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Advice needed: wannabe possibly on the verge...

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Those of you who know me from my captions:

know that I'm a wannabe with very little hope of actually being cuckolded someday.

I'm an emotional wimp who has barely been able to bring up cuckolding to her prior to this (tried twice and didn't get very far). However... we just had our 10th anniversary and spent it in Vegas and things went VERY well.

This time I fully confessed my cuckold fantasies - here are the details I confessed this time:

I've had the fantasy since 2008 when I first "saw something online" about it that made me disgusted yet incredibly aroused.

That I visit web sites and talk with others about my feelings to try to understand them.

These are the aspects about it the fantasy that I told her I liked:

Having the other man be bigger physically than me

Having HER be incredibly turned on by this man, overwhelmingly so

Being able to watch from the corner, or in a closet

Being denied the pleasures only HE gets to have with her.

She reacted in a very supportive manner, saying she would do her best to understand the fantasy and help out where she can, but made it clear that this is something she would ONLY ever do as a fantasy.

So, we had sex LOTS on the trip and on the last night she wasn't quite up to doing it again, so I asked if she'd help me masturbate, and she role played the cuckold fantasy for me! Here are the things she said:

"I met a man up at the top of the Eiffel Tower (we were staying at the Paris hotel) and he was big and strong and took me right there over the railing. We didn't care that people were watching."

"He was bigger than you and could reach those areas that you can't."

I asked "did you do things with him you'd never do with me?" Answer: "Oh yes."

"I got down on my knees for him and sucked him. He made me fetish on it. He came in my mouth and all over my body." (she hasn't gone down on me in over 7 years)

"I gave him my number and he wants to do it again."

I couldn't believe my ears!!! First time out and she's already talking like a cuckoldress! I came SO hard!

So, we've been home from Vegas for about a week, and we hadn't had an opportunity to be intimate again till today, but it was just before I had to head out the door. Had only about 20 minutes.

I'm lying on the bed waiting for her. She undresses, climbs on top of me (no penetration yet) and proceeds to *** me.

As she's rubbing herself on me, she says "While you're gone, I'm going to have some fun with a younger man I found - he's just waiting for you to leave".

I start jerking and she continues to rub herself on me. Pure ***.

I say "god, I want to fuck you so bad".

She responds "no, I'm saving myself for him - I want you to feel this smooth soft body that he's going to get" (!!!!!!!)

And she makes me jerk off to cum then climbs off me and sends me out the door.

She DEFINITELY has the right mental frame of mind for this!

I was worried that as soon as we got back home (out of the promiscuous and permissive Vegas environment) that the cuckold fantasizing would go dormant for a while before it resurfaced... if ever.

It may still, but for now, I'm so pleased!

I'm never going to push her into fantasizing with me. I want to watch to see how often SHE initiates it. If she continues to do it all (or most of) the time, then I know for sure it's on her mind, and her seeing how turned on I am by it will be reinpowerd each time.

I'll just wait to see if she ever asks something along the lines of "would you REALLY be okay with this??".

Would love to hear other people's thoughts, impressions and any advice on helping this continue in the cuckold direction.
Wannabe - see my captions at


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I'll just wait to see if she ever asks something along the lines of "would you REALLY be okay with this??".

You can wait, but she may not ask! I waited for the same. My wife had said "great fantasy but we won't ever really do it." Months, maybe years passed, and like you, I wondered if someday she might ask if I was sure. She even made out with other guys a time or two, but didn't go further.

Then one night when I could not POSSIBLY have expected it less, she exictedly SHOOK me awake in the middle of the night. In my groggy first moments I thought something was wrong, but she was deliriously happy and excited. She kept saying "I'm doing it, all the details have been worked out." She bubred on about some guy, on and on and ON and on... then we spooned and she fell fast arelax cooing in my arms, my cock against her shapely ass and hips wondering wtf. I massaged every inch of her majestic and Roman statue-like body, all night long, in candlelight. I did not relax a wink that night, excited by my wife's incredible body and newfound sense of adventure.

You can count the seeds in an apple but you can't count the apples in a seed, someone said. You've planted the seed, and I suspect that you'll get a midnight wakeup, one way or another, when you truly least expect it. Enjoy the ride.
Be the different drummer.


