Posts: 21
Hi. My wife and I have been doing roleplay cuckold fantasies in the bedroom for a couple of years now. It started fairly innocently with her just telling me about a guy at work she found sexy and gradually has become more extreme. It's a huge turn on for both of us and the hottest scenario we've come up with is my best friend fucking her and turning me into a slave to them both.
A few weeks ago in the throes of sexual ecstasy, I told her I really wanted to see her fuck him and I needed to take my position at his feet serving him. She got me to beg her to do it for real. Since then, for the first time we've discussed cuckoldry outside of the bedroom. We had a very sober and serious conversation about it and she told me she would be willing to make it a reality but only if the guy is my best friend. I tried to convince her that doing it with a stranger would be a lot less complicated but she said her mind is made up.
So I'm in a very strange situation where my wife has agreed to make real my ultimate fantasy but I don't know if I can actually go through with it. She's said it's up to me if we do it.
I guess the reamister I'm here is to ask if there are any actual genuine cuckolds around who can confirm if the lifestyle is truly viable. Do cuckold relationships actually happen or are they merely fantasies?
If I'm honest, I would love to see my friend fuck my wife. I would love the offense and the sheer wrongness of the whole situation. But will he just freak out if we suggest it to him? Or if he is up for it, how will that change my relationship with him and my wife?
Any comments or suggestions would be truly appreciated.
Posts: 41
Yes cuckold relationships are for real. We have been a cuckold couple for several years now. It changes everything. Your role as husband will never be the same.
Posts: 3098
Mark, My best friend has been fucking my wife for a short time now...although not lately. My relationship with him has not changed, but my relationship with my wife has never been better. I have not seen them fuck, but hope to some day. If you are a sub to your friend, I think that would most likely change your relationship with him. I would think that if you want to be a sub to another fucking your may not want it to be a friend.
You may end up losing that friend.
Posts: 3098
Forgot to mention that my situation is not purely cuckold. I would say my situation is more "Hotwife" with a splash of "cuckold".
My wife and I have been in a cuckold relationship for over ten years (long than that if you count her cheating). It can and does work especially if the two of you love each other and communicate. Of course it does take some getting used to, as it is certainly not normal for a man to not just tolerate but encourage his wife to fuck other men. But the rewards of having a sexy, slutty wife are fantastic.
I would suggest starting with someone outside your circle of friends. That way if it doesn't work out, the fall out will be contained.
Posts: 1285
Yes, I can confirm that cuckold lifestyles are viable. Further, I can confirm that they are viable with the common sort of sexual presentation angle you desire.
Unfortunately, the rest of your questions do not have such certain answers.
The two of you
Just because it can work for couples doesn’t guarantee it will work for you. It depends on you and her and your relationship. You seem to be on solid ground so far and your ability to have a sober, not-while-horny, real world discussion of the idea is encouraging. More discussion would be needed – discussion of fears and risks – before you moved forward.
One thing you might want to draw out of her is how she feels about all this a bit more. The fantasy is focused on your offense, what are her feelings? Why does she insist it be this particular friend? Is it possible she is setting the bar there because she doesn’t really want to do this but she doesn’t want the responsibility of being the one who said no and denied your fantasy? Or that if you try to go forward and you lose his friendship and respect, it will “cure” you from ever wanting to try this again? (It may not be. Maybe she is only comfortable sharing such an illicit secret with such a trusted friend.) Feel her out.
In any event, you need to talk squarely about the potential aftermath to make a judgment about how your relationship might change. I think you will find that if she has any doubts or resistance, she will put them out there and you can start to have the conversation you need.
Him Will he freak? I don’t know, he’s your best friend, not mine. He certainly might and dump you two as friends. The two of you should discuss that. He might also go through with it, but then grow more distant because the experience freaked him. (Discuss that too.) He might also be into it, but then what happens after the first scene ends? The TWO of you should have a shared idea of how you want this to play out – and plans for how to deal with it if it goes other ways – before you bring him into the conversation. Do you both see it as a repeating, on-going thing? Do you hope or expect to keep it strictly limited to role-play scene “date-nights,” or are you wanting it to seep into your time together as doubles and a triple otherwise? Heck, maybe you dream of having him move in and making it a 24/7 thing. Whatever, you just need to make sure the two of you are on the same page before you start to negotiate a relationship with him.
Once you approach him (or anyone) you are letting in a third on what is now a very close secret. This may be one reamister you would prefer a stranger, but it also may be one reamister she prefers a trusted friend.
