Posts: 97
#1 · Edited by: for_fun_and_games
This post originated as a response to - "Basic Cuckold / Ways to secretly convince your wife/gf into becoming slutty."
I always read posts from guys on here asking how do I tell her and describing some sort of big talk. I don't think it has to be such a big talk. I think a lot of guys on here are so insecure in their feelings regarding the cuck thing that they make a big deal, where there is none. Just be yourself, part of you is this kink and she'll get to know it. You're the one hiding it.
Even though I am a cuck, I dated a lot before getting married. As I got a little older and comfortable with my kink, I just started letting girls know about it as I got to know them.
I would bring up the fact that promiscuous women turned me on.
When ever I would see a girl in a slutty outfit, I would tell my girlfriend, I wish I could take you out in an outfit like that.
I would ask lots of questions about their sexual pasts, getting them used to talking to me about enjoying other men.
Tell them when a guy was checking her out, goof around and get her to flirt a little. Just regular mundane things like lot.
Once a girl feels comfortable that a. Your not going to treat her like a slut after she acts like a slut and b. That you are not doing this to get other pussy, most will take to the lifestyle.
I had a fantastic cuck relationship with my ex-gf and y my wife cucks me now and it's becoming a pretty regular thing.
I have brought up the cuck thing with 5 women to some degree and never got a negative reaction. I am not saying they all fucked a guy while I watched that same week. It took a while before we were all comfortable enough to actually do something. Ultimately, I really only did the full cuck thing with two of them, but I still had hot times with the others just talking and fantasizing about.
But anybody who is seriously dating a woman and is not sharing his cuck desires with her has no real excuse. Grow a pair and tell her you want her to be a slut. In the final analysis, trust me, it's a pretty good deal for them too.
And what is the worst thing that can happen she thinks you're a pervert. I know there are women who don't think their husbands are perverts, they are called bored wives.
The worst thing is I am sure there are some wannabes on this site, whose wives are cucking them, yet communication is so bad that they don't know they've reached the promise land yet.
Another thing you need to remember when first dating a girl. At some point a woman will tell the man she's dating about so and so, some friend or acquaintance that is promiscuous.
She will tell you a story about her friend doing something slutty and then ask, "don't you think that is terrible?" "don't you think she is a slut?"
Realize you are no longer talking about her friend. Because she is thinking back to some time when she did something just as slutty. What you say about her friend, is what she knows you would think of her if you knew?
I don't think I need to tell you what your answer needs to be concerning her "friend's morality." But I know, somewhere in my answer I would suggest that she hang out with so and so more often because she sounds like so much fun.
In short, I think the most important thing is that your wife know that you will never judge her for doing the sick perverted disgusting things you dearly want her to do.
Posts: 229
Good post! Much more interesting than the recuring fantasy blather that you mostly find on these kinds of boards. darslangly
Posts: 515
bravo! well said.
Posts: 1782
nice read thanks let me know what you think of my small cock send message on this please
Posts: 202
I agree. Good read. Thanks for posting.
Posts: 673
in my humble opinion the woman declares the husband a cuck. Not hubby himself. stupid questions dont exist...
stupid answers however....
Posts: 97
#7 · Edited by: for_fun_and_games
your opinion should be humble, since it is wrong.
Maybe if I was a little sissy with 3" dick, I would get lucky enough for two consecutive women to "declare me a cuck," but since I am not, I saved myself a long wait by communicating. Imagine that, communication within marriage, what a concept.
Posts: 88
but why so often they hate talking about it but ok doing it?
Posts: 97
That is an interesting question, I don't know, as I had never thought about it before.
I suppose a reamister might be that at the talking stage, a girl who is not really into it, just has no inclination to talk about it. It is in many cases our fetish and our wives indulge us. Now at the fucking stage, there is a real life guy there that they are going to have a natural inclination to fuck.
My wife does get into the fucking a lot more than she gets into the talking about it.
Plain and simple, the decision is the hotwife's to make. If she says no, imaginary cucky it is. (like most here)
Posts: 46
I couldn't agree more with, for fun and games, his situation is almost identical as mine with very similar outcomes...and yes i approached it in the exact same way as he has with my ex's and now again with my current partner.
I think this was very well written, quite insightful and would recommend this approach to any guy wanting this lifestyle to become reality, this method in my eyes would give it its highest probability.
Well done.
Communicating your feelings and fantasies is one thing, allowing you to live them is another.
Posts: 46
Very true, i agree, if she ain't into then she just ain't. If thats the case, you push it and you'll fuck your marriage, you get her to do when shes not really into it and you'll fuck your marriage. At that point enjoy just jerking off to it i say.
For me, as with my current gf, i told her on our second date that i only enjoy being with promiscuous women, she wasn't at the time, but was very much so in her younger years and admitted she really enjoyed it then, so we both thought lets just see where things go.
All i knew was, she knew how i felt and she admitted she enjoyed it in the past. Now she enjoys even the hunting down of possible lovers even if they don't pan out it the end.
Posts: 55
#14 · Edited by: blondcplsd
for_fun_and_games , you seem to have a leveled head and I like your thinking and outlook.
Would agree to all you said in the post above.
Allow me to ad a suggestion for the rest: You wannabe cucks could start searching for chicks on sites like (free) or or similar BDSM sites. There, men can post as "submissive" and openly show their kinks. You may just find the right one.
I did. Although I am not submissive (she is), we now live a wonderful married life together and "cuck" each other (she thinks that real men never stop hunting. When she said that first I knew I have to marry her).
