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Wifes newest guy

Rating: 3


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Well my wife has had the hots for a new black guy at our office. He and her have flirted back and forth for months now. Well He talked with her on the phone a few nights ago. Said he was moving to a new very nice townhome. So they chit chatted a bit. Seems he has invited her over when he gets moved in for a take. The great thing is he will be living les than a miel from our house!! He is single and about 30. My wife is 42. There flirting has become very very sexual. In fact we went to a happy hour last night and he was there. He walked right past me and up to her and gave her a big hug and kiss on the LIPS!!!. He is also the first single black guy she will have had. So he should have ample time for her as she has a big sex appetite. On the way home last night she said "When I have a buzz I just get so horny for black guys"....then she said "Well Marcus (thats the new guy)said tonight he wants to feel me" "And I told him he could feel me as much as he wishes and to please don't wait to long"

So funnnncoming soon!


Posts: 1207
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really want to hear what happens next. do you want to suck his cock?


Posts: 414
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No, not into that side of it.


Posts: 2117
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Let us know how it progresses -will he fuck her bare and unprotected?


Posts: 414
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Well my wife had a "Lunch date" with Marcus today....was just supposed to be lunch. They had lunch and the subject got more sexual. My wife gets horny very quickly arund black guys and she told me she could feel her pussy lips getting slippery. So she asked if she cuold see his new place. She said once up there they immediatley started kissing and he just took over. She said he had an amazing cock and took her pussy 3 times!!! She said being able to give her pussy to him felt so good. Of course she tells me all this VIA text then gets to the office and immediatley tells my secretary Gina about the new guy and how good he fucked her. Gine knows I am a small dicked cuck. I can not wait for more details and to lick her well fucked pussy this evening!!


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Sounds like Marcus has his dick right where it belongs!


Posts: 414
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Well Marcus had a new bed and a new sofa delivered to his place this past saturday and guess who went over and helped him christen them...MY WIFE lol. She went back to his place at about 10am Saturday and came home at 5PM. They fucked...went to lunch, them fucked some more. She said she really loves his cock, the head is very big which she likes, and she said when he cums it comes out with power and she can feel it spray inside her pussy. She said that it feels incredible,,,like she is being impregnanted
Rating: 3, 1 vote.
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Wifes newest guy
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