Posts: 72
It's been a while since I've been around here and a lot has happened in that time, most noticeable my new girlfriend. Me and the ex are apart while she travels the world so time to move on from that one! Okay so basically I want to nudge my girlfriend in the direction of the cuckolding life style. She's 19 and studying at a uni away from me so very seldom do I see her during term times, but when I'm there she's always out at clubs etc, perfect places! Trouble is that she is very into me and only me, which is of course a good thing but I can't help but want to see her taken by other men! She's adventurous, she knows what I'm into and very much enjoys my cleaning her up after sex but this is where the trouble starts!
I LOVE licking her clean after sex, trouble is, when I'm finished I loose most of my urge and enjoyment to do it. I still do it but it's just not as fun somehow. We've lightly spoken about her relaxing with other men and bringing me back the sticky mess but she didn't sound too happy, she was open and spoke about it with me but despite my best efforts in talking it up to her she wasn't that interested! Any advice on how I can show her it's okay in my eyes? Or how I could convince her?
Posts: 9
Continue to want to clean her and let her know what it does to you, while cleaning your mess tell her in a romantic way what you want while hitting the hot areas...she will eventually start. At the clubs encourage her to dance with others and tease her then please her, make sure she know this is what would please you but don't pressure her she will start to resist at that pont. Take your time and work it and it will payoff at the end will a loaded reward.
Posts: 72
Good advice! I'll work on it! She's into pretending so at the moment just after I fill her up she snaps her knickers back up and leaves the room, she will come back in a few mins and pretend she's just been "out with the girls" and will either let me discover or make up a story and tease me with it! So she seems kinda comfy about the idea of fucking other guys! I'll keep you posted!
Posts: 1285
In my experience, a women's hesitation or distaste for cuckolding almost always comes from some combination of three factors:
1. Suspicion (of your sincerity, self-awareness, motives, etc.) Men say they want things, but they are often don't when it actually happens. (As she has already seen with you and your own creampie. Is it unreamisterable for her to think that you will not find her fucking someone else so delightful or easy to accept after you get off?) Also, men sometimes say they want something, but actually have a secret (conscious or ***) agenda. (Many men who are seeking, for instance, license to relax around themselves have started by encouraging their partners to go first. Likewise it is a not uncommon strategy for blame-averse guys seeking an excuse to break-up.)
2. Self-image. Cuckolding is your fantasy, not hers. As a very generalized proposition, guys tend to think something like "who wouldn't want lots of sex partners," but many women are wired and/or conditioned differently. Women often worry that indulging in such ("dirty," "naughty," etc.) behavior makes them a bad permister. (Promiscuity is bad. Exploiting you is bad. Breaking social taboos is bad. Etc.) Even if intellectually they reject this and are "tolerant" of other peoples choices, there is a question of how they see themselves. Women with healthy self-esteem rarely see themselves as "sluts," (or even as "dominating bitches" or the like.) Pillow talk about cuckolding is one thing; it is a fantasy shared by you as a couple in the bedroom - and in many cases it you is something she does for you and not so much her own stimulation - but actualizing it is something else. In the mind of many women, talking your fantasy makes her a good girlfriend - actually fucking around makes here something else. (A more complicated level of this is when women do not see themselves as someone with a boyfriend/husband who would be into that kind of thing. Many women simply don't like to think of their man as weak, submissive, defeated, humiliated, replaced, etc. That isn't the kind of man a woman like she is supposed to have/want.)
3. Plain disinterest. On of the most popular male myths about women is that they love the game of seduction. Men tend to think this because dating rituals put a lot of the onus on them and women seem to have it easy from the male perspective. They do not experience it that way. Going out and finding a lover, fucking someone, managing their expectations and opinions of you, managing the after effects or interactions, other people's opinions if (when) it gets out, etc. - is work. She is already working hard - and has invested a lot - with you. Why would she want double duty going out to get another guy; putting up with his psychodrama, balancing the two of you, etc.? Intriguing as the idea of getting some different fucking then you can give her might be, she likely is sage enough to know that it has a cost.
It seems to me that you need to turn all your intellectual powers onto understanding your girlfriend - what the mix and nuances of her inhibitions on this font are, what her own fantasies, fetish, and arousal buttons are, (and she has some dark ones - even if she has trouble admitting them,) what her hopes and dreams for her future and for the two of you together are. Then you can go about reassuring her on her specific fears, working to entwine her fantasies with your cuckolding so that they grow together in mutual hotness, and demonstrating to her how indulging in this activity helps advance her other life/couple goals.
(As a for instance, my own wife needed - among other things - assurance that I would grow to resent her for cucking me, that I wouldn't think less of her. She was turned on by guy-on-guy sex and by being dominated. She wanted to know that I would would provide the emotional, financial, and social stability of marriage, not flit off. I convinced her of my sincerity and then provide her with such positive reinpowerment that she came to believe it; I showed her that cucking would allow her to get them dominance she couldn't get from subbie me and the opportunity to see me submit to guys [this was not big in my fantasies initially, but was in hers, so it became a mainstay], and I assured her that I would never leave her and would stay loyal and at her beck and call even if she ever decided to leave me.)
