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Listened in as Stud De-virginized my Future Wife

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#1 · Edited by: fastfive
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Hi All. I'm new to this site, and am glad I'm not alone. I'm not sure if I'm a cuck. I'm definately not a panty-wearin' sissy like some of the posters here. But, I chased my wife for 10 years while she fucked what seemed like the whole world and settled down with me and my fast-acting five incher.

I was in love with her from the moment I laid eyes on her - my next door college neighbor's new roommate. She was 20, still an undergrad. I was 29, in lawschool. She is Indian and a total exotic beauty. Hard little body, big brown eyes, smart as hell, super smoothe and dark skin, thick black hair, and still a hint of an Indian accent. This was a duplex with me and two other guys on one side, and two to three hot chicks (depending on the semester or timing) on the other. We all partied together, and had house parties in our unit - the larger of the two, but they usually turned into whole house parties - especially when someone was getting lucky (which was never me). By that point I had never fucked the same girl twice, due to my fears. I have a really bad premature ejac problem, so I would go for months with new girlfriends without fucking them. When they had had enough and it was time to give in, I either nutted on myself during foreplay, or nutted into their unsuspecting mouths as soon as that warm wetness toughed my tip, or nutted up into them after about ten strokes into those tight young pussies. After twelve years or so of that same pattern, I mostly gave up. However, I'm pretty handsome, quite fit, somewhat charming, and have always gotten a lot of interest from women - just can't deliver when it counts. But I thought I'd try again with my new "Princess Jasmine" neighbor.

Except, during that summer of '98 my roommate had his uncle stay with us for the summer. His wife had kicked him out for banging his secretary and he needed a place over the summer. He was 35 and was clearly re-living his "old school" fnatasies, as he just shagged hot young chick after hot young chick. He was a crude mister-of-a-bitch, and I could never figure out how he had such great success with college girls - girls ten to fifteen years his junior. In cheaply-built rental property, I could hear all the moans, ghasps, gurgles, ass slaps and belittleing verbal commands coming throught the walls or our adjacent bedrooms. I could hear the tears of sweet girls (who I would love to have as my girlfriend) getting used and uncerimoniously kicked aside. I would hear the dirty talk of strong empowered girls, who knew what they were in for and knew what they were going to get, but signed up for it anyway. I began to wank to the sound of it with considerable shame.

Deepi was my hot neighbor's pre-med classmate. She had been to a few of our parties and I had tried to get in with her as hard as I could - so did everyone else, but with no luck. Word was she was a virgin. I was overjoyed when I heard that she was taking over the room of one of the girls next door. We would hang out, talk, go for coffee, laugh, and work on a budding romance. She even introduced me to her parents (as "friend"), but I thought that was a big step. I got her takes for her first time, and we had a couple cuddle sessions, but I couldn't get reall affection or even real kisses. I couldn't crack that egg, so to speak, and she always said she didn't want any boyfriend. So I backed off and decided to let it come to me - nobody could hold her attention like I could. I had fantasies about being able to keep it in my pants until we were wed, and as she was a virgin, she wouldn't know any better.

However, at one of those parties the "Uncle" met her and really seemed to be cracking her up and making her smile and blush. Oh Fuck, I thought - not him - please - don't go for that asshole Deepi - Please. At one point in the night I was dancing with her and he danced kinda up in between us. Never being one for a swordfight, I backed out a bit, and he filled the space I gave him, took her hand, pulled her close in a shocking instant, used his other hand to push her long black hair back behind her ear, leaned in to say something, lingered for several seconds, and I could see her laugh and see her eyes light up. He had practically ripped this girl that I was in love with out of my arms, and she went along with it. Those few seconds play over in my head all the time.

