At last some HOPE! Those of you who have read my posts have heard me tell some of my experiences with my wife when we were in the cuckolding lifestyle. Since I get off on revealing my private permisteral sex life, every story was 100% true. No fantasy, no exaggeration, just the way it was when it happened. I also complain about the fact that my wife suddenly seemed to lose all interest in fucking other men - OR ME!! I don't know why this happened but it may have had something to do with her gaining quite a bit of weight due to a change in her work situation. Since then things changed once again and now she has lost most of the excess weight she put on.
Being the perverted horny bastard that I am, today I took the opportunity to bring up the possibility of our returning to the "couples clubs" and her dressing up sexy like in the old days. (2-3 years ago) Up until today I had given up all hope of revisiting those super hot experiences when I watched my wife give her pussy away to other fuckers.
My situation is that my cock is under 4 inches long, I can only fuck for about 60 to 90 seconds before I have to cum and, finally, she has been drastically reducing the pussy I get. Now I am lucky if she gives me a mercy fuck every 3 months. She never cums with me now. Never.
Today I asked her if we might spice up our sex life by going out to some of the places we used to. I was SHOCKED when she said she would consider it! WOAH!!
This little dicky is looking forward to fun times again!

What do you think people? Did she stop cucking me because she gained the weight? What is my best strategy now? I love her and don't want to lose her but sex was white hot when I was sharing her hot body with others.
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