swede hubby
Posts: 140
I am the coach of a soccer team it´s mostly guys in the 20-25 years of age. I have heard how they talk about my 18 year old flower as an easy fuck, I do not really know how to react, does anyone have any advice
swede hubby
Posts: 140
thanks for the advice
swede hubby
Posts: 140
only one problem she does not listen to me, she have no respect at all for me
Peter C
Posts: 6921
What a shame it isn't your wife the football team talk about. My wife likes that age group. Peter C
swede hubby
Posts: 140
maybe they´re talking about my wife also, but I have not heard that
Posts: 3905
#6 · Edited by: bpop
<< only one problem she does not listen to me, she have no respect at all for me >>
Then get her lady to talk to her.
If she doesn't listen to either of you, you have a completely different problem that is unrelated to sex.
Oh, and one more thing... Don't be afraid to tell guys on the team not to talk about your flower. You're entitled to tell them to Shut The F*** Up about her. Anyone who won't STFU can be kicked off the team. You are entitled to not have to hear that.
That is, if you want to shut them up. ;) While it's nice to think that you're getting an independent source of information, it could all be B.S. from them.
Posts: 88
If it was your wife i'd say choo choo bring on the gang bang train all aboard my wife.But your flower i'd say fuck off to them as they wouldn't like it if you were talking about there flowers if they had any.
swede hubby
Posts: 140
Normally she listen to my wife but I do not know how to bring it up. And talk to the guys,,,, I do not know if I dare
Posts: 373
Hopefully she will be blacked very soon, imagine the hard-on u will have pushing ur mixed race granyoung arounf in a pram/pushchair
Posts: 1096
If she's 18 and doesn't respect you, kick her out of the house.