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Even women want their men to fuck other girls

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Hey guys, just wanted to share an interesting perspective that I found in a blog.

There's this woman named Kaya that has a lifestyle D/s relationship. As the submissive, she has always wanted her Master (her husband) to fuck and play with other women. He refuses to do so, but her explanation of what exactly she wants and why she wants him to is just fantastic.

"He’ll talk about threesomes, things like that, and I just shake my head. I don’t WANT to have a threesome (well. I mean, I DO. And I would. But that’s a separate thang.) What I want is to be at home while he’s off fucking another woman. Or to be in the room, but not allowed to participate while he fucks/uses another woman in front of me.

I want my face rubbed in it. I want to cry about it. I want to hurt about it. I want to wonder if she was better than me- No. I want him to tell me she was better than me. I want to be compared, and found lacking, even if it isn’t true."

There's a bunch more in this post

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The rest of the blog is very D/s and not cuckold oriented, but that's okay. lol


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Stupidest thing I ever heard. Sorry but only wife should be able to fuck others. Husband MUST be totally loyal. He should not even be allowed to look at other women. 100% loyalty from husband and in return wife not only flirts but very regularly fucks her boyfriends, that's the only way a cuckold marriage should be.


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I thought it was quite hot, brought back memories for me, good ones.

Obviously,hub_cuck2002, only finds excitement in being a cuckold, to the point he is unable to understand the other side and appreciate it, not everyone is so limited, thanks for sharing.


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I agree with zinc.....its hot either way surely and as long as the ppl involved find it such.....good on them


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Yeah, I don't see the difference. Get out of your head for a second and realize that both sides are playing the field. Some men get off on their women going for other guys and some women find men going for other girls(or guys) hot as well.

I think it's great all in all, if she really enjoys it. It suffers the same pitfalls(or rather could) but it's her fantasy.


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Well in my relationship, it's the way that hub cuck suggested - I am not even allowed to dance with her friends or flirt or anything while she can and does.

This isn't my relationship though, and I just thought that her description of the feelings was great.

Thanks to the other guys.


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Sometimes people who have an intense interest in a certain kind of kinky behavior tend to treat it almost like a religion. They may actually get angry if someone suggests there are also other things that turn people on. This is also true for non-sexual interests such as those who believe that UFO's are from outer space. UFO enthusiasts often get angry if they find out that you are not a believer. It's like blastphemy to them. Well I agree with the original post that there are surely women who want to be submissive and allow their men total sexual freedom. Why would there even be a industry that supplies female chastity belts if there was no market for them? Women are entitled to their submissive fantasies if that is what they want. How are we going to FORCE all women to be the same? They are individuals with their own permisteralities just like everyone else. I think it's really hot to imagine having a wife who wants to hide in the closet while I fuck all her female friends. And I'm a switch so I can handle it either way.
Looking for a hands-on type woman who wants my hands off.


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my wife thinks about it but she gets mad when she sees me do it...she prefers seperate room action when its me doing something...her I insist on being there to keep her safe and enjoy the show..hehe shes hot
Jeanne and girlfriend Jess


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I agree a great choice of words and she does tell her side very well. I can appreciate her perspective as it is almost identical to how Jeanne treats me and it is exactly what I need, to be compared, and found inadequate, while being powerd to sit on the sidelines and watch. Great find. Thanks so much for sharing.
I have finally decided to take control (total) and have sissy in panties daily lock sissy in her CB 6000s for good. No more feeling sorry after a few weeks and no more giving into her pleas for mercy! Welcome the NEW MISTRESS!


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Have you seen the 'Cheating husbands' thrread under 'Captions'?
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Even women want their men to fuck other girls
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