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Girls night out

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Maggie had a girls night out last night, whole I watched the kids. These weren't her single friends that encourage her to get a little wild with guys. This was a group of her mostly married friends, so I didn't expect my cuck angst. But then she called at 1am to ask if she could relax over. I said yes, of course, though I have no idea what this means. She's still not home, the kids are joking mom needed a vacation from us, and im wandering around tugging my tiny wondering if IT has happened again.


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Keep us updated please


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Eagerly awaiting that update!


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well, she came home late afternoon. And said we needed a talk. A serious one. with kids and inlaws around now theres no chance of that tonight. i actually just covered for her with her mom who also couldnt get a hold of my wife who always checks in her every sunday morning. ive got no clue whats going on.


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I hate that feeling. A permisters mind automatically goes to "worse case scenario". I know its easier said than done, but try not to get to worked up. Good luck, and I hope to hear some good news!


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Let us know what she said, when you can.


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I've just come back from having lunch with my wife. We finally have a few minutes to talk about her overnight stay with her friends. We didn't get to talk very long about it and we didn't want to be overheard, in fact It was hugely frustrating being cut off when I asked some really pointed questions...but... it the basic deal is that one of her married friends, dani, is in the middle of a marriage crisis. apparently, they stayed up into the wee hours talking about it and takeing and eventually nobody was in any kind of shape to drive home

According to Maggie dani has been having an affair and her husband Sam found out. It surprised all of her friends and totally shocked me. she is probably the most conservative of my wife's married friends. She actually is a stay at home mom and does all of the kid and the community and church stuff that nobody seems to have time for anymore. I wanted to know everything, of course, and usually maggie will gossip with me ( she once said that one reamister that she married me was because we could “girl talk") but this time I really got a feeling she was holding something back.

At 1st I didn't clue into what was going on... I was marveling that sam had been cucked, really the 1st time I knew a close friend was in a similar situation to mine. In an admittedly very selfish way I was happy that client now had a colleague of sorts. I couldn't help but thinking, how cool it would be if he and I could talk openly about being cuckd, all these crazy fantasies I have, the porn i could share lol. of course its a lot more likely that he is just furious about dani cheating, but what if he wasn't? hell, Maybe he was confused about his feelings as I can be . maybe I could even reach out and be supportive, maybe comfort him by telling him he is not alone.

when I got to that thought I completely froze. Maggie and her friends talked about this all night. They tried to maken dani feel better about her “mistakes”, about the consequences for her marriage.... i just knew suddenly Maggie had said, must have felt compelled to say, something about her experience " cheating" on me. I blurted out, what did you tell them about us, about me? And maggie didn't want to look me in the eye and kind of stammered around not really answering me

now it should say, one of her other friends does know. holly, who encouraged Maggie to cheat. I Wrote about it here on the forum . the couple times out Maggie went all the way with another guy, and the few additional times that she had close calls, she was always with Holly, either visiting with her or traveling together. I am actually okay with that and eventually it was a rush that somebody else knew our secrets. but Holly lives halfway across the country. She isn't HERE. she isn't a part of our daily lives. She doesn't talk with people that I work with, live next to, see at soccer games for our kids, etc.

dani is here. she now knows I was cucked? and she know I ended up enjoying it, encouraging it? I asked maggie what flat out, what does Dani know? and my wife says please let's talk later, she's got to be getting back to the office. that is pretty out of character response and it made me think, omg, what if this is even worse? What if the she told all of them? What if all of them know ?

honestly I am totally terrified. I've made my peace with this whole kink for years now, but suddenly im feeling so crazy vulnerable. this has totally hit me from left field and is too fucking real


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No doubt she got takes and spilled the beans! Was trying to make her friend feel better by saying "its ok, we all cheat". Most likely went overboard bragging when she saw her friends wild reactions. Just wait until you see her friends...look them in the eye and see what their reaction is. You will be able to tell how bad it is, by the friends facial exspressions. But rest assured...she tottaly outed you! Don't fret, just enjoy the offense of being a cuck.