It comes down to this: can you trust him to keep it to himself? Is he the kind of guy who will tell your other friends, or who can be relied on to keep it to himself whatever happens? For some people, they will keep the secret to protect their own interests if they say yes, but denounce you to others if they freak and dump you. For others, they can be relied on to “pretend you never heard that” if it is a no-go (or one-off), but will have trouble being discrete if it is an on-going deal. Again, the TWO of you should discuss in a very serious way what those risks are and what you want to happen.
Bottom line
Yes, Cuckold relationships happen in real life and can be great and healthy. But, just like any other relationship they can also go wrong. It all depends on the people. You and your wife are the best judges of your commitment to each other, your comfort with this idea, the strength of your bond, and the discretion and maturity of your best friend. Talk some more, make sure there are no secrets and nothing being withheld, and make sure you are on the same page with the decision.
Think of it like having kids or buying a house or moving to a new city or changing careers. People do it successfully everyday and often reap big benefits. But others screw-it up and crash and burn by not thinking it through. Be the educated risk-takers, not the self-deceiving polyannas or negligent “act first-think later” types and you’ll be fine.
Good luck. Pantalone, Wittol, oblate, abnegator, fellator, pathic, irrumatiophile,fop, epicene, cotquean, skivvy, thrall, and pilgarlic.
Posts: 803
you're as well to go through with it. now she's agreed to try it curiousity will get the better of her and she will eventually do it with or without your permission.
Posts: 750
MrsBlackBlowupDoll has very good advice. I also want to talk to my wife about a possible cuckold encounter but have not found a good way to bring it up without freaking her out. I am jealous that you are having this conversation with your wife. If you can talk it through, I think it could be a very exciting adventure for both of you. Please keep us informed on how things progress.
Posts: 21
Thanks so much for the comments and advice from everyone, particularly MrsBlackBlowupDoll - you raise a lot of interesting questions and issues.
I have made some notes about points that we clearly need to discuss before anything happens and we have cleared our schedules tonight to have a full discussion. I'll try to come back on here tomorrow with the results of the discussion and probably a whole load more questions...
Posts: 21
So we had a big talk on Tuesday night and discussed a lot of the issues raised. We've also had a couple of other discussions since then and things seem to be going ok.
We talked about why it had to be my friend Luke and her main reamisters are as follows:
1. She doesn't want to involve a stranger as she thinks that could be dangerous. 2. She (and I) like the idea of me having to serve my best friend. 3. Perhaps most importantly, she finds him very attractive.
We both believe, having known him for a long time, that there's a good chance he will be into it and feel that if he isn't, we can trust him enough not to tell anyone else. We may lose him as a friend but feel this is a risk we have to take. After all, taking educated risks is what makes life fun.
In our fantasies we often excitedly talked about how he would move in with us and I would be relegated to the guest bedroom and take a servant role in the house. We understand that this is perhaps not a realistic scenario and certainly not something we would expect to happen straightaway. We've now worked out a plan of how we would like things to start and progress but of course Luke would have a say in this as well should anything happen.
After the many hours of serious chats we've had this last week I honestly believe we are on the same page and this is something that we both want very much.
Today we were at our local shopping centre and went into a lingerie store. My wife picked a gorgeous black satin chemise and asked me if she thought Luke would like her in it. I got more than a little excited and we rushed to the till to pay for it. As I handed my credit card over, my wife whispered in my ear, "how does it feel spending your money on an item to make me look sexy for your best friend?" and I had to give up even trying to hide how excited I was.
We got home and were fooling around a little and I asked her to put the chemise on for me. She looked confused and said "I thought you understood that this is for Luke's eyes only?" At first I thought she was joking but she was completely serious and actually seemed genuinely offended that I'd suggested it. And there was that feeling - that strange intoxicating mixture of offense, arousal, nervousness and excitement. If I was having any doubts about going ahead with all this then they disappeared at that moment. And I'm pretty sure my wife felt the same way.
So now it seems we're really gonna do this. We've decided that over the next few weeks, she's going to try to get closer to him and step up her flirting (they've always been a bit flirty with each other) and just see how he reacts and take it one day at a time. Then when she feels the time is right she will go for a take with him and tell him everything. If he's into it then they'll come back to our house where I will be and... well, I'm getting a little ahead of myself now.
Does this sound like a good enough plan? We intend on taking things very slowly and gauging his reactions carefully to minimise the risk of making a mistake.
So again, any comments or suggestions would be truly appreciated.
Posts: 1768
Its a big step from fantasising about this to the reality of being a cuck slave 24/7...There are couples who do that,of course, but...
Since you are now talking seriously about this and your wife looks to me that she is committed from what you have said about the chemise, you need to start thinking seriously about the end game you are both seeking..
With a stranger it could be a 'one off' let's experiment situation that need not be repeated, but with a close friend you will need to be very committed to the idea of becoming a cuck..