So find your own style and be upfront.
Don't try to find a conservative girl on "christian-dating" sites and then turn her into a slut. It may work or it may end up in a lot of drama (the likely outcome).
Go directly to places where open minded chicks hang out....
Good Luck all and keep it real.
Posts: 97
Good post blond, I agree with all, especially:
"Don't try to find a conservative girl on "christian-dating" sites and then turn her into a slut. It may work or it may end up in a lot of drama (the likely outcome)."
There are some girls that will go get banged right after church (I should know, the ex-gf I write about was a Sunday School Teacher, lol), but generally speaking your religious conservative girl is not gonna go for this.
Posts: 97
Not to toot my own horn, but I liked this discussion and thought it might be worthwhile to renew it.
Posts: 414
Good posts. After my divorce, wife left me for a guy with a bigger dick, I knew I enjoyed being a cuck. First wife had no sex experience until we wed so when she finally started to explore she went nuts. So when I started dating I knew I needed a natural slut. After many dates (most all broke up with me after sex) I met me current wife. She was very agressive sexually, sucked my dick the first time we met, then called me to come over and fuck her the next day. Little did I know that when I arrived at her apt another guy had just left an hour before. So it started. We got along great, she started openly cucking me I guess about a year into teh relationship. It just happened. She said she just had to have bigger cocks fucking her to keep her pleased.
So yes to the OP it is VERY Important to be open up front and find someone that embraces your lifestyle BEFORE you marry them
Posts: 72
I'm working on this with my new girlfriend. Trying the tips in this thread! It's working so far, I watched as a guy danced cuddling her from behind and tried to slip his hand down her skirt! She let him but he suddenly left the floor and it didn't happen! So I can keep trying! Exciting stuff.
Posts: 414
A great place to start is at dance clubs. Get a few takes in her and get her dancing with other guys. Once she sees you are OK with it and in fact aruosed by it then it will help
Posts: 72
Jewel you're so right! I make my excuses to head to the bar and leave her on the floor and before I've even at the bar there's a guy dancing with her. I let her into the secret by telling her I'd like to have smelled the guys finger after he nearly got it down her skirt. Can't wait for tonight! She's dressing up crazy slutty.
Posts: 97
I like the dance club idea.
My wife and I have found a little place we like and we've been talking about making it a hunting ground of sorts.
Take her there dressed provocatively and have her dance with other guys and let he get picked up. We have to be relatively discreet generally due to professional reamisters, but figure we can pick this one place where the bartender and staff get to know us as a cuckold couple. It would make it so easy for her to make friends there if the bartenders and servers all knew she was available.
It's a Brazilian place, so once a week they have Samba classes. My plan is to sit and watch while she dances, she can just use the "my husband likes to watch" line as an excuse for me not dancing and let the guys figure out the rest.
Posts: 1285
I think this is all sound advice on your part, really excellent post! Two thoughts:
Regarding the issue of "why people find telling/talking so hard," I would point out that it is still a very small slice of the population (at least here in the US) in which it is socially OK to say "I'm submissive," or "I am / like women who are promiscuous." Although the consequences and risks of doing so are far less than people tend to imagine in their stress, they are real. I agree with you completely that people need to do so anyway; that it saves time and tears. (It is also more honest. There is something duplicitous about hiding your fetishes from someone you are dating for very long. Like a kind of false advertising.) But I get why it is hard for folks. (I think the same fears are why it is harder for some women to discuss it then to do it - although social conditioning of women not to talk explicitly about sex probably also plays a role.)
Regarding the issue of "easier to find a girl then convert:" Again, totally true in my view. However, people don't always take such a practical approach to love and marriage. Sometimes, also, people rate other aspects of themselves or their desires higher then this one and "settle." I agree with you that "I wouldn't marry someone who could not satisfy this need," (I never would have married my wife without first making sure that she knew and was OK with all my kinks) but judging by the posts people sometimes have. And while it is easier to find the right girl in the first place than to convert the unlikely candidate you already have, it is still worth it to many people. Even girlfriends and wives who are open to it may need to evolve to catch up with your level of kinkiness (if you don't need to evolve to catch up with theirs!) My own wife cuckolded me before marriage and was open to things, but it was years of growing our kinks together before certain fantasies of mine were fulfilled.
Your bottom line seems to be that people will be happier if they overcome their inhibitions and hang-ups and are honest about what they want and need up front. True enough, but sometimes that is easier said then done. As you say, communication is the key, but for some people not as confident or uninhibited as you that may well require "a big talk." Pantalone, Wittol, oblate, abnegator, fellator, pathic, irrumatiophile,fop, epicene, cotquean, skivvy, thrall, and pilgarlic.
Posts: 97
Totally agree.
My wife cuckolded me, but on a very limited basis before marriage, but I knew she was at least comfortable to the idea.
Now a few years into the marriage she is still evolving and really so am I.
Posts: 76
Great thread and wise insight
Posts: 133
Very well thought out post. I think 3 things:
1. Telling your wife or gf is very difficult. While it may seem simple to search for a companion with similar "interests" many cucks come to the conclusion they desire this lifestyle after many years and even many years of marriage. However, I agree that it is better to tell as opposed to hiding it. My wife told me about all the men she had been relaxing with the moment I told her. We both felt relieved and both sort of knew.
2. I do not agree it is the wife/gfs sole decision. That only exists in fantasy and cannot ne a part of a healthy relationship.
3. Every relationship is different and no one shoud be judged. Have fun all and good luck sub sissy seeks cock