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Yep, now you are a cuck to many women! My wife told my secretary over the past few days that she fucks black guys. She even set up a double date with her black bf, secretary and another black guy. My wife and the secretary ended up speding the night at my wifes BFs house and both guys took turns fucking them.

Now I have to deal with both my wife AND my secretary cucking me


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Dear Ponytail26

So, your wife has told many of your friends that you are a cuck.
I can understand the anxiety you are feeling, the knowledge that from now on, whenever Her friends look at you they will smile knowingly, perhaps even make comments demonstrating their knowledge that you are a cuck?

What alternatives do you have?
You probably love your wife, and you certainly appear to have encouraged her to cuck you.
So maybe the best alternative is to embrace it, love your wife, show her you support her.
When her friends smile at you, smile back and tell them you love your wife and admire her and are so happy for her.

Please keep us posted,

sincere regards


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I was very open to my ex girlfriends about cuckolding. They were not really into it, apart from fantasising about it and some trying. What if they talked? A thought that still haunts me after all these years. I hope that she knows, that if she talked, she went way out of line. For all I know this could be a serious damage to the trusting part of the relation you're in and it affects the base of it.


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I asked maggie what flat out, what does Dani know? and my wife says please let's talk later, she's got to be getting back to the office. that is pretty out of character response and it made me think, omg, what if this is even worse? What if the she told all of them?

Well, she may have done all of that. It seems likely, from what you're saying.

But it will be okay. Trust me on this.

Lots of sympathetic hugs,

Christine (a sissy m)


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My wife has told several of her friends that I am a cuck...I like that feeling when I see them and I know they know and they know I have a small dick


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Thanks jewelssubhub for sharing, keep us updated


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Girls talk. I doubt there are few (if any) cuck relationships where wifey has not confided her feelings and activities to one or more of her friends. Opening wifey's vagina for others basically opens your permisteral life for perusal by any interested party. As she'll spread her legs to show her secret parts to others, she'll open her mouth and spread your secrets just as easily. Cucks often get fucked more ways than one!

..............PSEUDO PERSON...YMMV!


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Thank you guys for your support and for trying to put it in some perspective. I really appreciate that. I tried my best to move all of those thoughts from my “real world worried box” into my “fuel for my cuck fantasies box”. I thought I had put it behind me and I stopped grilling Maggie about it but the last 2 weekends I couldn't avoid being around Dani, not that I was really trying to do that, and there is no way I could actually managed that, since our kids go to the same school and are good friends etc. so there I was at the kids' AySO game and there is dani. I haven't seen Sam in a month so I am assuming things are still rocky with them, but I don't even want to ask Maggie.

Anyway, dani was there and I couldn't shake the impression she was acting weird around me. I was prepared for this to be completely in my head, but it absolutely wasn't. She was paying too much attention to me, looking at me, making comments to me about the game. It was like she was trying to cheer me up or something. Honestly it gave me the sense that she pitied me, felt sorry for me, whatever. That really bug me. I wasn't the one with a whole nest of marriage. Anyway, I didn't react to it, I don't think, but once we were back at the house and the kids were crashed out I told Maggie what I was thinking. 1st she told me it had to be all in my head. Then answer, that got me completely ticked off. Next, she admits may be her friend was acting a little weird, but it was probably just because maybe dani didn't know quite how to interact with me and overcompensated. She said she was absolutely sure dani wasn't feeling sorry for me.

She was so definitive about that, so confident she could reassure me, that's when another revelation hit me. She knew how dani viewed me because she had talked to her about me again. She did it AGAIN! I couldn't believe it. Knowing how upset I got the last time she went ahead and did it again. the instant she saw my expression she realized she had slipped up. she closed her eyes for a bit and had that, Lord help me, kind of expression. So I started grilling her about what she had said and she's tried to play down. What was the big deal if dani already knows? After all, she still is a friend that needs support and understanding, right? What could be the harm was telling her “pretty much” what she already had?

Now here is the corker. my wife actually trying to make the point that I had not told her specifically not to talk about her playing around/cucking me again. I was absolutely incredulous. Whenever I am ignorant of something she thinks is something incredibly obvious and easy to deduce, she can read me the riot act. So I tried to do that in this case with her and all things just turned into a pointless argument. I should point out that we do have a good marriage and communications s*******s. I know I have it good when I talk to guys on here about being unable to talk to their lives about all kinds of things.

