Posts: 30
As someone who was born and raised by his Mother, someone who lived in a liberal house-hold(surrounded by non-liberal thinking people) I still can't figure for the life of me why people try and identify homosexuality to sex.
Don't misunderstand me, I realize the idea of it is common knowledge, that if a male were to be sodomized or TO sodomize willingly that it would be commonly judged that that permister would be Gay or Bisexual(though few coin this phrase).
It's been my understanding that Sex has nothing(or little) in particular to do with your affiliation to your particular lifestyle, given that you CAN be extremely physically attracted to those of your same sex(key, women can tend to be more often than not) and still not want to be homosexual.
So why do we coin it everytime? Is Homosexuality not the exclusive desire FOR the same sex? Meaning the romantic and emotional desire to be with one of YOUR gender? If that is so what does that necessarily have to do with your Homo/Hetero tendencies?
This is coming from someone whom has played both sides of the fence, younger(as in 12/13) I WAS attracted emotionally to another male but we were never exclusive, more that he was the only permister whom I could identify with yet I was all over the board sexually, I never really had an exclusive desire to want to actually develop a long-term relationship beyond a friendship.
So why do so many of us harp on this idea that if you've sex with someone of the same sex that keys you in as Homosexual or Bisexual? I realize the obvious coin to the phrase is the sexual aspect but I'd like to believe we've learned to evolve sexually.
Sexual expression should be a freedom, one we're not afraid to embrace and move ourselves through, no? In my experience in the neighborhood's more geared towards homosexuality, my Mom had many close gay friends(no, she was a Cab driver) and from what I understood to be "Gay" or "Homosexual" was to have an exclusive emotional desire to seek out a relationship with another man, whether sexual or not and many of the relationships I DID see were VERY emotional in nature, there WAS a sexual attraction but if you saw what I'd seen you'd realize there was a lot more to it than sex.
What bugs me is that when a "cuck" here expresses a desire to submit him/her(let's be fair)self to her "bull" or "Alpha" we coin this to be a(n) homosexual or bisexual latent desire and few of us fail to pull back and realize that it's all about sexual expression, I do not believe wanting to blow your Alpha(given that can mean oral in any term) or submit to your Alpha mean's you're automatically Gay as that does not make you exclusive to them.
Could there still be those cuck's out there USING cuckoldry as a mean's of expressing their bi/homo-sexuality? Yes but let's stop trying to coin it and put people down for it, I think it's a natural progression of presentation, the desire to give oneself totally to sexuality and live as freely as possible outside of persecution.
/end long-ass-grabbing rant
Posts: 673
cause i believe that if you are atracted to someone of the same sex, in a physical and/or emotional way, you are either homosexual or bisexual. But if you have a problem with that, maybe you shouldnt stick to those labels. As long as you are happy living the life you want? stupid questions dont exist...
stupid answers however....