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Let's discuss the phenomena a little serious...

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I found this web page that I find very interesting

Please read and respond. Would be interesting if we could have a more in-depth discussion on the subject

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Several of the blogs/links are interesting, where the phenomena is angled from different sides, but all in a (look to me) serious way

Specially this link is interessting, wherein the author even claim that as much as 5-11 % of all offsprings are the result of cheating

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Hope these links can inspire to a more serious conversation/discussion without ending up in IR, chastity, spear eating and other extremes

Comments? Other likewise interessting links? Other?


A cuck to my GF - A bull to all other women


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Thanks for posting. Good to see some thoughtful and intelligent contributions.


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Thanks for sharing, Norwegian. The blog you note does seem to be an attempt to have a serious adult conversation about the topic. I will contribute by dissenting a bit from the first blog post you recommended.

It seems to me that the writer assumes that her own experience with cuckolding will be the same for every other woman out there. She is given to sweeping statements about cuckold preferences in some fairly detailed things, such as asserting that they like it when you are cold to them all the day of the date, or that it is critical that the wife and her lover ignore the cuckold entirely if he is present during romantic or sexual episodes. While this will be true for many cuckold fetishists, there are many variations out there and not all cuckolds like to play/live this way. I could give a number of other examples from her post. The bottom line is that she writes as many of us do on this site - in a manner that is as equally fueled by erotic imagination as by critical thinking. I don't mean that she makes stuff up, but rather that her objectivity is lost in her lustful wishful thinking.

Really the issue can be summed up in here statement about outside relationships that "you set the boundaries, NOT your husband." This is of course very hot for us cuckold fetishists and many of us like to pretend this is the case, but - if we are to discuss the phenomenon a little seriously - it is complete rubbish. The truth is that fetish cuckold relationships are consensual (to be pedantic, we are not cuckolds at all, but wittols) and only play with the mimes of coercion. (Like other BDSM kinks.) Boundaries in cuckold marriages are mutually agreed upon, with the partner who has the more restrictive boundaries setting the pace. There are cases of fetishists whose own boundaries are so extreme as to be effectively limitless (me for instance) and apparently the author of the blog has one. But that does not mean that the boundaries are not agreed to, it just means that as the more restrictive partner she has more leeway. It is hotter for many of us to imagine that we are being powerd into our offense. But to speak seriously, we are complicit.
Pantalone, Wittol, oblate, abnegator, fellator, pathic, irrumatiophile,fop, epicene, cotquean, skivvy, thrall, and pilgarlic.


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There is this joke;

A woman has sex for a reamister, while a man just needs a place

According to the last article, women has the same hunting attitude as men. We often hear/read that men are hunters (also sexually) and that most women seak partners that can be good providers, that can provide safety and a good environment for upgrowing their offsprings

This article deliberate more on this isssue, and claim that women seaks partners in two different groups, 1) as often percived (seaking good providers, etc) but also 2) sex partners that can give them more healthy offsprings. It futher claims that women are hunters just as much as men....

But, if I read the article right, women more often consider the payoff (getting better offsprings) AND the risk (loosing her provider) and hence may therefore be more reluctant than men to jump in the sack with other men...
(I my opinion, one reamister may also be social aspects (being convieved as a slut, etc if her activitiy is disclosed) and I feel that is missing in the article...)

But the article also conclude that as much as 30% of women would cheat if they for some time is separated from their husbands/regular boyfriends...and if they risk of being descovered was minimum...

Interessting reading...

Challenge you to read and comment...

A cuck to my GF - A bull to all other women


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It seems to me that the writer assumes that her own experience with cuckolding will be the same for every other woman out there

Thanks MrsBBUD

I agree with you. She is subjective. And that first home page is her "opening" which in my opinion is the less objective part of the links you will find on the upper right part of the page.

And you are right: there is no need to redefine the term "cuckold"...that has already a single meaning: a man whose wife has sexual relation with others. The Wittol name describes already what she try to redefine cuckold to be....

