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New twist from the wife!!

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Well as many may know I am a cuck, my wife openly sees black guys and cucks me. She has also been seeing quite a few guys behind my back. If you read back you will see I posted a story about the first time I got cucked by a black guy. That was several years back. Well apparently my wife has been seeing him regularly since that time and I had no idea. Last night she told me that she has been seeing several guys I was not aware of and one is this guy from the story. She also told me one of my misters coaches is fucking her but would not tell me which one.
So anyway last night she told me she wants to have this black guy, the one from the story, over to our house for dinner!!! Well I have NEVER been allowed to watch and she told me no guys would ever come to our house. To top this off she gave me his number and told me I have to invite him over!!! SO I texted him and he said he is OK for tomorrow eve at 6pm. I let my wife know this. She told me to text him back that I(me)will be cooking them dinner then after dinner I will do the dishes then leave the house so they can have privacy until I am told to return!!!!!!!!!!
Hopefully it will be great night and I will update after it all happens


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She sounds delightfully cruel, looking forward to more on this


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Enjoy the offense and do all she wants


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Sounds exciting! I hope you have a creampie waiting for your desert.
Cuck who loves a creampie.


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Ugggggg he had to cancel tonight. His wife was supposed to be going out with friends so was going to be freed up but her plans fell through so it is a nogo tonight. My wife was bummed as well. Told me she was so ready for him to fuck her in our bed and make me relax in their wet spot...she was serious too. So we will try to replan for another evening.


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He texted again this eve telling me he is so bummed that he could not make it. But he did tell me he has been fucking her at least once a month for the past year or so..and she has enver told me!

The good new is tonight she actually is going to let me fuck her!!! Said she will egt her whip out and use me a bit first then I can fuck her as long as I make it quick


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Hi jewelssubhub,
I hope you had fun last night, and that there aren't too many bruises!

Honestly, there are occaisions when I think that you are just making all this stuff up. You put up with things that I could never stand, indeed you get excited and get off on some things that would I could not stand. But then you write of so many things that are so true-to-life and analogous to my own situation that I know that you are for real. And I suppose it would be the height of self-centered hypocrisy for one Cuckold to find fault with the particular details of how another Cuckold enjoys being a Cuckold. That'd be bullcuckolds brownie, and I am not doing so, I just know that in Lisa's and my relationship the lines are drawn a little bit (but not a whole lot, really) differently.

Here's to enjoying the horns and the naughty wives who put them there!
Old Enough to know better...but I don't!


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Would love to hear about when he comes over.


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Ha no need or time to make stuff up. I never saw the point of people making up stories. Anyway last night was a complete bust. First the guy had to cancel which I had sated earlier so my wife was going to let me have sex with her. Well as we got into the evening we ended up havnig a fight over some really stupid stuff so I slept on the couch. We are back fine today but she is still not in the mood for sex after our fight. So maybe tomorrow. She has a date set up this week with one of her regular guys so things will look up for sure.

I have read a lot of stories on this board and you can tell the BS ones...that is why I like your threads gsndhyte..they seem very real and real life stuff in there so it is not that constant fake fuck fest
Rating: 9, 3 votes.
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New twist from the wife!!
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