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Panties for men

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We know there is a site/company that sells Panties/silk shorts designed for men....

But we have lost the site....

Does anyone know it please.


Lee and Noel


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Posts: 72
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Thanks for that.....

Do you know much about there quality???

Lee and Noel


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No, Ive never ordered them. I dont think im quite ready to approach my wife with that request! But they seem like high quality to me.

Another option is Ebay. Search for "sissy panties". Theres actually quite a bit out there.

Good luck. Let me know how it works out.

Can I ask you how you got to this point? How did you ask your wife about it? What was her response? Is this part of a bigger lifestyle like cuckolding? I would think that once our wives start seeing us as less masculine and more feminine that they would find the act of cuckolding easier.


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I will answer your question as you have helped me.

We are for real....its not a lot of .....

Yes we are a Cuckold couple. The short answer to you has been a long journey to this point.....

As Leanne my wife was reamisterably straight...Over a period of time I used porn, Large Dildos, Constent requests for Lee to Cuckold me...emailed her lots of Captions Photos...played with Chastity which she really enjoyed the power shift to her....

Then got on a Adult dating site....messages....then phone sexs...then a couple of "dates"....

Then the biggy the cuckold moment......which luckily the guy was a great fuck....not a huge dick....just a long fuck....

But then the Green eye monster in me stepped in which I was not ready then 8-9 months of crap as we sorted out the relationship we wanted...

Which just recently we have sorted it to....2 regular lovers...we only play together...i only get to fuck her after her lovers....and only 5 times a year...but she will talk me through a wank when ever....
Also we change a lover every5-6 help me with the jealiously...

The permister who helped get us over the line in the last couple of months is Jineypie...although we have not talked or corresponded to her...we read her blog and listen to her....

We are just now enjoying it the lifestyle ....hence the reamister to just stretch our boundaries with me wearing panties all the time to remind me constantly I am a cuckold and Lee has said if we are still in the lifestyle in 4-6 months she will get cuckold engraved on the inside of my wedding ring....

So there you go.....


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Wow! Thanks for telling your story. Its so great to hear about "real" people living and enjoying this lifestyle.

Jinxypie is great, isnt she? I have been following her since last summer. Every week I cant wait to watch her latest YouTube video. You should send her an email telling her how much she helped you and your wife figure things out. She would enjoy knowing.

Its stories like yours that give me the courage to someday reveal my desires to my wife. The past 6 months have been breakthroughs for me in revealing my fantasies. We are playing with chastity and she recently fucked me with a strap on. In the last few days she has teased about buying me a nighty! I bought a porn about housewives cheating on their husbands that I hope to watch with her soon. I hope it leads to conversations about her cuckolding me. Sometimes I feel so close and other times I feel it is miles away. Frustrating.

Anyway, good luck with the panties. It sounds like a lot of fun. I have more questions for you but I dont want to keep going on and on.


Posts: 121
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When I wear panties, I just buy women's, but here's another site like the one above. I've never used it
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