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Hate To Say It, But I Think My Daughter Has Picked Up Mom's Habits

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I guess we all envision that our flowers and misters will be something that they don't end up being. I never envisioned that my flower would take up mom's habits, but it makes sense I guess. They are amazingly alike as far as permisterality and attitude go. But lately she is starting to show a tendency to take up mom's multiple-man loving habits. She had a steady boyfriend for a bit, but the whole time time they were going steady she complained about everything about him from how he eats to how immature he is until she finally made an excuse and broke up with him. In the 2 weeks since she broke up with him she has been on 4 dates with 4 different guys. Two of the dates were to just "go hang out" and I think I know what that means. As soon as she gets home from a date she immediately goes and showers, something her lady does too. I guess it is a good thing that her mom got her on birth control a few years ago.
40's MWC In Need Of Hung Bulls - Any Race
I love to be humilated over my little 3 inch dick.
I watch you bareback her then I clean up.


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There are two things I don't follow:

1. She is not currently going steady with anyone, you say (having dumped the last boyfriend), so she is dating. What is so unusually "multi-man" about that. Here in the US, that is what people do when they aren't steady with someone - they play the field and go out with all kinds of guys (or gals) until they find themselves seeing someone often enough that they decide to go exclusive. That's normative. It is apple pie and ice cream. It being 2012, and not 1962, the fact that the dates might often involve sex is likewise normal.

I also don't see how this is taking after her mom, unless your wife is actually your ex because she dumped you to live the single lifestyle. Because what would be taking-up mom's habits would be if your flower DIDN'T break-up with the boyfriend, but just decided to supplement on the side while still introducing the ex as her boyfriend.

2. Why would you "hate to say it," if it was true. You seem worried that your flower might be a strong, self-confident, sexually assertive woman not held back by antique prejudices and conventions. Isn't that what every good man wants his little girl to become? I really don't understand.
Pantalone, Wittol, oblate, abnegator, fellator, pathic, irrumatiophile,fop, epicene, cotquean, skivvy, thrall, and pilgarlic.


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1. She is displaying her lady's tendency to prefer more than one guy in her life. In and of itself that does not mean that she is taking on her lady's habits, but she certainly isn't displaying an opposite pattern of tying herself to one guy.

2. I hate to say it because we live in a small-town area where reputations are built and lost based on rumor and gossip. My wife preserves her local reputation by being highly secretive and selective and mostly relaxing with guys that are out-of-towners or relaxing with guys while she is out of town. Teenagers talk and high school chatter is worse than any other gossip.
40's MWC In Need Of Hung Bulls - Any Race
I love to be humilated over my little 3 inch dick.
I watch you bareback her then I clean up.


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I think you'll find that you are a bit out of touch with evolving adolescent mores. Playing the field is, as I said, normative. Having multiple occasional partners (what decades ago would have been called promiscuous) is also fairly conventional among US teens today. Indeed, shopping around by having sex with different partners when out of wedlock/LTR is completely conventional and normative behavior for US teens AND adults today.

Teens do talk, but, and I mean no disrespect, I don't think you know what they say or think. It can be different place to place, and perhaps you live in an area that is out of step with the times; but "relaxing around" is not, generally speaking, the prejorative that it was once in our society. (By the unattached that is. It continues to be frowned upon for those in committed relationships, obviously. Although even here it doesn't have the charge it once had.)

If you are truly worried about the potential blow-back for her, I suggest that you have a heart-to-heart with her about your concerns, urging her to use discretion and to be careful about peer opinion. (you might also make sure she is being careful in other ways if you haven't already.) Be respectful and not lecturing, however: She is more of an expert on what her peers do or would think than you are. Beyond that, be ready to stand by her side and reassure her in the unlikely event of peer bullying or other nastiness.

If she is relaxing around the way you say, I assume she is in High School, so in a couple of years she will be going away to college in any event.
Pantalone, Wittol, oblate, abnegator, fellator, pathic, irrumatiophile,fop, epicene, cotquean, skivvy, thrall, and pilgarlic.
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Hate To Say It, But I Think My Daughter Has Picked Up Mom's Habits
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