Posts: 135
Hi everybody. I'm new in this site. My friend just let me use his name to participate here. Could please give me pieces of advice if this is really working? I'm still doubtful of what I have read. Is there really satisfaction in cuckolding? Please comment. Thanks
Posts: 3280
I think that to answer you sort of general question, you should introdcue yourself better. Are you a woman? Are you married? Does your husband want you to cuckold him?
How did you get to know about cuckolding? your friend (that you borrowed user name from) told tou?
Yes, there is great satisfation in cuckolding, and if done in the right way, for all three parties involved. But, as you may see here on this site, there are so many levels and ways to cuckold, that if you want an honest answer, you should define how you would like things to happend. Levels may be:
1) Fantasizing about wife being with other men 2) same as 1) and telling wife 3) same as 2) and role playing in bed 4) wife flirts with men to keep fantasy more hot, and then as 3) 5) wife take a lover, and hubby knows get details after (some like the smell from the sex, some like to eat cream pies...and some just want to know that the wife has beenn with some one else) 6) wife and hubby has threesomes with men 7) wife has only one lover (danger of falling in love...) 8) wife fucks around 9) wife fucks around, and humiliate hubby (all from 'others may get to know" to extreme physical offense 10) wife get pregnant with another man 11) other people gets involved....hubby humiliated by clode friends/family
...and 100 other levels
At the end of the day, cuckolding is per definition that the wife has/have had a lover....thats it
So, cuckolding is also (probably most) about cheating. And, my experience is that it is not that difficult to bed a married many women fuck around sometimes, and their hubbies do not know
so what is your idea? how do you want to be satisfied from all this? A cuck to my GF - A bull to all other women
Posts: 135
Thank you so much for those enlightenment about cuckolding, although I'm in the process of reading and evaluating what is all about,. Actually, I'm a married woman. I don't know if I will call myself as cuckoldress now. Still doubtful of everything and my ideas are contradicting with my values orientation. I have a very conservative orientations. But my ( I don't know if he is my cuckold now ) cuckold keeps on giving me ideas about cuckolding aside from my readings. He is really a nice guy and I like him but we haven't met yet.
I'm still confuse of everything. Waiting for more comments
Posts: 3905
Hang in there. At some point, the way forward will probably become a bit more clear to you.
You can always decide to leave things in the realm of fantasy. There's no requirement to continue on to any particular actions.
Posts: 1531
I think we need a bit more information here. You are a married woman. And you 'have' a cuckold that you have not met yet, but that is a very nice guy. From this I surmise that your husband is completely clueless about any of this, and that you're just surfing the net and meeting people, including some cuckold wannabe(?) that 'give you ideas'. What kind of ideas is he giving you? To cheat or cuckold your present husband? To leave your husband for him, and then cuckold him? Roleplaying a cuckold relationship with him while remaining faithful to and happily married with your present husband? If we should enlighten you, first you must enlighten us... 
Posts: 135
Thanks for your ideas. I think my presentation is somewhat vague. Yeah you're right Bootyz, that I will be roleplaying a cuckold relationship with him while remaining faithful to present husband. and he has no idea of what I am doing.
Do you think I am doing the right step?
Posts: 1531
Internet roleplaying can be a safe way to pursue a fantasy, if you are otherwise satisfied with your life.
I don't know what your husband is like, if he would freak out if he found out? Permisterally, if it was me I would be ok with it, but people are different. In any case, what your husband does not know, you can take steps to see to that he does not find out either (if you are worried).
What appeals to you about cuckolding?
* Domination aspects, feeling that you have power over another permister, another man? * Getting compliments for your body and sexiness from men other than your husband? * The taboo of the conservative woman cheating? * Other?
Posts: 495
excellent answer!!!
Posts: 135
Thank you guys. Hope to hear more from you.
Posts: 3905
And we hope to hear more from you, too, cuckdbyasian.
Posts: 135
Thanks for dropping by. Well, I'm happy and learning a lot from my sissy cuckold now. Although we haven't see each other yet but planning to meet next month maybe. We have a great time through the net and we love it very much. There are times we argue in some aspects which I can't accept but now this is a part of cuckolding lifestyle which we both enjoying now.
At first, I really don't like it but now I love it. I even posted a picture of mine in Asian Roses ( Miss D, the Filipina Cuckoldress ).
Yeah, there's a real satisfaction in this kind of life it's only accepting the reality that this is it!
Posts: 1531
Would like to hear more from you and your experiences of net roleplay cuckolding.
What does the guy want, and what are you giving him? What do you want, and what is he giving you?