Posts: 63
I saw a fantasy story where the wife's boyfriend had a key to the front door and could let himself in anytime of the day or night that he needed.
Have any real couples given a non-live-in boyfriend a key to their house so that he could come over and hook-up with the wife? Like wait for her to come home during the day? Or late at night when he is horny and needs a release?
I am wondering if this actually happens in real life in cuckold couples.
Posts: 218
Over the years of our marriage, my wife has had three very special lovers and each of them got keys to our home. In fact, my wife and I made it a special gift to them to give them a key to our home and to let them know that, while a call first would be appreciated, there was really no need if it was inconvenient to call. And until the more recent years, when we all have cells, a call was usually not possible.
Once they got accustomed to using this special priviledge, they amply took advantage of it. I know this sounds silly, but just as permisteral was giving him our extra garage clicker, as my wife volunteered that I would be pleased to park on the street whenever he was visiting. My place was further established when he would call and I would rush out to put my car at the curb so he could use the garage.
We have a couple of photo albums of my wife, with both my shots and several professional photographer sets, of her in very amourous poses. Her boyfriends often liked paging through these books while waiting for my wife to get home.
Yes, giving him a key and clicker is a special reward, but, afterall, he has earned the priviledge by being so capable at pleasing her. And with the key, he stops by more often, she is happier and it is all just more convenient.
Posts: 63
Steve is my wifes longest standing boyfriend. In fact he was her immediate previous boyfriend before she met me and the first boyfriend she cuckolded me with.
Steve treats me with utter contempt and loves to laugh at me and humiliate me in front of our friends.
He was given a key to our house by wife to let himself in not long after they first cuckolded me. There is nothing more belittling than be home alone, sat at my computer and Steve letting himself in and creeping up to the computer room and catching me looking at porn. Even though i have heard him enter the house I still continue looking at at the porn..sometimes with my little dicky stiff in my hand, just so he can laugh at me and humiliate me then tell my wife what he has caught me doing when she gets back home.
They have a real howler at my expense and my pants often then come down and over Steves knees i go for a symbolic spanking. wife loves to tease about my little dicky
Posts: 256
My current lover has a key and a garage door remote. It’s a wonderful convenience. Several months into our relationship, my lover told hubby that he needs a key to the house and a garage remote. My faggot immediately took the key off of his key ring and went to his car to retrieve the garage remote. It’s now precious, because my sissy wimp parks his car outside and he must coordinate with me and/or my lover to be home to let him into his own house. It’s just priceless!
Posts: 373
always loved the idea of another man letting himself into my house at night and fucking my wife. Not sure what would be the hottest being thrown out of my own bed by him, or being told i must relax in the spare room at all times
Posts: 256
Yesterday my lover told my spouse that he would be home at 5:30 to open the door for him after work. I called my lover and asked him to meet me for dinner at a restaurant after work. My lover completely forgot that he offered to be home at 5:30 to let my spouse in. We live in Michigan and it’s cold outside. As he waited, my spouse kept getting in and out of his car in the drive and at about 6:00 he accidentally locked his keys in his car. Waiting outside, he finally called me at 6:30 and told me that he’s waiting outside for my lover to let him in. My lover took the phone and told my spouse that we are having dinner and that he forgot that he said he would be there to unlock the door. He went on to say that we would be home at about 8:30 and that he would just have to wait outside in the cold. My lover told me that it really exited him to know that my spouse was not able to get into his own home and that he needed to wait for my lover to unlock the door for him. I could tell that he was really turned on by it. As soon as we got home, he told my chilled spouse to suck his Cock. He said that it would warm up my spouse. I absolutely love the total power that my lover has over my spouse. It’s wonderful.
Posts: 195
i've never known it to happen in my history of cuckolding, but it would be something I would happily agree to! S
Posts: 256
Anyone else have any experiences with the lover having keys to the house??
Posts: 256
Anyone else?
Posts: 1285
Twice my wife has had boyfriends she gave the key to. To be honest, they never showed-up without calling her or anything like that, it was mostly a convenience thing in case I was out and they were meeting her, etc. But one of them came by a couple of times when my wife was at work (I was working at home then) or away to make me suck his cock - once even bringing a friend!
