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women on business trips

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I have been told that some women are being offered sex when they stay at hotels at business trips around the world. They may get a phone call in the hotel room even in good hotels.

My wife is traveling abroad to many different countries and she has commented that she has got very good service at some hotels without saying anyting more.

I have also notice that before each trip she always trims her pubic hears and shaving legs.

I have told her that its ok with me if she has sex with other men since we dont have much sex.

does anyone have any more info experience on this subject??


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One of my very favorite topics!! Hope to get some good posts....


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I have met some classy women in Istanbul but not directly by means of 'well-planned' hotel services. If you have self-confidence to get in select hotels and their disco-bar sections and you have enough intellectual background to facilitate your sexual goals ;) , it is not so hard to find some trophy wives even though they are not always business women in question...
Skype: Turkish.Master...Life is Life la la la la la....


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I travel all the time...and have seen this many times

And as Turkish say, if you know hoe to pick up women, the bars in nice hotels are absolutely the place...

I think knutxl (er du fra Norge Knut?) that your wife have all possibilities when travelling....I have put several of such women on their back....

If she is doing it? I can not tell, but possibities...sure
A cuck to my GF - A bull to all other women
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women on business trips
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