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First of all, thanks for all the great caps you have contributed to this forum. Secondly...its great that your wife is willing to play along and is willing to try to understand your fantasy. Who knows, with time it might become her fantasy, or reality.

You know what your are doing, and are handling it right. Let her do as she wishes, she knows what you want, and if she gets into are in for a good time. If she does not get into it...well, at least you told her everything.

You never know...she might just surprise you some day and make your fantasy...a reality.

By the way...does she know of this site?...Your captions?


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Would love to hear other people's thoughts, impressions and any advice on helping this continue in the cuckold direction.

First of all, congratulations. Like Breakinglass said: ¡you've planted the seed!

In fact, you started to planted it from those two times you attempted to confess your fantasy, without apparent success. It's quite possible that the step you have taken in Las Vegas is a fruit of that seeds. Similarly, this new step opens the possibility for the next.

I understand that you want to be she who take the next step (most of us want them to take the initiative, it is delicious), but I'm not sure that's the best strategy. I think you should continue feeding the fantasy, not in an obsessive plan, but little by little. Remember that they have been socially programmed to be passive.

Good luck!
It's obvious that English is not my native language. Sorry for any inconvenience. My blog (spanish):


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Yes, you should continue to remind her how much it turns you on. AND, you should tell her over and over that if she ever did take a guy for real that you would NOT be hurt or jealous!


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Tell her to go out on her own to a dance club for a take.


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By the way...does she know of this site?...Your captions?

No. She knows I talk to others and visit sites online about it "so I can figure out why I feel this way" is how I framed it. For now. I may someday work up the courage to show her the site, and perhaps even my captions, although at this early stage, I think it would be a turnoff for her. I certainly don't want to scare her off with some of the more intense topics that do arise here. And who knows? She may discover it on her own! I wonder if she'd be able to tell which are my posts...

Thank you all for the input so far. Yes, I have a balancing act to do between letting her lead and my gentle nudges in that direction. It will be interesting to watch how much nudging will be needed, or if she tires of my pestering after a while. I sure hope not. I'm hoping she finds it liberating to be able to say things like "your size doesn't satisfy me" and that she allows some of her natural dominance to come out and play.

I'd love to hear other people's success tips who have been (or are) in my position, or any cautionary tales too.

Thanks again all!
Wannabe - see my captions at


Posts: 340
#8 · Edited by: cuckaliciousr
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Any other tips/suggestions from others who are (or have been) there?
Wannabe - see my captions at


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You may want to consider that if she knows about this site that you may talk about what she does and it would scare her to know her life was on the web for everyone to see. Make sure she is into the lifestyle and is solid with it before showing her this site, especially since you have already posted about her. You just don't want to scare her off and have her think her virtue (or lack thereof) is an open book. Good luck and I hope it works out for both of you!


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Agreed. I have never used hers or my name anywhere, and don't show pictures. But, yes, I have "anonymously" spelled out what is happening in our lives for feedback, so I do think that she would have a negative reaction to seeing what I posted. She's very private.

I also think there's a lot here that would scare her off even without my own posts! There's some pretty intense stuff here to the newly initiated.

She does NOT know about this site in particular. I only mentioned that I visit "sites" in general, and never mentioned which I visit. Even if she ASKED me to see it at this point I think I'd just say that I don't post anything - I just read things, and point her to a tamer site.

If, down the road, she started warming up to the more intense concepts, then I might consider going further, or if she REALLY surprises me - like wanting more of a femdom relationship - then I might be obligate into showing her things I don't necessarily want her seeing yet.

But at this point, she hasn't even done any exploring of the topic on her own. I think she's content to just hear the things I tell her (which are relatively tame) and keep it at a "safe" level for now.
Wannabe - see my captions at


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How computer savvy is she? Would she think of pulling up your browser history?


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How computer savvy is she? Would she think of pulling up your browser history?

I always browse this site in Private Mode so there's no browser history. I'm more in danger of her finding the site left open from my absent mindedness (but I'm pretty good about that).

So, today was our regular Thursday "opportunity" with young in school and us both home alone.

