Posts: 88
Well we have a new next door neighbor a older guy 60's decent looking single.He's always trying to chat me up checks my boobs and ass out etc.We share one main door then A side and B were A. So me and hubby were having a play when he said what do i think of the old guy next door.I said umm he's ok he asked me if i would fuck him that was a yeah.Its a long time fantasy to get used by a neighbor plus i love older men.So he said for me to get him over to ours and start fucking him.When he's at work all he wants is pics of me and old dude in action.Know Ive tried to get this guy to come over but he just isn't falling for it.I have worn a very short skirt with stockings no gstring bent over showed him my pussy.All he said was mmmm i said come over now he just says he doesn't want to cause issues.So what can i do to persuade him? hubby and i still want that cheating element.Any ideas i could just go next door dressed in a fuck outfit or naked?What do guys think?.
Posts: 2
I think I am 41 - if you give me your address I will come over!!! Is that old enough for you?
Posts: 2
But seriously, he might just be a gentleman and not understand the lifestyle. Have you tried to come out and ask him?
Posts: 88
No haven't asked him up front but i might have to as he is not getting the signals.I was thinking of going over today dressed slutty.Showing him some of my oral s*******s and explaining what we want.I know he's got a big cock seen the outline when wears shorts.So being an older guy and me in my mid20's wonder if he will be keen.Any other ideas?
Posts: 385
I think you figured it out already. At his age he's past those old days of letting his cock do the thinking. My wife is into older guys and we see the same thing.
Now you lay your cards on the table and you'll enjoy all the fucking you want.
Posts: 362
It may be that he has impotency issues. You should ask directly if you really want to, but don't push the issue if his answers are evasive, it may not be something he wants to reveal. Old Enough to know better...but I don't!
Posts: 73
I'm 61 and would LOVE to have that opportunity!!! But other posters are correct, you need to be pretty direct with us, otherwise, we tend to be gentlemen, and to think you are just toying with us (and we enjoy that, too). So be direct! And come see me in PA!!! 
Posts: 2117
I think he would be keen! he may be worried about how your hubby would react. So you husband could have a conversation with him and let him know that he is a cuckold. let us know how it goes.
Posts: 2117
Is he white or black?
Posts: 251
I try to never pass up any kind of opportunity these days. I'm 62 and know there aren't going to be many more, and it doesn't bother me if I can only last a minute or so, I'll get her off any way I can. I can get it up just fine, but I don't get much at home, so I usually cum really fast. That's humiliating for sure, but I can usually get hard again fairly fast, and use my mouth in between.
Some guys just don't recognize the opportunities, and others are just way too picky. I'm generally sub to women and will do anything I'm asked, within reamister. Natural Born Cuckold
Pussy-Free For Life starting 02-26-2017, 2633 days as of 05-13-2024
Posts: 88
Ok now the update well hubby went to work today so i'd thought i'd try my luck.So at midday i heard him at home so got ready.Just wore jeans and a booby showing top took a condom too just in case lol.Went over had a pre plan so knocked on his door just me the girl from next door.He oped up i just said i had to ask him a few questions noise.Cause we will be having a get together soon he told me to come and have a seat.We chatted for a while he offered me a take redbull.So he's from the uk 57yrs old divorced use to be a lorry/truck driver and white. He asked about me and my hub.While looking around i noticed a dvd collection with a few movies but i looked closer.A few were porn Big titty milfs & backdoor somthing etc about ten or so. I commented nice dvds he replies feel free to borrow some or watch them here?suddenly he thanked me for the little flash i gave him.I went red hot and horny i asked him why he didn't take me on my offer to come over.Long story short he didn't want to have hubby beat him up and he has a flower that looks similar to me etc.So i told him about us but he just said he enjoys a perve/feel even told me he jerks off listening to me and hubby fuck through the walls.But couldn't help in the sex department but wouldn't mind having me flash him more i said only if he shows me his cock lol.So turns out its not going to happen oh well were moving soon end of the year so new neighbors hmmmm.
Sucks thou this has been two times i have had the chance for this fantasy to come true.First time it was a younger stud hubbys age but was to chicken for bj while my man watched.
Posts: 414
Oh thats a bummer. I was hoping it would happen.
Posts: 2117
#13 · Edited by: brainbox1
Shame to hear that he could not help. May be some of the younger studs in the neighbourhood would be happy to help out 
Posts: 241
I'm sure there are a lot of 50-somethings out there that would love to help you out (I'm 57)! He may also be really shy and can't believe a beautiful younger woman would want him. Maybe if you flash him more and really put it out there, he'll say "what the hell", and go for it! Wishing you luck!