More coming. Anyone interested so far? This is a totally true story. More soon. Thanks


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"Uncle" took her across the room and put more takes into her as I got more frustrated and more curious at the same time. I could catch glimpses of her smiling and laughing with him. Then they went back to the crowded livingroom (all furniture to the side for dancing) and danced some more. This time, more intimate. He turned her around, so her back was to him, and would dance up behind her as if he was rubbing his pelvis into her ample little booty. In seconds, her body started to move with him. I had never seen her move like that. He had his hands on her hips and waist, at different times, and seemed to be able to control her movements with his body. It was like she was surrounded on three sides, with an escape route that she never took. One of her roommates, who began at that instant to become my confidante, commented to me about it, as she knew I once was putting the full court press on her. I acted like I had not noticed, but at the same time, milked her for information. I learned that Deepi had just broke free from her parents, so to speak, in that they agreed that they would not try to find her a husband, and that she could have a love match (arranged or semi-arranged marriage is surprisingly common in the Indian community, even in America). It was all apparently quite emotional, and the two bit psychologist in me immediately assumed that she was acting out. Her roommate said as much, with an offhand comment about someone "needing to uncork that bottle, and then, look out."

In trying to get all the information I could, I lost my sweet fantasy girl in the crowd. Then I couldn't spot him. Then the panic started to set in, until I spotted him in a lounge chare at the side of the room. She was gone - good- but wait, she was coming back. Oh god, she's on his lap. He has his hand on her upper thigh and an arm around her. Holy cuckolds brownie - they are making out! This 35 year old pussy hound had her in his arms and was manipulating her actions with apparent great confidence. I re-siuated to a place where I could see them well, but that was far enough away that I could plausably be hanging out checking out the hotties. My heart raced at an incredible rate, and I was on the verge of nausea. He directed her hand up inside his tee shirt where she was obviously exploring his chisled physique with her soft hands. She was on him kinda' side-saddle, with her legs over the arm of the chair. His hands disappeared and re-appeared from view at various times. She was wearing a lot of clothing (full length skirt, long sleeved shirt. so it was hard to see how far he was getting. Then I felt my puke welling up, and raced outside to puke into the bushes - on my hands and knees, with other college kids laughing. Upon my return, and a trip to the bathroom to freshen up, they were gone.


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OK. I have to get a life for a couple hours. I see that people are reading this post. I plan to finish the story, but could go for someone cheering me on or humiliating, me as the case may be. Please let me know what you hink.


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I would learn of the past night's activity in the morning routine of post party clean up, coffee, and cuckolds brownie talkin' by the guy with the most cuckolds brownie to talk. Those of less action always were impressed by those that did get action. The talker gets egged on. That was often Uncle, who wasn't shy with his rendition of the last evening's action with that brown girl, and how fuckin' hot she was, and how virginal, and how this was "gonna be a project" for the next few weeks as he and other guys set the over-under on how many days until she was welcomed to womanhood. He set his bet at 20. Phew . . . he didn't fuck her - she blueballed him. But fuck, he was hanging out with her later. Fuck.

And so it went, with periodic updates, with me using my imagination to fill in the gaps, and using my prying eyes, and looking for signs, and being oh so cool about how I didn't care while asking questions of Uncle like we were getting instruction from a professor. He told us how he was going to do it. Calling his shot like a pool player. missionary, all gentle and sweet and slow. Don't want to hurt her. Wants to make sure she can spend the night so he can "wake her up too." She was his girlfriend now (after about two weeks, her first head jobs (got those details), and the full body nude kissing, grinding and petting of my imagination). She was at his first opportunity, arm candy to parade in front of older colleagues, bosses and buddies. I strained at the wall during every relaxover listening for any creek of the bed, gentle wimper, spontaneus lovers' laugh. I waited in the morning to see the emergance of the tee shirt and nothing else wearing dreamgirl hoping to catch a glimpse of a little dried cum in the hair or on the body. Our little budding romance all but forgotten, I moved into the friend role.

I saw the inevitable coming, with the shorter skirts, the confidence, the willingness to let her roommates "slut her up," and the hint from Uncle that if nobody was around this Friday night and saturday morning, that would be great. His nephew indicated he was out of town this weekend, and I indicated that I'd be back around noon on Saturday and at my sister's friday night. He indicated that they would probably be there around 10 pm (after their dinner) and that I should be cleared out by then. Not waiting, locked in my adjacent room, listening through the thin walls. I supplied up and locked up around 9:00 awaiting their return. They spent most of the night downstairs, where I couldn't hear, other than to know they came in and know they were not in his bedroom. My stakeout wasn't going well until they came upstairs, her sighing, giggling their lips smacking and her bounding up the last couple stairs to open his door as he followed.

