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Were you abused as a child?

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I was not used as a young. I grew up in a suburban neighborhood, hard working dad and a stay at home mom. I can remember as far back as five yrs old getting a little woody while imagining being caught naked by girls ( around my age of course ) and them laughing at me. I of course didn't know what a woody was and was scared until it went down. I also remember those woodies feeling good so I would fantasize more on the theme of girls laughing at me or being in control so I could feel the pleasure of having a hard little dick. Now forty- five yrs later, I crave offense and get off so hard on the rare occasions that I can get into a humiliating sexual situation.
Keith Knife


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I was spanked quite a bit by both of my parents (probably 1x a month for years, but they were not severe beatings... just a spank or two); I wouldn't call it use. Today, I'm not into being hit much, although I have been into light b&d w/many women (I'm a switch and enjoy top and bottom, but my ultimate fet is being cucked). Like luvacreampie, I also was very sexual at 5, even masturbating at that age. I would even orgasm but did not produce any semen or even pre-cum at that age. I often (though not always) fantasized about dominant women. I witnessed a friend's mom spank him... she was wearing go-go boots and a mini skirt. I was incredibly aroused and wished she'd spank me! I've no psychological explanation/cause why I love being cucked and chastized so much. I do know it seems to get stronger the older I get. I'm now in my mid 40s.


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I was teased a lot at school by other kids, I was the geeky boy with the oversized glasses. I am convinced that there is a link between that period and my desires for beeing humiliated.


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Married Dom:
I was raised Catholic.

Does that automatically imply you were used?


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Has any of you considered trying to get rid of your "fetisch through therapy?


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I would love to know the roots of my fetish but I'm not interested in getting rid of my it. I embrace my submissiveness and need for offense.


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not really used, but definitly ignored, and had an achaholic ignored was fine with me


Posts: 88
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Physically and emotionally use by step-man. But not alone, he also used my lady and the youngren they had together. After years of self analysis, realized why I've turned out to be a wimp and allowed several women and their other MEN to use me. This included 2 wives and several girl friends and one retired Air Force Colonel. Even been beat up by some of the MEN.


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no use here. love my parents. I mean they can annoy the hell out of me at times, but that's about it. They did a great job parenting.

I think a better gauge for this kind of thing might be to see if your mom or dad wore the pants in the family. My dad is a manly man but at the end of the day, my mom told him what to do. Maybe there's something to seeing my dad ultimately bow to my mom's wishes while still retaining his masculinity that shaped me.


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I'm sure that many come to these types of fantasies or lifestyle choices from many different roads. I'm sure there are some who come by it naturally, but I think there are others have been been heavily influenced from use. I was sexually worryed by a male piano teacher when I was roughly 12 years old. I never told anyone about it and actually repressed the memory myself until about 5 years ago. I have no doubts that the shame I felt over the situation has fueled my fetish for offense without even realizing it.

I have to admit that at times I have wished to be more "normal". I have had a desire to think and feel more like a "real man". I don't know that I've ever considered trying to "get rid of it" through therapy but I've never fully accepted it either.


Posts: 203
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No, I wasn't used.

No, haven't considered therapy. I don't want to be "cured".


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Were any of you bullied by black guys?


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Yes I was buliied by black guys. I lived in Brooklyn and the high school I went to blacks out number whites by at least 3 to 1.


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nope - no use durinbg my younghood., all the use came to me as an adult


Posts: 61
#15 · Edited by: davidmurray
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This would probably count as use in a lot of people's books but at the time, and even now, I am fine with it. But when I was 13, I went to an uncle's to stay overnight (parents were on a night away), my 50-something and still single uncle...

He 'caught' me playing with myself by walking in unannounced into the spare bedroom I was staying in. It was years before I guessed that he may have timed it to catch me, as when he walked in, I immediately dragged the duvet over me but he instantly asked sternly why did I think I was doing, in his house. I was speechless and before I could gather my thoughts, he pulled a chair over and told me it was a spanking or my parents would be told.

Mortified with embarrassment but reluctant to do what he told me, he got angry and said it would be over quickly and then forgotten about, better than my parents knowing what a dirty boy I was. So, hiding my (still hard) little dick, over the knee I went and got some firm spankings that put me totally in what I now know to be a subbie space. It was then he rested his hand on my bottom... and started to run his hand over it in a soft soothing way and saying "Good boy..." and then "Oh, what's this?" as I was still hard and he started to touch my dick which I couldn't stop from twitching under his warm, manly touch... I couldn't hide that I liked it, so he told me to get back into bed, I thought that was it.

As I pulled the duvet over myself with embarrassment, I heard some shuffling noises, and next thing he was sliding into the bed behind me, putting his arm around me and snuggling in closely and I realised that not only was my uncle naked but he was hard too. He was rubbing himself off me and touching me and then took my hand and put it on his cock, first time I'd ever touched another man, while he kept telling me it was all good and no-one will know about this. I was happy to hear that and just wanted to do what he said so it would end but also was enjoying it from a curiosity viewpoint.