Once again, she opts only to masturbate me. This time she fantasizes taking us back to the time we're in college, and has one of my roommates barge in on us and he says "here's how you do it right" and proceeds to fuck her up against the wall while I only got to watch and masturbate. Mmm... I came hard and quick.

So far, EVERY intimate experience we've had since my confession has involved her helping me cuckold fantasize. AND since then, she has not allowed my penis inside her! Pretty hot.

Here's one of my captions about a "worst fear" for a wannabe (although I've never uploaded pics here), and my "Wall" caption.
Wannabe Hell
Wannabe Hell

Wannabe - see my captions at


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That makes sense. Anyhow, she may tell _you_ when it's time to take it to the next level.

My GF isn't seeing anyone right now, but when she did, it started after I got home from a three week business trip overseas. I suppose it also might have been affected by the fact that the weather at home in Texas had been *awful* and I was in Sweden and England.


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Well, today I was finally allowed back inside her, but not without a good amount of teasing first. She first said she'd been seeing "Pablo" regularly, and then shortly after called him "Pedro". I asked, is it Pablo or Pedro? She said "both". I answered "mmm, have you been allowing men in the neighborhood to have their way with you?" and she answered "no, I've been having MY way with THEM." So the fantasizing continues, thankfully.

I also asked her "have you ever been able to have an orgasm with a man on top of you?" (because she HAS never and WILL never with ME) and she had to think for a bit and then answered "yes" and I asked "who?" and she quipped "well, let me get my sex diary out" basically teasing me that she has NO idea, but that YES it had happened. (may have been trying to protect me, but honestly, she DOES have sexual amnesia - can't even remember very recent experiences in bed - so I think she was being pretty honest)

However... I also asked her "how often do you desire a really good, deep orgasm?" and the answer was less exciting: "very rarely - I'm just not 'in that world' a lot" meaning she doesn't think about sex very much during her day-to-day life. This, of course, I see as a challenge for myself to try to keep her thinking about it as much as I possibly can without annoying her with over*******.

Anyone had similar experiences? If so, was there anything you were able to do to get your woman to think about sex more without going overboard? Particularly with a wife that seemingly has (or had!) a low libido? Would love advice / input on this. Thanks!
Wannabe - see my captions at


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#15 · Edited by: Sybil279
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Now you need to secretly solicit a few guys online who live in your area, chat online, then pick a guy and invite him to meet you and the Mrs. for a take. Pretend he's an old college chum or former co-worker. It'll take a few encounters, but if you fill a guy like me in on what your wife likes to talk about, what she likes sexually, and a few other permisteral details, then more or less get out of the way, nature will take it's course. She'll end up gladly riding some guys pole for you.

But it will take some work and some patience. Wish I could be that guy. I'd love for you to watch and hear your wife cum on my hard cock.


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Sybil, most women are pretty sharp when it comes to detecting a setup. My GF would be outraged.

I don't think there's any way to get enough information into a potential lover to avoid being detected.

And worse yet, if he ever spills the beans? OMG, the sky would cave in. At least, that's how I see it.


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I agree with Allen and share his gratitude for your contributions with your captions.

Hopefully you can be patient and your wife will keep up the "cuckold talk" when you're role playing. That sounds like it's very exciting for you and your wife seems to enjoy the tease. Who knows, maybe she'll meet someone she's attracted to and will be able to act on it because she knows how much the idea of her cuckolding you turns you on. She basically has a free pass from you and she's seems to enjoy that freedom. She might make a cuckold out of you yet.


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Thanks Vol92! I sure hope so!

Sybil279 I've definitely considered (and fantasized) doing something like that, but like bpop says, it feels underhanded and if she ever found out - ouch - I'd be hurtin' for certain. Like in my Wannabe Hell caption above.
Wannabe - see my captions at


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Well, things have died down quite a bit. No fantasizing, and very little sex lately.

Hopefully the pendulum will swing back the other way sooner or later.
Wannabe - see my captions at


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Perhaps it's worth the effort to giving this a go..

like everything else it will help give her a push the right way.
Rating: 9, 3 votes.
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Advice needed: wannabe possibly on the verge...
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