Posts: 76
#1 · Edited by: Kana
Watery semen is not so good in terms of sperm count. On the other hand, thick semen is often regarded as better in terms of fertility, health and sperm count. Apart from the fertility issues, thick semen is that most women find visually stimulating and is a turn on for them.
Long arousal makes the ejaculate more liquidy while a quick sex results a thick semen. The reamister for this is evolutionary. In the past, opportunity for sex came and went fast, so a fertile, thick ejaculate was the best bet for offspring. Sticky thick ejaculate stuck at the opening of the uterus also made it hard for sperm of other males to achieve their objective. The mate of the female coupling with a stranger however might have seen, smelled, heard or suspected the copulation. His sperm competition trait made him aroused and increased his ejaculate volume and made it watery, to flush out the competitors sperm from his female.
The glands are responsible for the liquidy part of the ejaculate, while the testicles produce the sperm. On a thick ajeculate less gland liquid is included, and the total volume of the ejaculation is dependent of the size of the testicles; large testicles produce more semen. On a watery ejaculate the glands produce majority of the content, so the total volume of a watery load can be multiple times of that of a thick ejaculate.
Females had their own adaptations, pulling the uterus further back to prevent any random seeds to reach it and in addition, the female orgasm. Without an orgasm the opening of the uterus stays tightly closed not allowing any sperm in unless the female body approves with the origin of the sperm with an orgasm.
Some males adapted to female orgasm with long penises to reach the distance, to push the end of the vaginal back wall to pull open the vaginal opening, with thick penises to pro-act the female orgasm, large testicles to produce more semen. The majority of men without those traits had to develop a quick way to fight the losing war. In case of competition situation they just get highly aroused and produce large amounts of seminal fluid to flush out competitors sperm.