Posts: 307
Hey everyone! It's been a little while - just busy with life and relationships etc. Although my girlfriend has a long term relationship with another guy, we realized (with some help from all of you) that life's too short to not explore while we're young - so we're doing just that.
We've started a list of things we want to do in this lifestyle, and I was interested in what everyone else had as a goal!
Post your sexual/cuckold bucket list (all of the things you want to do before you kick the bucket) here!
Here's a start to ours:
Specific people: 1. A Black guy 2. A member of the Army 3. Member of the Navy 4. A Marine 5. A Police Officer 6. A Firefighter 7. A virgin 8. Someone 20+ years older 9. Someone famous 10. An ex boyfriend
1. Watch her with 2 other guys 2. Watch her with 5 other guys 3. Walk around a store while she’s getting fucked in the dressing room 4. Drive around while she’s being fucked in the back seat 5. Go to a sex club 6. Blindfold her & then bring in a man I've arranged - she fucks him but never sees him 7. Have her make a porn movie with another man 8. Fully disclose our relationship with her friends
I'll keep adding to the list!
Posts: 1076
I love those situations you described. I especially like 1, 6, and 7. I couldn't even imagine doing number 8. I think the people I know are just way too uptight about sex to be accepting or understanding... or they would just try to fuck my wife, and I'm not down with getting friends involved, hahaha!
Posts: 849
My wife has done everyone on your list except for number 7. At least I don't think she has ever had a virgin. I know for a fact that she has had all the rest, well, actually I am not 100% sure about the army guy. Marine yes and I know of only one cop. The famous permister was a local celebrity, but still a famous permister. Her current lover is black and we used to live in a navy town, so she has been with MANY sailors and a few ex-boyfriends.
As for the second list, we have done 1, 2, 4, 5 & 7. Actually, we have done some of number 8 as well, but just not all of our friends. When she was doing her first gang-bang I did not have the courage to act as her clean up / fluffer guy, but really wanted to. Perhaps next time...
Good luck with your list.
Posts: 307
Wow, I can't believe you did all of that, congrats!
What's on your list?
Posts: 849
We toyed with the idea a few years ago of having her lover move in with us, taking his place in the master bedroom, while I would be reduced to the "guest" room. I would be available for clean up duties and oral for either one of them, but sex between my wife & I would be reduced to her using a strap-on on me once a week or so.
We talked about it, but it never happened. Someday, perhaps, it just might...who knows?
Posts: 307
That would definitely be a huge jump - has worked out amazingly well for us though - although I'm not in the guest room etc.
Anyone else have a list of things they would like to do?
Posts: 700
Would love to go to nude beach or resort with wife and be locked up. Or serve at an orgy as clean up boy also locked up.
Posts: 69
I would like a prolonged cuckolding, maybe a month holiday to watch them together going through the processes of a relationship. Its the little things that make a couple. imagin Graz
Posts: 684
I want never gets 
Posts: 97
Hi John
Sorry have ben out of touch recently, think you know why!
Signed in tonight, finally got some time to think about a few things and went looking for your blog - it seems to have disappeared, finally had some time to contribute and there was nothing to contribute to.
A few years back i had a 'list', many BDSM and 'swinging' things and did most of them. Still a few to 'knock off' but they will come I am sure.
I have fucked and spanked a woman in front of her partner but mostly they were 'Dom' like me or voyeurs as opposed to 'genuine cuckold couples' and that has to be 'top of the list'.
Fir a couple like you and Angela the list would be (briefly)
1) Spank anglea and make john watch. 2) Humiliate anglea and make john watch. 3) Whip/crop cane angela and make john watch. 4) punish john and make angela watch. 5) FUK angela a) with john watching (tied) and unable to move b) with john sent out of the way - and having to listen from the other room c) In a hotel room - John had paid for on my own 6) Make BOTH beg and cry and amuse me!!
Not an exhaustive list - send me an e-mail when you see this!!
Master_4_yourwife Intelligent articulate man seeks people who need to be "used, abused & humiliated!"
Posts: 405
Have to suck off a room full of bulls. They would also have access to my asshole if they liked when they weren't getting pussy.
Watch wife with her lesbian gf. I am not allowed to watch her one on one with women.
Have to masturbate my little clit/cock to her sister again and then eat my cum.
yendorxxx on yahoo messg
Jeanne and girlfriend Jess
Posts: 550
AH a bucket list ... let me see... where should I start....
--Watch Jeanne with a group of black men, all bareback.
--See Jeanne DOMINATED by a black man.
--Clean Jeannes pussy clean after 5 or 6 loads get pumped into her.
--Be humiliated by Jeanne telling how I am too small, a faggot and how she loves her lovers and not me in front of every female we know.
--Have Jeanne dress me as the sissy I am and not worry about who sees.
--Jeanne makes me suck and fuck a group of rude nasty Dominate black cock while she tells me what a fag sissy I am as she spits in my face and slaps me.
--I want to be made to cry by Jeanne and he lover(s) preferably a group of strong Dominate men.
--Be cucked and humiliated by Jeanne and one of her bisexual girls.
--Live my shamefull life till my death as the sissy faggot I am serving my beautiful Jeanne and her lovers in chastity, offense and degradation.
- hear every day as I do now that Jeanne does not love me and how she loves her lovers. I have finally decided to take control (total) and have sissy in panties daily lock sissy in her CB 6000s for good. No more feeling sorry after a few weeks and no more giving into her pleas for mercy! Welcome the NEW MISTRESS!