I can't honestly say it was more humiliating to come home and find one of her boyfriends relaxing on the couch then it is to be there to let them in when she hasn't gotten home yet. For one thing, I'm usually in uniform when I let them in! Pantalone, Wittol, oblate, abnegator, fellator, pathic, irrumatiophile,fop, epicene, cotquean, skivvy, thrall, and pilgarlic.
Posts: 256
I love the offense when a Guy that is exclusively fucking a cuckold’s spouse brings His friend to enjoy a blowjob from the cuck. It’s so wonderfully humiliating for yet another Man to participate in humiliating the cuck. For yet another Man to see that the cuck has turned completely gay and no longer has any desire for heterosexual interaction with his spouse. The friend should also get a key so that He can come over any time He is horny and have the cuck make love to His Manhood.
Posts: 256
Anyone's lover have the key ??
Posts: 450
Diane, my 1st wife gave my front door key to Dicker, her favourite lover. Dicker never ever rang first he just turned up let himself in and did whatever he felt like doing with Diane, this eventually turnd into Dicker moving in properly. Diane as made me give m front door key to 3 more other guys. But Dicker made best use of it.xx
Posts: 256
Any boyfriends or lovers have keys?
Posts: 169
If you are alone,to let her lover have a key,so that he can come in and fuck her at any time,is the ultimate,in cuckoldry,especially at night,when he just comes into the bedroom,and slips into bed,and fuck the arse off her beside you,then wake them up cuddled together,with a cup of tea,and saying,Good Morning,My Lovers!!!!! Especially before the wedding,& be with you,on your wedding night,with her totally unprotected,to give you,the ultimate gift,a baby from him,in celebration,as the dream to us loving cuckolds.
Posts: 256
Any lovers have a key to the cuckold couples home?
Posts: 1352
Interesting concept, since many of us are always pushing the envelope and looking for creative ways to step up our game. We've never had a relationship with a guy who would be a candidate for a key to the house, but it's not out of the question with the right person. The closest we've come yet is the idea of a guy spending the night in the guest room, but having permission to come into our bedroom any time of the night to have sex with her. She gets off on the idea of someone having access to her at will... and I love the thought of being jostled awake at 3:00 AM as some guy pounds her pussy. cuckold - Pronunciation - kuk-uhld - noun 1) The husband of an unfaithful wife. 2) A husband whose wife has sex with others. NOTE - It does NOT say: Sexually confused, submissive, humiliated, sissified, crossdresser, cocksucker, or piss drinker
Posts: 57
wouldn't it be great to have her boyfriend come in late at night and move you out of bed as he wants to get in ?
Posts: 256
The lover should always have total access while the hubby remains pussy-free.
Posts: 243
Our bulls do not have a key to our house. We have 2 little ones. They are over a lot though. My wife loves bull seed
Posts: 383
Our bull doesn't have a key, but he does have an open invitation to come over anytime. He will usually text and say he is on the way. When she gets his text, she goes and takes a bath to get ready while I straighten the bedroom up and change the sheets if needed. I usually let him in while she finishes getting ready and make sure he has a *****.
Posts: 256
The wife's lover, bf, or ex should always be given a key to the house. 
Posts: 142
Hi all...yes my wife's current and steady bf (Tony) has a key to the house. We don't have anything as sophisticated as a garage remote so just a front door key for him. As others have said, in fairness my wife is usually "pre warned" by him that he is coming around but it is simply more convenient that when he does arrive he can let himself in, especially if my wife is upstairs busy still getting ready to go out.
That said, he will often still ring the doorbell and then I will be required to let him in. In some ways this is as humili@ting as him having a key and just letting himself in.
Posts: 256
I agree with you, clit_dick. There is just something deliciously _humiliating in answering the door for your wife's boyfriend or ex-husband when he comes over to see her that you really never get used to as a cuckold. Whether it's to take her out on a date or to spend the night, opening that door for the 'Real Man-of-the-House' is just plain _humiliating. I love that her ex convinced her years ago to make me pussy-free because that just adds to my humilia_tion.
Posts: 131
In our marriage when her lover became and every week thing then he would she would give him my garage opener and a key. Our thinking was that he and she were a couple and so I was left to park outside and I was already in the guest bedroom. As my wife used to say real men get respect. I, of course always agreed with that sentiment.
Posts: 256
The wife's Lover should have a key to the home.