Then he pushed my head down and put it in my mouth... my head was swimming with thoughts, it was like sensory overload, like this wasn't happening to me but was like a movie that I was watching and I just happened to be in the movie, especially when he held my head and his speed and depth of thrust increased and I could feel his balls tense. I still didn't think of him blowing his load, not for a second, but then I felt him tense and shudder a little and hold my head very firmly as I suddenly felt a big spurt of man cum into my mouth. I found that very difficult, it felt like I'd gag from the taste and the amount of cock and cum in my mouth but I held on until he completely emptied his sack into my mouth. When he eventually withdrew his big man cock, he asked if I was okay... my mouth was still full of cum and I couldn't speak and didn't know what to do! So... I swallowed, a full man's load, and said "Yes" as I came to grips with the taste of man cum. He just said "Good boy, and don't worry, no-one will ever know" and he left.

It reinpowerd my feelings from when I was a young boy that other boys and men were superior to me and explained to me why I was bullied and liked to dress in girl's clothes since I was young. In a weird way, it felt natural that a strong, superior man would recognise my sissy character and use me and so I never felt used but more it was another way that real men and tough boys treat boys like me. It also primed me for future advances by older men but those are for another day maybe.

David (TV Stacy) in Ireland.
David in Ireland


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I was a mama's boy. I think that's one reamister why I am a cuckold hubby and a cocksucker.

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I think the cuckold condition itself may increase with experiences such as young use or overprotective ladys, but I have the impression that the most important factor for the cuckold condition is genetic. Maybe not in a long time science will reveal about a "cuckold gene"
It's obvious that English is not my native language. Sorry for any inconvenience. My blog (spanish):


Posts: 186
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I was twice as a preteen worryed by men while at the movies. My lady often walked around half dressed and a few times I had seen her naked. I became fascinated by her ass and have tried to worship the asses of every female I had sex with.


Posts: 114
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Yes I was used by older teenage boys when I was a preteen. I was also kept by one of the boys' ladys as a surrogate partner, and this woman (who was probably in her 50s) had me accompany her on pseudo-dates and give her foot massages while watching over me. She also disciplined me very harshly and even washed my mouth out with soap, while never knowing that her own mister was sexually using me every time she was out of the room. Interesting...


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CuckToAScientist - that sounds like the beginning to a Very interesting thread. can we hear more please.


Posts: 203
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A post like this seeks to find a psychological explanation to explain the OP's cuckoldry. But the truth is - we are all different. Our life's experiences are different and our cuckold natures are different. I am not even a sub. I am a libertine who has been more of a bull than a cuck. I estimated I have fucked about 300 women in my life (not including prostitutes). But hell, I am still a cuck - I desire for women who I love to be well fucked.


Posts: 367
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well not really used,but was used as my sisters dress up doll from about 5 till i was 12,everyone in the nieborhood saw me wearing litle girls clothes and it was all over school,i guess thats why iam the sissy iam,but happy,my mom just thought it was cute


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me today
me today
me today


Posts: 204
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as a young boy of 6 i had to live with my grandparents and had to relax with my uncle. from the start he would take my hand and place it on his dic. i learned to jack him off pretty quickly. he warned me not to tell anyone or he would have me put in a reformatory. he used my mouth plus he used to dry hump me from behind also and cum. this went on for 3 years until he got married and moved. i started playing with other boys dics after school also. my lady remarried and i went to live with her. nothing else happened until i went into the navy. i might as well had a sign on my forehead because it seems men seeked me for relief. i got married after the navy to a woman older then me. she cuckold me from the start . we parted. i love both sexes equaley


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I know the reamister for one of my fetishes is obvious.

Ballbusting... I was slapped in the balls as punishment as a young by my lady and by my aunt instead of being spanked. Now I love getting hit in the nuts.

I have no clue why I have the other fetishes.


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not knowing what I was doing, when I was 6 or7 years old my older brother who was about 14 made me pull his dick, we were a large family and I had to share the same bed as my brother at night I had to go to bed the same time as he did and he would just put my hand on his dick and tell me to start pulling it untill he would cum
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For me it's the lifelong acknowledgement of the power women (particularly pussy) has over me...My parents were and are great.


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I might have had a strict man involving some physical punishment, but just old school style. Not like belt whipping or plain punching and kicking beatings. Just the occasional slap to the head or even some knuckle hitting, but that's it. And it has nothing to do with my cuckold fantasies.

I think the real trigger was in middle school, when I changed schools, was the new guy, and had a hard time adapting, especially since I became the target of the bullies in that place. I think that is the time when my brain started to try to find ways to deal with offense and betrayal without causing me trauma. And that's how it translates to nowadays, into the offense of being cucked.


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Pantalone, Wittol, oblate, abnegator, fellator, pathic, irrumatiophile,fop, epicene, cotquean, skivvy, thrall, and pilgarlic.


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Yes i was used by several older guys while still a preteen, When i confessed this to my wife, and told her that i actually enjoyed being used by them, this was when she dressed me in panties and started to cuck me.

We have never been happier, and i am so glad i got the guts to confess my past to her
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