Anyway I felt really blindsided and nothing resolved and I am doing a crappy job of finding something erotic in all of this. Oh, and there is another soccer game on Saturday and guess who will be there? uuugh


Posts: 60
#17 · Edited by: someperson
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Wow, you make me sit up, after I just randomly saw the hottest girl-nerd on youtube and have to reply to you with both hands and my brain working to commiserate... :mad:

You think it's affecting your confidence in general? Just my curiosity when reading this. And then there's the trust bond.

There's a seemingly *small* group of people here who don't actually enjoy being made to feel small (most importantly, in a human relationship or almost existential way), and I would have all these same angry+ feelings you do.

Imho this would broach the "we actually can speak our feelings" line of needing counseling on this issue were it not for the likelyhood that little to no pros could accurately parse the sexual connections issues (my guess, I hope I'm wrong).

For me, probably the counter to all the insecurity anger or whatever you have (that for me would feel deserved) would be simply me remembering the value of my myself unattached, and to separate this from that you live in -- as you see it now. Ie, if you feel secure in yourself, what's the problem if some women have this incorrect view on you? Of course, you ARE a human...
BUT when it comes to feeling you've possibly been lied to, yeah...that trust breakage is a huge hole in the hull. That part is not something I'd ever, ever fantasize about unless I was dating some girl who was one of those crazy ones who I already knew was...well, crazy (to put it simplistically).

My last gf who I lived with broke up with me after she found I was emailing my ex, who I'm not even attracted to, and even though she *found out*, that bond for her was toast. Just do the smart things and you'll pull through somehow.

edit: oh yeah, I didn't tell my gf of many years at the time because I knew she'd flip out, and I didn't think I was doing much wrong.


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today at kids soccer game was ***. It felt like every soccer mom was giving me The Smirk. I got upset with my wife begins which I hate doing. And then she totally turned the experience upside down and made me wonder if she has been doing everything that drive me crazy. I am totally out of my league.

Hopefully we can ditch the kids at the in-laws tomorrow afternoon and have a completely uninterrupted conversation. I'll let you know…


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I enjoy that my wifes friends know I am a little dick. I get very turned on by other women looking down on me sexually. I have had a small dick my whole life and every woman I have ever been with either broke up with me or cheated on me due to my dick size.


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thats hot though isn't it? its our destiny to be treated like that


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Keep us updated. Humilation and embarrassment is part of the thrill about being a cuckold


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One of my wives girlfriends stopped by the house today. She knows I have a small cock because my wife has told most of her friends and she made sure I knew they all know. Nothing better than having to be in the presence of anoher woamn that knows I have a small cock and suck in bed..even better she knows my wife fucks black guys.


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I'm sorry I haven't left an update in a while, but there wasn't all that much happening until last night. we would run into Dani, I would feel a little awkward, etc. I haven't been mentioning anything to Maggie and I think that has been a good thing in a couple of ways. 1st, we haven't been arguing or all dramatic. I'm used to having a pretty mellow marriage so having an ongoing quarrel makes me feel like we are really messing up– even though I know we clash a lot less than most of our friends. 2nd, undistracted by the real world, I've been reading up on embarrassment or cuck outing stories and my libido finally caught up. as a couple of good j/o s

so my wife ( to clear up some question one guy had, I have not been married twice. when I 1st started posting on this site, I've talked about my wife,Meg. I was trying to change the names to protect the innocent. But I kept slipping and using my wife's real name, Maggie. So I just gave up and stick with Maggie) my wife and I got to play around a bit on Sunday night after the kids went to bed earlier than usual. It was fun, mostly exchanging oral. afterwards was eager for round 2, but it was getting later and she has to take the kids to school in the morning. She thought out loud if she should ask somebody else if she could call somebody to carpool the kids to school, maybe Alice or Dani. I couldn't help but have a bit of a Scowl ind my wife noticed it.