Heart leaping, I settled to my floor seat, with ear comfirtably against wall, and hand quietly stroking and lightly touching myself. Recognized the kiss sounds, the slurp sounds and the little slaps and tumbles. Then . . "are you ready?" . . . "legs back" . . . "no pull them back farther" . . . "that's it." Then a painful sounding gutteral moan, then "wait, wait. hold on" from her. Then "how much was that?" "Just the tip baby" followed by another long low moan and a shriek, and him gently and obviously working it in slow, but obviously working it in.

Within a couple of minutes a rhythm was being established, with long slow thrusts, met by ghasps and moans, and occasional bed creaking hard jabs eliciting a sharper response. I was the fly on the wall as he put her through about twenty five minutes, hard, with her audibly sucking for air and being wrung out. I imagined him holding her close and gentle, kissing her, encouraging her to hold her legs up high (which she still loves), making commanding porno movie style thrusts in and out. I imagined him squatting up on his knees, without pulling out, and bending her knees back to her shoulders, and ramming her from a distance, as she looked up at him in a daze. Then to a gentle spoon, then to her on her side with her top leg bent and his balls on the inside of her bottom thigh, where (as some of you know) even a normal sized man can deeply penetrate and controle her movements. I had no guide in terms of announcements. It was just the top-of-the-lungs screaming and moaning, breif respites and more moaning. I did get a "grab your feet" or "grab your [something]" through the wall, and I got the clear buildup of reckless- sounding pounding that was uncle's power cum hopefully into that burning brown pussy. And I got the middle-of-the-night wake up surprise nasty hard fuck (about a ten minute jack-hammering with no apparent position change), and the very pointed "it hurts now" and "it's too raw" morning wakeup session (she could only take about a minute that morning), but it sounded like he punnished her throat for not being able to handle him the next morning. My junk was just about rubbed redy.

I was out of my mind over this woman and devastated that I would never be able to do that to any woman, and I might as well face it. I lived for lounging around that Saturday afternoon, watching football, and watch her gingerly and stiffly move about as she refilled his chips, opened his beers, and glowed with the aura of a fucking goddess.

To this day she does not know how much I know about her first time. She would never find it here in a million years. I may open it up, however, and let her read it. Maybe this is our entre into getting some things out in the open. Whatever happens, if you ever get the chance to have your future wife ripped from your arms, and if you get the chance to listen to your future wife get de-virginized, and then generally fucked senseless all summer long by a super experienced stud, I recommend you take it.



Posts: 176
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Wow... what a read


Posts: 684
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Good read, but just to be pedantic - the word is deflowered.


Posts: 125
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Thanks for the compliment and the grammar lesmister. I thought de-virginize had a nice mechanical or clinical ring to it. It was quite a release to get this story off my chest. Something you can't tell anyone in your life, but somehow can tell hundreds of strangers.


Posts: 1531
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Agreed with the others, it was a good read.

One thing - you wonder about telling her that you do you think she would take it?


Posts: 750
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Thanks for sharing. So they were together all summer long? Tell us how she changed during that summer. Did her self-confidence increase? Did she start wearing sluttier clothing because of it? How did their relationship end? How were you able to get her?


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She knows that I know that he was her first, and that I know he was a repeat visitor off and on in subsequent years (despite him breaking her heart). She knew that she spent the summer fucking him in the room nest to mine, or in her adjacent apartment, which also basically had a room adjacent to mine. He was a subject (express or inplied) of her many "I think we need to start seeing other people" conversations and her "I don't want to be tied down in a relationship" conversations, and has come up in her past conversations regarding her womanly needs (i.e., need to get the cuckolds brownie fucked out of her by a real man from time to time). He was, after all, rooming with a bunch of college guys and twenty something grad students, who lived right next door to his girlfriend (and other assorted beautiful skanks), so i did plenty of hanging out that involved both him and her that summer. So she knows that I know about him. What she doesn't know is that I was cowering in my room, invading her privacy and getting off on it in some sick way. I'm not like a totally submissive panty wearin' bitch that seems to frequent this site (or at least pretends as part of their fantasy), so it doesn't necessarily seem right to admit that I spied on them and watched them all I could in my state of unrequieted love.

