maba ... congratulations on becoming a
true cuckold 
At least I think congratulations are in order.
I can understand what
norwegian is saying but I think there may be other reamisters why she hasn't told you. Does your wife still love you, and do you still love her? If the answer is YES, then everything may not be as bad as
norwegian seems to make it out to be. Women are sexual beings as well and there are times when they "just need a place," and no real compelling reamister too. These times are no where near as frequent as with guys since the consequences for women doing the nasty deed are greater (have
you ever worried about getting pregnant?).
The first reamister that came to my mind for why she hasn't told you is she may be afraid of losing you. How about that? She may love you so much that she is afraid of losing you if you found out about her cheating. Have you ever told her, even in subtle messages that it would be ok for her to hook up with other guys? If you're like me, you haven't done that for fear of scaring her off by your bizarre and perverted fantasies (ok, their my bizarre, demented and perverted fantasies).
So if you tell her that you fantasize about seeing her fucking other guys maybe should would open up and let you in on her secret. Permisterally, I'm not sure what I would find hotter and make me more horny - knowing that my wife is fucking around but she doesn't know that I know (of course I'd want some way of keeping up with her sexual escapades)
-or- she does it in front of me with the offense that would surely ensue.
pastnfuture makes a good point as well of the thrill of possibly being caught being exciting for the wife, just like the thrill of watching our wives' fucking other guys or strangers seeing our wives nude without them knowing about it is exciting to us.