making since she couldn't believe I was still preoccupied about Dani telling anybody or embarrassing me. She said for the umpteenth time Dani wasn't like that. I asked if that meant she assumed she would never say anything or that she promised she never would. That caught her a little bit, I think, and she said fine, got the phone from the nightstand and called Dani. for a moment there I thought she was actually going to start talking about me while I was right there. For some reamister that scared me so when Dani answered and they started talking about carpooling I felt this sense of relief. But also, weirdly, disappointment. I'll tell you about that conversation the next time I have a chance. I can't get the conversation of my mind. I


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Good for you man. At least you are making a little progress


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Let us know how it goes


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Ha my wife has told her friends and would have cucked me with her friend over the phone. In fact often when my wife talks to her female friends and is making plans to go out for girls night etc she refers to me as peanut or wee man. I get rock hard when she does it


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Life has been hectic but I had to finish this update before I see Dani again at soccer games this afternoon

Maggie and Dani kept chatting about schedules and the kids so I turned on the TV and start looking for sports news. But I didn't stop listening in on them.

Years ago I would've thought of that as being eavesdropping and distasteful. However, many times I've been able to catch snippets of girl talk between my wife and her sisters, friends on the phone, etc. in fact unintentionally listening was the way I 1st found out Maggie and her best friend from high school, Holly , talk about cheating. Ever since I have really been hooked on listening for stuff girls talk about when they don't think guys are listening. 95% of the time there's nothing interesting going on but I have come to really crave that 5% even though I often feel like a creep for doing it.

So I'm listening And acting like I'm not listening in even though I am just 2 feet away. Then Maggie leans over and takes the remote right out of my hand presses the mute button and it blocks my view of the TV on the dresser. Seeing her gloating, you are about to get it kind of expression I didn't even get a complaint out before she says, “Dani, I know I said never tell anybody about Teddy, the way he likes me messing around.” I really felt like I was punched in the gut. I half set up but didn't have anywhere to go with her laying across me. I was trying to say something and nothing was coming out. But I could hear Dani clearly. “I haven't breathed a word! I would never breathe a word.”

Maggie had this triumphant look, a real, I gotcha look and I flopped my head back down on my pillow. Dani sounded completely sincere. Yes, Maggie had blabbed about my secret perversions, but her friend sounded horrified at the idea of spreading around it around like gossip. So apparently I was silly for having been worried and my wife was right all along… As always (right guys?). Case closed, right? No. My wife Staring at me, reassured Dani that she never doubted Demme would keep things confidential and then... Hit me from a direction I never saw coming.

Let me mention at this point––and I have got to make this brief because it's getting late and I've got to get the kids and get to the park––my wife can play a long game. She remembers things pretty much forever, is quick to point out contradictions in my thinking or behavior, is always up for returning to an old argument I had thought I won, and sometimes it seems like she really enjoys maneuvering me into a position that's embarrassing. Basically, Maggie is really, really female. Which I mostly appreciate. That said, I did not think anything sneaky was going on with all of this Dani crap. We had real arguments. We didn't see eye to eye and neither of us seemed like we were interested or apologizing about anything.… But Maggie slipped in this next comment like a coup de grace. Like the end of a long prank designed to really, really get me.

So here's what she says on the phone. “You've been crazy trying to figure out what Sam is going to do [her husband]. He's mad then he's not. He's hurt then he is lovey-dovey. Maybe you need a guy's point of view? Maybe you should talk to Teddy about it? ” Suddenly, I felt totally blindsided, again.

And it is so damn late! I have to run. Sorry! Sorry!


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Dear Ponytail,

Looks like you have a very fun Wife. From what I am able to read from your earlier postings, it isn't that long since She started cucking you. Maybe She is now really getting into it and isn't it only natural that She wants to share this with Her Girlfriends and help them get into the same situation.