Have you considered a weekend cucking arrangement?
My wife's boyfriend lives 40 miles away so a weekend cucking arrangement works well for us, but I would find it hard to cope with a full-time cuckold status- but you could be heading that way?
Even if you are a submissive is that what you really want?
Posts: 21
We do realise that the 24/7 cuck slave thing is probably just a fantasy. We would like to start with a weekend arrangement with him and take it from there.
As I've explained in detail, my wife is not prepared to do this with anyone but my friend Luke. Maybe a stranger would be easier but it's not an option.
The increase in flirting has begun. We've seen Luke a couple of times this week and Rachel has been in full on seduction mode - lingering stares, little smiles, slight touches - and she's been hanging off his every word and laughing at every joke he makes. It's been incredible to watch. And we've both been so horny afterwards. I have to say, I really love where this is going. We both do. It's just the most amazing feeling. Maybe as things continue it'll get harder for me but I guess I'll have to deal with that when it happens.
We're going to a party tonight and Luke will be there. I can't wait.
Posts: 79
One of his best buddies of a cuckoldfriend is often visiting him and his wife during some years now. Sometimes only to take a cup of coffee, sometimes to fuck his wife. He, my cuckoldfriend, is helping and serving them. It is a proof having a friend as bull/lover. My wife does (to put it better, did, because one of them became a good friend) make love only with strangers. Not that an existing friend isn't welcome but I really think it is more difficult to create such a changing friendship. For the rest, I agree with the splendid answer of MrsBlackBlowupDoll . One thing is for sure: don't go in cuckolding if your relationship isn't very strong. In our case, it strengthened our already existing very good relationship. Do realize that cuckolding can be very emotional.
Good luck. Regards, Dino (Dutchman)
Posts: 21
Not sure if anyone's interested but we've decided Friday will be the night that my wife tells Luke everything. The flirting has gone incredibly well and he seems to have noticed that something has changed. A week ago he openly flirted and stroked her leg in full view of me. We think he was testing to see how I would react. I let it happen and his confidence around us has grown since then so we believe that now is the time to see if this thing can really happen. We've discussed the risks and the possible outcomes a million times now and truly feel we're ready. That's not to say that my stomach doesn't start churning every time I think about it...
So yeah, it's really happening. Wish us luck.
Posts: 595
Thanks for sharing, keep us posted.
Posts: 144
Cuckmark –
It sounds like you and your wife are going into this fairly level headed, with good communication. But remember that all three people need to be willing participants, and that open communication between you two is still very important even if you go into a submissive role. If stuff starts happening that you REALLY don't like, then you need to talk to her (and she must be willing to listen as an equal) before real damage is done.
As I've mentioned in other posts in the past, my wife became my best friends slave for several years, and he lived with us. She was in the master bedroom and he and I had separate rooms. It was a voyage of discovery, where she was very submissive to men, and sort of by accident theirs became a dom/sub bdsm relationship. Dynamics changed in some ways, and remained the same in others. He had always been my 'sidekick' since high school, so one could say I was the alpha of he and I. But the way things developed he slowly became the owner of my wife. He never attempted to pull rank on me, but all three of us knew that sexually he owned her.
Due to good communication there were very few missteps and everyone was considerate of everyone else's well-being. It worked for several years. The only real 'wheels off the road' moment we had was when he started dictating her dress code. He began to make her dress very sexy in public, and everything from erotically elegant to trampy at home. He and I had discussed this, as with so many things, beforehand. I went on prolonged travel for a couple months abroad and he kept me informed how things were going at home. He said things really intensified as she tried to drown her unhappiness of my absence in even more sex, and we me out of the house the sex games weren’t limited to just her bedroom.
To make a long story short, he made some well-intended decisions that caught me off guard when I returned. When they picked me up at the airport I almost didn't recognize her. My gorgeous wife with her sky blue eyes and long blonde hair was gone. She now had dark brown eyes (contacts) and her hair was also just this side of black, lightly permed and wavy, and was missing about three inches. Prominently on her left breast, over her heart, was tattooed his first initial. She saw my initial shock and this upset her, and it was an awkward evening. He felt horrible and apologized profusely when he and I talked about it when we got home. He had remade her in his taste (he's Latino) and thought I would think it hot. He hadn't differentiated physical appearance and wardrobe appearance. And it turned out the tattoo was just a temporary one, affirming my faith that he wasn't exercising poor judgment and going off the deep end.
After a few days everything was back in balance. The hairstyle and contacts stayed, but she actually bought a few wigs over the next few weeks and some different contacts to wear around me. She grew to really like the ability to completely change her appearance. As for the temp tattoo, it stayed just that, but a constant. We knew that eventually this phase of life would end (and he eventually moved out, got married and started a family) so while she wore a temp tattoo of his initial on her left tit for years, it was never permanent.