However, in all her subjectivness: her description is sort of sexy too...but I guess that is entirely my opinion

I hope you take the time to read the other sub pages too

Thanks again, and if you have links to other pages of similar seriouness or higher....please inform

A cuck to my GF - A bull to all other women


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Here is a link to a similar article I came across (don't remember where) back a bit. Also i agree with MrsBlack mostly. I would like to add that the first link reads almost like it was written by a submissive man to me, not saying it's bogus or anything. Either way I dig it! I'm going to leave the window open on the prooter tonight so my wife sees it in the morning! The way I see it, the more common this becomes...the better my chances are.

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By the way...can anyone tell me how to post a live link on here as opposed to just the listed address as above?


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Oops...answered my own question.


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Here is a link to a similar article I came across

Thanks....browsed through, and it looks interessting....willl take time to read in more detail

A cuck to my GF - A bull to all other women


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i like that blog site a lot. i think it will help my wife to better understand how i feel and what i want her to do.

[email protected]


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Another interesting and serious article-

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Thanks for sharing these urls. I plan to print these out and show them to my wife in the near future! Much appreciated.


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Also try

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There's a problem with the link, so just google "The Cuckold & Cuckolder's Guide" by Cuckold Paul


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Great stuff. Thanks in particular for the Daily Beast link. I recommend Roy Baumeister's "Masochism and the Self," a scholarly work that helps illuminate a lot of these issues. He is not focused on cuckolding per se, but on masochistic fantasies (including cuckolding) in general and who has them in our society and why. THe book is from the 1980s or 1990s and is considered a seminal work among psychologists who study this stuff.
Pantalone, Wittol, oblate, abnegator, fellator, pathic, irrumatiophile,fop, epicene, cotquean, skivvy, thrall, and pilgarlic.


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Another interesting and serious article-

Thanks Macca...very interessting...however, in this case the cuck is watching (which may be great)

Other articles that is worth reading?


A cuck to my GF - A bull to all other women


Posts: 1261
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That is one hot blog. Whether or not it is subjective or not! I wanna fuck her and badly!


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There's another serious article by Susan Gower

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Posts: 203
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I think you mean "phenomenon", not "phenomena"


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Maybe you are right Asian...English is my third language...sorry for any misspellings
A cuck to my GF - A bull to all other women


Posts: 203
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That's cool Norwegian - that is one of the most common mistakes made by Englsih speakers too.


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Thanks Asian
A cuck to my GF - A bull to all other women


Posts: 470
#22 · Edited by: slemx
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As someone very interested in the "phenomenon" , has given me great pleasure to see this thread. Thank you, Norwegian.

I agree "I play while he wait" is more a fantasy than an article that touches the subject seriously. However, I have found reading it very fun and exciting (who would not want all the girls were as the article suggests ).

"Fertile feelings Lead to Wandering Eyes" sounds more realistic. Surprising statistics, although it would be good to include literature on which are based such data. However, it's also a very pleasant reading.

About "Masochism and the Self" (I have not purchased it, but I read the article about the author in Wikipedia)... I'm not a believer in psychology (in that part of psychology that is based only on theories, which is the majority). Maybe that's why I don't think cuckolding is a form of masochism. The human brain is so complex that we can not understand it, and what we think know about it sounds so unconvincing. Maybe it's just that I'm an illiterate in psychology.

Unfortunately, the scientific community does not seem interested in the topic, maybe that's why there is so little literature on it. I don't know if is only my perception, but I think cuckolding is becoming increasingly popular. Perhaps this will make scientists put their eyes on the issue and decide to study it in depth.
It's obvious that English is not my native language. Sorry for any inconvenience. My blog (spanish):


Posts: 470
#23 · Edited by: slemx
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Here Allen shares an excellent compilation of articles on the subject ( ).
It's obvious that English is not my native language. Sorry for any inconvenience. My blog (spanish):


Posts: 3280
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Thanks Slemx
A cuck to my GF - A bull to all other women


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Good Thread


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Any more serious articles?
Rating: 8, 3 votes.
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Let's discuss the phenomena a little serious...
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