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I dont see any interest in Latino males as Bulls why is that ?

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Hi, can anyone explain why Latino males are not view as good studs . Latin males love to fuck just carbonsmudgeck the census the population of latinos is j growing . Futhermore we love white pussy just like blacks and specially is her white hubby watcarbonsmudges . I have play with several white couples that kept calling me back . Is just an observation thats all


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oh believe me..... latin men are considered true studs for sure. I think blacks dominant the bull fantasy because they're darker. But don't fret!!! Any white woman would love to have a latino give them the fuck of their life!!!! (if they're stuck with a white hubby)
Obsessed with BBC!


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Because latin males have smaller penises than white males. Physiological fact. Blacks ave.=6.9", Whites ave.=6.5", Latin ave.=6.2", Asian ave.=5.9".
Dem's da numbers...;)


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#4 · Edited by: cuntlick
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It's because Latinos are so short. Short tiny little men are a turn-off to women. Why would a white woman want to fuck a man who's the same size as her 8-year-old kid?

Stop feeding your kids crappy low-protein mexican food and give them a proper diet so they won't be so short!!
donnyblue collins


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my mistress loves hot latin cocks. When She and me were in L. A. She had lots of hot Mexican lovers. i know they had huge cocks since i sucked many of them. i watcarbonsmudged these hot men fuck my Mistress over and over into next year. Have never heard of anyone doubting the sex strength of a Latin Bull.


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that's bullcuckolds brownie, according to kinsey, white males have the largest penises, do the research!
donnyblue collins


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eclat: Kinsey did his research many MANY years ago and I know what I saw. Before you jump to conclusions and criticize I suggest you calm down and consider that others might have different experiences. Perhaps you should get your nose out of your books (temporarily) and learn how to be civil.


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Anyone who quotes Kinsey isn't serious about doing research into human sexuality, which eclat claims/claimed to be. Kinsey was a brilliant and courageous pioneer in a field of study whose followers later discredited many of his findings. Like penis size.
donnyblue collins


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slutwifes_bihubby: I agree with you. Kinsey was a brilliant and courageous pioneer. Wasn't aware that his followers discredited some of his findings but understood that some of his findings were discredited.


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nice story


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I think the problem is looking at all latinos as a single race. I'm a puertorican myself and I'm 7.5 and that's considered below average in my island. The reamister is that every puertorican is at least 33% black


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It is true that LATINO is NOT a race but rather a COMPILATION of races, predominantly of Spanish ancestry. That is ALL that it means, so a LATINO can be a mixture of MANY other races, including but not limited to NATIVE AMERICAN, PORTUGUESE, SPANISH, AFRICAN AMERICAN, and if you travel to countries like ARGENTINA, BRAZIL, PARAGUAY, etc. you will find TONS of BLONDE, BLUE EYED LATINOS & LATINAS who come from the many German Nazis who fled there after World War II (but still consider themselves LATINOS). For this reamister you cannot group us all together, and I for one have a respectable third leg, and I AM a Latino of French, Portuguese and Spanish ancestry.


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I agree with you Juanito. Its true, latins is not a race, is a culture a soul. I have to tell, the newest investigations in anthropology. The origin of the mediterraneans is african we aren�t caucasian; yes, Africa. We are a subtype into the white race, our origin is the Sahara, the bereber tribes. The latinamerican is descent of spanish, but spanish are a mixed of reds and cultures between europe and africa (including some, very little, but some of black red). To tightslider: There is many big latin dicks, medium, and small, there is cut and uncut, there is thin and fat. the marines that lives in Spain and his wives taste it. Ah, jamaican, dominican, trinidad y tobago, puerto rico, Haiti, Cuban are blatinos (black and latinos, because the maditerraneans like the mixtures, we aren�t racist. Kiss to all my latin and blatin brothers.


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My Kirsty would jump at the chance of having a latino guy. In fact if ever I do get her to take a lover I think my most likely chance is with a Spanish guy. I know that by talking about ex boyfriends who were Spanish makes her pussy open up more than anything else.


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I was reading a post on another topic and it made sense. the majority of people on here being or cuckolding are white. there is some kind of optical fasination with Black and White. you can almost say it's a fasination to a religious stand point aswell. White which is always identified as a color of purity nd black always identified with death, disorder, or even mayhem. combining these two spurs the mind up.

Penis size and race have nothing to do about it. In my experience, the only hung black men bigger than me have been in porno's. about the other races, well ethnicity means nothing. I have seen them all, my size or bigger. But the biggest have been blacks in porno's.

about latins being bull. well, It is probably as exciting as a white guys being a bull. I have been a bull and in a group I have to admire the black stud pumpimg away to along with the hubby.


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I think many people equate Latinos with Mexican wetbacks because this country is getting flooded with illegal aliens clogging up our schools, our roads, powering hospitals to close, over burdening our welfare and food for kids, programs, our primisters, etc. It's a serious problem that needs to be addressed and many Americans are way pissed off at illegal aliens.

When they march in our streets carring signs saying, "fuck the Alamo" demanding that our country grant them rights and privileges when they are nothing more than Mexican nationals who come here illegally; they're not going to get much sympathy.

Since I've traveled to South America, I understand that most Latinos are much higher class, better educated, and more attractive then some scum bag, idiotic illegal Mexican wetback. In fact, I find Argentina to have some of the most beautiful women in the world.



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Quoting: tightslider
Because latin males have smaller penises than white males. Physiological fact. Blacks ave.=6.9", Whites ave.=6.5", Latin ave.=6.2", Asian ave.=5.9".

You'll notice that even if you believe this MATTERS at all, the differences are about 1/2"

big deal


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Quoting: jamesriske
Since I've traveled to South America, I understand that most Latinos are much higher class, better educated, and more attractive then some scum bag, idiotic illegal Mexican wetback.

Yes. Like you have to travel around the US to realise that not ALL Americans are closed-minded, poorly educated, rascist, xenophobic assholes.
Like you.


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Mt wife has a latino bull , Actually latinos are what she prefers, big dark guy and he packs 11" of brown meat.


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Actually my wife's first a married woman...was a great latino guy. Her only complaints were: Lived too far away so she didn't see him often enough. 2. He was 5'7" and she likes a bit taller, 6' or so. 3. Such good shape, avid bike rider that at times she wished he had a little padding over some bones LOL. She found him quite nice as a lover and a permister and is still friends with him and wishes they were still lovers and indeed still loves him.

So my wife would love to find a tall well endowed latino for a long term lover. She has had a fair amount of lovers and if you include her single days I think you would have start getting like...Afghan, Lao, Singapore men as ones she has not enjoyed yet.

She likes men that have brains, can talk and men that are well dressed and in charge, she calls them business men types.

Also while she enjoys men that are thick, in cock, not in brains, she has had great fun with guys that are shorter and thinner than I am, 6.5 and pretty thick. One of her other turn ons is big balls, she really enjoys them slapping against her when they make love.
Married for years, hotwife couple with a wife that dates, enjoys three and moresomes, plays cheating wife and seeking new lovers for her and to cuck him.
mistress liza


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Hey: I've been to bed with many latin men (puerto rican and cuban) and they have been magnificent men. My present lover is a black man but if Derrick wasn't around I would love to be with a latin man. They are superb in and out of bed.
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I dont see any interest in Latino males as Bulls why is that ?
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