Posts: 88
Thanks but yeah seems like a dead end.The young studs here are not my type or thing some can't keep quite about a good thing etc.Maye when im a old slutwife il use young studs but i prefer older. Yes shall54 any ideas on what to do?
Posts: 88
This is what view he got when i flashed him but he didn't bite lol.
Posts: 3098
Great looking pussy! I would give you a whole 30 seconds of pure bliss... 
Posts: 241
You've flashed him (beautiful pussy by the way), you've told him that your husband is cool with it, you're obviously good looking and he knows you want him...He's a hard nut to crack! I could see if you have a strong resemblance to his flower then that might be it, but then I wouldn't think he would enjoy you flashing him.
He may have a performance issue, he may be afraid of not being able to get it up and being embarrassed. I would keep flashing him, get to know him to where he's comfortable confiding in you, then let him know you would take it real slow...
You'll be giving me some nice fantacies tonight, thanks!
Posts: 100
My wife 41 has a big crush on the neighbor, he's 24 but does not live there, he visits maybe once a month, he come over and talks to me sometimes, What can she do to show him she's interested.
Posts: 924
gchornycouple ooooh, i'd have loved a bite at that pussy
Posts: 54
Wow, very nice pussy. I'm saving that image.  He's crazy not to take you up on your offer!
Posts: 88
Thank you guys for the nice comments well it's been awkward a bit bumping in to each other.But last night after hubby left to go over to a mates place.I get a knock at the door who is it lol well turns out he wanted a chat a was il come over in five minutes.So i jumped in to the shower and got ready hair make up etc.What to wear went with a push up bra small top a school girl mini skirt me hubby use it for role play and stockings.No underwear lol so it took 20mins now i went next door.He answered the door and let me in he looked like he had been takeing he said nice looking outfit you have on.I said thanks he replied it reminded him off an old school tart that used to suck him off at her dads shop back in the uk.So here i was excepting a suck/fuck etc but no he offers me and hubby at deal. He tells me he pays a $60 to some local Asian whores for a blow/hand job and a feel up every now and then no sex.He asked if me and my hubby would be keen to make some extra cash for my servicing?He said he likes to do it in his bedroom in the pitch black darkness no condoms and me to be fully nude.Tells me he lasts for around 20-30mins likes to explode everywhere so i might get hit lol.So i haven't spoken to hubby yet but what do you reckon about the offer?.He said take my time to decide i left but i was so horny and wet mmmmmmmmm.
Posts: 661
What's to think about? Take the offer!!
Posts: 430
Tongue in cheek, sort of. Either have him put it away for some future present for you ... or donate it to some charitable group that works with "wayward girls."
Posts: 88
So thought i'd let you guys now whats new so far.Told hubby he gave me the thumbs up he was rather fond of the idea.Saying how much more would he pay for my pussy?.I think he gets off on the idea lol.So i will having a talk to Roger our neighbor and agreeing with his first offer wish me luck.
Posts: 241
Wishing you luck! It's a start which hopefully you can manipulate into more (maybe convince is a better word). Thanks for keeping us informed.
Posts: 312
Looking forward to hearing how it all went.
Posts: 241
Any luck convincing Roger that he should go for it?
Posts: 414
So have you sucked his cock yet?
Posts: 88
Hey all you horny guys thought I'd post an update on my status.Well me and Roger have been busy it started with quick blowjobs behind my hubbys back far as he knows we don't even talk and him cumming on my tits then progressed to my face and then out of the blue one day he stuck his cock in me no condom and pretty much just used my pussy while i lay there.Man he can fuck he for a old man he was a bit rough and blew a very gooey load in me that was like a few weeks ago since then.He fucks me raw most weekends or the a few nights when hubbys at work or with his friends.I love it he gets really rough when he's about to blow some times he goes two rounds even calls me his little slut.I am on the pill so i let him blow in me every chance i get his cum is a bit sour for me so i prefer a sticky cream pie.He wants to open my ass hole but im just to tight and last time he made me cry so i told him to stop.We have talked about letting one of his takeing buddys have a go with me too but that hasn't gone any further hes a big bloke used to drive trucks so has a lot of experience.But as he is old fashioned and doesn't like to share and take pics etc scared they will end up on the net lol.
I am also in the progress of trying to seduce a young Asian guy that lives close to us.