She'd have to be fine with it (it was over 10 years ago and she married me for fuck's sake). Perhaps this is the type of thing you share with total fucking strangers instead of the ones closed to you.

Does that make sense?


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Lots of questions - perhaps fodder for an additional post. Basically, he cuckolds brownie on her and dumped her after about three months of scrambling her innards and turning her into a craven hussy. Against which she acted out by being even more sexually empowered, and dating more men, only for him to periodically breeze in, take her out of town for a weekend, and dump her hard again. That was about a six year pattern (that I knwo of).

I put up a couple pics of her on another thread. I'll reply back with the URL for that.

Thanks for enjoying. This is great.


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It is at or near the last page of the "post your wife" thread. One pic is vintage, and the second one is from a couple weeks ago. I'll try to get another one to post here.


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Yes, that's me under her (she loves this position but I cna't really do it, as you can see).


Posts: 1531
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Quoting: fastfive
She'd have to be fine with it (it was over 10 years ago and she married me for fuck's sake). Perhaps this is the type of thing you share with total fucking strangers instead of the ones closed to you.

Does that make sense?

Well, you know her better than we do, obviously. And you also know how intimate you are with eachother.

Does she share with you fantasies and dirty stuff that she thinks and acts out?

If she does not, I would think twice before broaching the subject, at least if you are happy with how things are between you as it is. (why rock the boat and all that)

That it was way back in the past and that she's married to you may mean a whole lot less, in comparimister...


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We are on a kinda' don't ask, don't tell type of thing. Every now and then I will get a story of an exploit - either recent or past. Usually this is when she doesn't want sex from me, but will let me wack it and dribble up on her as we do sexual Q & A, or she just narrates. She knows that there's nothing she can tell me that shocks me, and I try to let her know that he pleasere is my pleasure, and that I feel like a man to have a woman that is sexually fulfilled. Sometimes it is nothing more than a quick comment that she's a little sore, or a request not to do a certain position because her thighs "kinda hurt," followed by a refusal to divulge anything more, or a coy "wouldn't you like to know" response.

I wish some women were on here because I'm really fascinated with vaginal soreness and when she is sore is about the only time she makes any sounds when i do the penetration. I would love to know more of the signs, more about how long it lasts, and what it feels like., etc.


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Forgot to follow up on this one, pardons.

If you choose to open up to her about the fact that you were there, I would definitely think twice about the way you went about it, if nothing else.

If you tell her that you know, that is one risk. If you tell her that you know and you shared your knowledge with eighty thousand people all over the world behind her back, that is a double risk. My advice is to not show her this unless you are really, really sure of how she will react.


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Thanks for reporting back in - I figured this thread had run its course. because I'm so proud of the story I thought I'd freshen it up with a couple vintage pics. one poster above asked about how she would dress at the time - very conservative. The long skirt pic by the door was very much like the outfit she was in when she first hooked up with the stud in the story. It evolved to sleeveless dresses, as below (her pictured with one of his love youngren). The skirts and tight little shirts came a bit later - the beach pic is pretty recent - the others are vintage.

I would like to share more for anyone intersted. This woman has obviously captivated me.


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I added the ankle bracelet with the computer for fun.


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I pulled the pics for lack of interest or response. It was fun while it lasted. Thanks to all who replied and enjoyed this.


Posts: 200
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She was a lovely lady. Really enjoyed your account.

Sorry you are disappointed by the lack of response.
Hope you continue to post you and your wife's experience.

Very arousing!
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Listened in as Stud De-virginized my Future Wife
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