This is a story that covers twelve years, so it's a bit long. It started twelve years ago when my wife was angry at me for cheating on her. After that, she began to tell me every time a guy made a pass at her or flirted, and the times she flirted back. She wanted to make me jealous, and she did. It also turned me on.
I was chatting with a guy in one of the yahoo chat rooms about our wives, and he mentioned a few websites like this one. From that point, I knew what I was thinking about, how it turned me on, and how I was not alone. The more I read, the more I wanted it. I started joking with my wife about her trying someone else. She is from a conservative ethnic background (Indian) and said I was the only one, although I have my doubts based on some things she said about her past. Like a lot of wives, she said I was sick, no way, how could I ask that?
I kept on it from time to time. The first thing was to get her to go into a dance club separate from me. I would watch at a distance while guys would hit on her and she would dance with them. It was very exciting, especially when she would laugh at the guy's jokes and he would touch her on the arm, dance slow with her. She knew what I wanted and sometimes would play along in bed or elsewhere, but nothing more. This went on for five years.
Then I got a job that required extensive business travel. I would be away for weeks at a time. A lot of our sex life was by email, phone, video skype and instant messenger. I encouraged her to flirt back more when guys hit on her. She would send me pictures of how she was dressed at work, and I encouraged her to dress sexy and flaunt it. I told her to go out clubbing with her female co-workers, and finally she did. It was then that she got snagged. She said that she and her girlfriend met a couple of guys, who were also business travelers. She said the guy who went after her looked like Russell Crowe. He was in and out of town, perfect. After a month or so, he called, they had a dinner date, but she says they didn't fuck.
A couple months later, I was home and we had a fight. She got dressed up and went out - at noontime. About nine hours later she came home and told me "I didn't know it could be like that." I grabbed her in the bedroom, hard, and fucked her. She was slippery wet, but I regret not smelling her then.
It was on after that. She would meet him when I was out of town, going to his hotel. He made special trips from where he lived, 250 miles away. She wrote me emails the next day. This is one of them:
"It was around 5:30pm when the phone rang. I picked up the phone and someone said, “are you ready for me?” It was P telling me that he decided to try his luck and just fly over and surprise me. I couldn’t say no, not after him taking all the trouble of coming here, right my slave? !
So, I had to get dressed and go meet him, with a heavy heart, LOL!!!! I didn’t know what to wear but then thought, why care, you won’t be in it for long anyways. So I decided to wear my new long, brown dress that clung to my body. It looked really sexy and made me look slim. The curves were flattering, I thought, just enough to get him going, lol. I spray my clinique this time, my trade mark and left for the hotel. As usual he was there to meet me and excited like a little boy. I am always surprised to see him so happy, no one has shown me how happy they were to see me the way he has. It is very touching and I love it. P has a way to make me feel so loved and wanted.
He had already reserved a table and ordered a glass of merlot for me and him. I had told him that I was craving a nice juicy steak and he didn’t forget. The dinner was nice and he gave me a bouquet of roses, red roses (I thought, how am I going to take these home without the kids asking me where I got them. I had to think quickly what I would say if they asked or saw them). But P’s lips on my cheek took the worry away. He had leaned over to plant a kiss on my cheek and smell my hair as he moved his face away. He does things like this all the time that I find so touching and sweet.
After dinner, we had a dessert this time and a Grand Marnier. P was just so attentive and he gave me looks of a permister so totally in love and like a young whose favorite toy is going to be taken away !!! I felt so bad for him and decided to give him a good time. I knew how he loves my BJs so I thought as soon as got to the room, I’d start with it.
In the elevator he grabbed me in his arms and began to kiss me long, juices kisses while his hand moving on my back down to my ass and stopped there rubbing it. He was having fun with it as it looked protruded and inviting. All the time he kept saying “Aaah, you feel so good, you smell so good. I can’t get enough of you, baby.”
We got to the room and right away, he pulled down the zipper and his grabbed my boobs and began to kiss them. He unhooked the bra and held them in his hands just enjoying them repeating, “Oh, they are so beautiful, just perfect, perfect! I love you, honey” He took his time licking and sucking my tits. He just didn’t seem to have enough. Finally, he his tongue began to move down my belly, taking his time to stimulate every nerve there before moving down to my clitoris. The man has stamina! I grabbed his zipper and out fell his big, thick instrument, hot and hard. I held it and squeezed it gently, my hand moving up and down toward the stem. Boy, it is thick and big, I thought! I bet there are guys there who have big ones like him and maybe even bigger or thicker!
I tried to move him toward the bed so I could also go down on him. He complied. We were now naked, lying on the bed and kissing, sucking and licking each other. I was soaking wet, so turned on that I felt little orgasms throughout but trying hard not to come until he did. I prefer having him in me when he comes. So we continued. Then he raised his head and began licking the insides of my thighs, moving down to the knees, behind them and all this time his hand touching and still stimulating my clitoris. I couldn’t hold off and came. Wow, what a relief. Good, he said, I want you to come often and enjoy yourself. After coming, I grabbed some tissue to wipe all those fluids but he said, leave that there, it is a good lubricant for me. LOL. I thought, of course it is since he is so big. How thoughtful.
He continued licking my thighs, up my navel to my tits again since he knows how sensitive I was and he wanted me to be ready now for his big d..k. I just couldn’t believe that he can be so patient. But I guess I shouldn’t have allowed such a thought because no sooner had it crossed my mind, he was ready for me. He lifted himself up and I spread my legs to welcome him into me. Ooooooooh, what an entry. He filled me up so quickly, spreading the insides of me, I thought. He was hot!!!!!! Moving in slowing and out, taking his time and moaning and groaning, saying how good I felt. It seemed to go on forever. I thought I was going to explode after 20 minutes. Suddenly he said, “Oh, I am coming baby, come with me.” He didn’t have to ask. We both exploded!!! What a workout. He fell off me and lay on his back beside me saying how wonderful he felt. “You are the best, you know exactly what to do to make me feel good. I liked to hear that he enjoyed me and my company. We lay there for a long time quietly.
Then we got up to wash and I came back and started to belly dance for him, jokingly of course. He was thrilled. I moved slowly toward him, flirtingly and he opened his arms to grab me. Then we started again. Use your imagination baby, it is just the same stuff. Then i had to leave as it was getting very late."
She changed - became less inhibited, especially became an enthusiastic cocksucker, which she had never been.
After about four years, she broke up with him when he said he was getting married. She was hurt, I know, and I recognized the danger in this kind of thing.
I tried to get her to play some when we were away on a trip together recently, but it didn't happen.
But we've been having some renovations done, and I've been away the last few weeks. She confessed to admiring one of the workmen, a guy who she said obviously was attracted to her and the same age, 40s. She said he was really strong and in good shape.
We need some more work done, and I joked that she could get it done for free. She wrote back and said
LOL, I DIDN'T THINK OF THAT, HA, HA. MAYBE I WILL!!!!!!! Let me call him asap. i am sooooooo horny!
Then when I told her to go for it, get a discount, she wrote:
oh yes, that i know i can. he really likes me!!! i'll give him a call, LOL!!!!!!!
Now she's called and left a message, for him. She says he will probably be in a pub tonight, I told her to meet him if he called back.
We shall see . . .