment of finding out her mister is sexually rubbish as well.
And no lady wants the finger pointing at her from other females that she has brought into the world a little dicked runt.
For that small group of ladys that do take control they are doing the world a valuble service.
The production of the feminised sissy starts here.
I know that my lady was very influential in my coming to terms with the sissy in me and the efforts she went to in teaching me the things I could be good at.


Posts: 247
#3 · Edited by: ukwankerboi
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This is a given -

Undoubtedly he is masturbating whist wearing the stockings and suspenders.

and at his age and having started using such props, he will by now be a compulsive wanker. The agony aunt in saying leave him be with no confrontation is overlooking that his addiction to masturbation will get worse. This young man - really a boi - will lack the maturity, self-discipline and sense to control for himself what is in him a dirty habit, preventing him fulfilling himself as a sexual being.

For those reamisters, I think your suggestions seem a good thing Johnboy. At the least, some regulation of his masturbatory action must be accomplished and fitting a cock cage would have an immediate and big effect on the boi. His 'at home' attire should in future include his stockings and suspenders as a matter of routine I would say. Dressed like that, shaven and with his cage fitted, he would present a spectacle to visitors and perhaps part of disciplining him and adjusting him to his new, more natural for him life would require him to be present when his lady entertained friends and neighbours.

Your idea that his secret should be revealed to girls his own age is essential I think - so he may form a relationship suited to his interests and abilities with one of them. I would think though that any female should be made aware of his condition, even neighbourhood teens if they show interest. Most of them, if they think about him at all at the moment will assume he is a wanker so the extra information about him will be the only surprise.

He perhaps needs to make some friendships with other lads around his age. He could not expect that they would not know all about him too though. Perhaps his lady could consider having one or two young men stay at her home as lodgers - maybe offering accommodation to students. At the least her mister could then see up close how real men behave and no doubt discover what they think of wankers like him. Can't be avoided in the long run so it would be a good thing and help his adjustment from his secret life to openly admitting his state.


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The lady should find one of her female friends who is open minded enough to take the mister under her wing and educate him in the joys of real cunt. Supported in this way he may yet mature to be a bull. Big cock is a handy extra for a bull but not the whole story. I am averagely endowed but have been a bull to many couples. As the Mothers of Invention used to sing your mind is the sexiest part of your body. Sub/dom, BDSM is as much about confidence, attitude and invention as the physical.


Posts: 373
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Great idea's from the both of you. I only wish my own lady had caught me wearing her undies when i lived at home. I can't imagine the bliss of becoming my lady male maid whist kept under lock and key 24/7


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At 21 sissies can be put on hormone therapy in the UK.

There was a case in Germany were a wise lady got government approved hormone therapy for her young blonde sissy. Eventually, I'm sure other countries will provide it as well.
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Letter sent to agony aunt's page about 21 year old son
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