Good luck with this. I think you are on the right track with honest conversations with her. As you deepen your trust and intimacy, I think that you have a better chance of getting her to do it. When she sees how important it is to you AND that it is no threat to her own wants and needs AND that partnering with you is quite rewarding in other ways, she'll find a way to accommodate so that you can grow together. That is what successful couples do. Pantalone, Wittol, oblate, abnegator, fellator, pathic, irrumatiophile,fop, epicene, cotquean, skivvy, thrall, and pilgarlic.
Posts: 72
That's an amazing load of advice. Thank you, thank you very much! I certainly do let her take the lead in the fantasy to see how she enjoys it. Not sure on where it'll go, my previous GF would just relax with other guys without my input really, she was just a slut! It wasn't her 'cuckolding' me as such, just more cheating on me, that was until I began to notice and made it clear that when she came back from 'partys' she shouldn't clean up in the bathroom but in fact let me do it! But my new GF isn't like that, it will take my input, which I lack the experience and knowledge to back up, this really helped.
Posts: 1285
Honest sharing of your fantasies - in detail - helps build the relationship and gives her better ideas of what would turn you on. You don't have to be prescriptive ("I'd like you to do this,") just see if you can get her into the idea of the two of you exchanging deep, filthy fantasies. Go first and don't push her. Even if she doesn't open up, your sharing your deepest fantasies will draw you closer. She'll know you better and appreciate you trust and willingness to be vulnerable.
You might also discrete manage to bring to her attention two facts:
1. Cuckolds are nesters. Because so much of their kink is dependent on being in the relationship, they tend to be devoted to deep long-term relationships, rather than looking for new or novel partners.
2. That cuckolding is only a turn-on when the guy really cares for the girl. (Seeing some girl you don't know or care about getting nailed is not a cuckold turn-on.) So the fact that you want it with her means you must have feelings.
It may help. Good luck. Pantalone, Wittol, oblate, abnegator, fellator, pathic, irrumatiophile,fop, epicene, cotquean, skivvy, thrall, and pilgarlic.
Posts: 72
Such good advice. I put it into practice, reassuring her that I see myself marrying her as I genuinely feel that way, as does she! There were worries of me using it as blackmail to relax around but I think I've demonstrated my reamisters for wanting it enough. She's excited that she gets to play and I have the same fun as she does but I stay in the relationship, she loved the element of being "one up" on me!
We're at the stage of pretending with my leading most of it such as setting the roles, and she slips into whichever roll I give her.
Tonight were going out to a club that's new to us both. She's picked out a very nice outfit so we can experiment about how other guys respond to her, not sure about whether she will try to play the single card or say she's relaxing around but has a boyfriend or something, we don't want to scare anyone away!
I'm really excited but nervous also. My ex made all the calls last time and had I objected, she'd have been out the door, this is different, I have played a huge part in setting this up, I hope I enjoy the result. I hope that when she comes home just-fucked from my doing that I enjoy cleaning her up and listening to her recount the events as much as I'd imagined. Maybe I should watch the sex happen, but then we need a willing third party...finding one on a random night out may be though! I don't want her hurt.
Thanks again
Posts: 59
Love to hear how things went with the clubbing. Did anything happen? Did she turn some heads? Did she enjoy the attention?
Posts: 264
Great story!! Keep us posted;)
Posts: 72
wooha It was interesting! I let her dress how she would normally because I wanted to show her how guys find her naturally hot, she wore a dress and heels and had her hair down, she looked awesome. I'll try get some pics if she's up for it.
We got to the club and straight away I could notice a few guys whos attention she had caught straight away. After a few takes she really started to loosen up, she's a party girl and certainly doesn't need me to take her on the dancefloor (not that type really) so she danced over to the floor and I decided a few rounds of takes would be a good idea!
I could see from the bar that she had a few guys dancing around her, one was very bold and was grinding up against her and she was playing a long! This was pretty hot to see, but normal behavior really haha. She let them do the usual guy stuff and grab her tits and thankfully she was actually encouraging it all!
Shortly after she found her way back over to me and was looking very hot and a little sweaty and came looking for her take, I joked that I hadn't enough for her friends which she laughed off and headed back over to the dancefloor.
The night carried on with the guys trying to food around with her and the usual takes club stuff, she even got a kiss but this wasn't her doing really! Was hot though.
It got interesting on the walk home though... I mentioned the male attention and she responded well! I don't want to go into a story with a long post but she offered me a feel on the walk home and I've never felt her so wet! Went down on her when we got home and I'm not joking, she was sopping wet. In her words "male attention gets me wet, it's not my fault"
So the future looks good!
Posts: 72
Any advice on how to pick the right guy out? One who's not going to freak out when I appear and he realises that I'm about to lick clean his spunk from my girls pussy? My only worry.
Posts: 53
My girl also gets very wet from male attention, so I'm thinking about taking her dancing too. She has self image issues (she's a bbw but a hot one) so I think having guys come onto her will help her with her confidence. Thanks for sharing!
Posts: 72
MandysCuck Do it. There's a starting point and it helps their confidence so much! Good luck. It's so fun! Clubs are pretty easy so she will have a blast. Keep us posted!
Posts: 207
Keep us posted
Posts: 1285
Her response so far sounds very promising. My advice is to keep it going but DO NOT get pushy. She has moved faster than most women would already. It might take sometime or a little back and forward before she actually fucks someone. Just give it space, time, and unwavering (but not insistent) support.
Good luck. Pantalone, Wittol, oblate, abnegator, fellator, pathic, irrumatiophile,fop, epicene, cotquean, skivvy, thrall, and pilgarlic.