Why don't you just rise to the occation, talk to Dani, tell Her like it is. You probably love your wife, you accept that She has the rigth to take other lovers. Be honest, looking at the captions thread you posted it is evident that you know you have a small dick and accepts that your Wife should be allowed to play with more well-endowed men. Why don't you tell this to Dani? Why don't you offer Dani to talk to Her Husband? Or perhaps you should suggest that Your Wife talks to Sam and perhaps try to console him by allowing him to make love to Her on the condition that he has to accept that Dani needs some fun on the side to? You might get some great friends you know? Your wife is obviously quite close to Dani and trying to help Her, shouldn't you do everything you can to support your Wife and Her Friend?

Just some thoughts, and maybe you don't want to go this route. That is of course entirely up to you, However, I am pretty sure that both your Wife and Dani would be really pleased with you if you were honest and accepted that you role in this is to do everything you can to support your Wife, Your Cuckholdress and Her Friend who is also a Cuckoldress.

I would have been honored if I were able to support two such Fine Wonen this way.

Good luck and please keep us posted.



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At 1st I didn't clue into what was going on... I was marveling that sam had been cucked, really the 1st time I knew a close friend was in a similar situation to mine. In an admittedly very selfish way I was happy that client now had a colleague of sorts. I couldn't help but thinking, how cool it would be if he and I could talk openly about being cuckd, all these crazy fantasies I have, the porn i could share lol. of course its a lot more likely that he is just furious about dani cheating, but what if he wasn't? hell, Maybe he was confused about his feelings as I can be . maybe I could even reach out and be supportive, maybe comfort him by telling him he is not alone.


Maybe that is a solution to your problem. Both of your wives enjoy the role of Cuckoldress. You and (most likely) Dani's hubby relish the role of Cuckold. Dani is quietly and discreetly enjoying her sexual freedom. She can be a good influence in showing your wife the proper way of achieving maximum pleasure with other men and yet avoiding any negative repercussions from anyone else. You should sit down and have a heart to heart talk with Dani and your wife. They both have your number so you can be sincere about discussing your insecurities with them. Show them that quote and see if they feel that scheduling a "playdate" with you and Dani's hubby while they are enjoying their next "Girl's Night Out" could be fun.

It is very possible that sexual intimacy could develop between you and Dani's hubby. The wifes may embrace the idea because they have total control of any sexual interaction between hubbies. All four of you can have your cock and eat it too!

..............PSEUDO PERSON...YMMV!


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I'm sorry it's been so long since I updated this situation. I really appreciated all the advice and almost/sort of followed some of it. More specifically, I did talk to Dani, although I admit it took me a lot longer to get my courage up than it should have.

I ran into her all summer thanks to summer soccer. Sam was around more often as well and I assumed they had patched things up to some degree. Then the kids have their end of summer picnic and afterwards I was helping Dani the grill in the back of her pickup-- Meghan had sort of volunteered me when everybody else tore out of there to get away from the heat.

So then Sam shows up with his truck and starts arguing with her about what stuff she was loading. He then made a stupid comment suggesting she was doing it all wrong just so she could get other guys to help her out. He takes off, screeching his tires, and I feel like I'm back in high school. Dani was really, really embarrassed and kept apologizing about him being such a jerk. And then she basically gave me this whole rundown of their relationship while we finished loading the truck and then sitting in the cab with the air running because we were totally fried.

Anyway, I got an earful, enough girl talk to last me a whole year. She just kept going on and on even through stuff that was really awkward to hear, like the time she had to call the cops for a fight of theirs. uuugh. Eventually she wound down and finally noticed I had no idea what to say, besides, that sucks. What DO women say to each other about the total aholles they put up with.

So Dani looks at me like she just realized who I there and says, that my wife is so lucky to have a guy like me. And it really sounded like she put quotation marks around "like me." I was absolutely certain what she was talking about. When I didn't say anything she admitted she hadn't "got" our marriage all the time, but now she was really happy for me and meg. I fumred trying to say something, like, even "thanks" would've been something. That's when a van rolled up and started honking because we were hogging the loading zone.

So, it really, really felt like high school in the sense that I had no idea what to say or do. To complete the déjà vu, she said I'll see you at Shakey's pizza tomorrow night. Fall sign-ups. I'll try to write down tomorrow, the kids just cruised in. thanks for being patient.
Rating: 12, 4 votes.
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Girls night out
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