Sorry for the long reminisce. Keep it real, keep talking to your spouse and best friend, do your thinking above the belt, and never keep things bottled up, they will only build until they explode.
Posts: 750
cuckmark, Did your wife talk to Luke? I think you said she was going to tell him about a week ago. Are you able to provide an update?
Posts: 21
I figure it's about time I wrote about what's happened over the past year. When I last wrote, my wife was planning to tell my best friend that we wanted him to cuckold me. We'd gone through months of planning and talking and making sure it was what we both wanted and it finally seemed to be about to happen. However, at the very last minute, my wife decided she couldn't tell him. She came home in tears and told me that she'd been so stupid for even thinking it was a good idea and being that close to making it a reality had really scared her.
After that we agreed to just keep the whole thing as a fantasy. Of course I was a little disappointed but there was no way that I would ever want my wife to do something that she didn't want to do.
We didn't even fantasise about cuckolding for the next few months. Getting that close to the reality had obviously seriously shocked her and I had to be there for her as a husband and for a while our relationship did suffer a little. But as the year reached its end we seemed to recover from it all and if anything our relationship seemed to have come away even stronger than ever. But cuckolding was something we never fantasised about, discussed or even mentioned and I presumed that was how things would be for the rest of our life together.
But then she met Chris...
Posts: 3098
See, now leaving us hanging like that is just not right. What happened with your wife and friend is a bummer, but you did the right thing by sticking by her side and comforting her. Reassuring her that you love her and are with her no matter what she decides. So, now she met Chris... Please do tell.
Posts: 1077
Bum bum BUM! Can't wait to hear the rest!
Posts: 21
Sorry for the cliffhanger - you can tell I watch a lot of soaps! Let me continue...
It was February this year and I was with my wife standing at the bar in a local pub when I felt a hand on my shoulder and heard a voice say, "Hello loser!". All I could think was "Oh God...". I knew immediately who it was.
Eight years earlier I'd had a job at a large insurance company working as a telephone customer service operator. When I started they sat me next to someone who knew what they were doing so I could learn from them. That someone was Chris, a guy who'd only been there six months but was already considered one of the best. He was cocky and arrogant and very 'blokey' but I had to admit he was great at the job as his confidence meant he was good at talking to people, especially women who he seemed to be able to charm within seconds. To be honest, I couldn't stand Chris - he would talk down to me, make fun of me and generally annoy me. I'm a fairly quiet permister and I've never been into all that blokey banter stuff so he was able to make me look stupid quite easily - something he seemed to enjoy.
But I must admit that I kind of admired him. Not only for his ability to do the job well but also his success with women. I was single at the time and Chris would love to mock me as he told me about all the women he slept with and would point out girls in the building who he had 'conquered'. I didn't believe him until other colleagues confirmed that they'd seen him with various gorgeous girls. Chris was a well-built guy but I didn't think he was amazingly good looking so I assumed it was mainly his confidence and arrogance that made him so attractive.
A few months into the job, a temp started working in the building. She was 19, blonde, slim, gorgeous and instantly attracted a lot of male attention in the office. She showed no interest in any guys that tried it on and quickly gained the nickname 'The Ice Queen'.
A couple of weeks later Chris appeared on a Monday morning with a cuckolds brownie-eating grin on his face and asked me to guess who he'd met in a club on Saturday night and of course revealed it was The Ice Queen and apparently she'd told him he was the only guy she wanted and blah blah blah. I thought this had to be a lie. She was so petite and perfect that it seemed insane that she would be interested in a guy like Chris. But sure enough, when she walked past our row of desks later that morning, she turned to Chris and gave him a small wave. He was a smug guy but his smugness reached a new level that day. At lunch she joined us and they kissed and she barely acknowledged my presence but fawned over him. I've never felt more pathetic.
But things started to look up for me as shortly after this, Chris was promoted to a job in a different part of the building. I was so relieved. As he packed up his desk and left the office he turned to me and said, "See you later... loser!" and from then on whenever we bumped into each other in the building, 'loser' was how he would address me. I worked there for a year before moving on and during that time heard many rumours of Chris relaxing with various employees including married women.
After leaving the job, I bumped into Chris a few times in town and every time he would call me Loser and gloat about how successful his life was. I was quite pleased when I was able to tell him that I was engaged but he laughed and said he'd always presumed I was gay which rather took the wind out of my sails.
I'd not seen him since I'd been married and was rather hoping it would remain that way. So hopefully you can now understand my reaction when he appeared in the pub. And even worse was the way that my wife was looking at him...
Posts: 44
Wow you are good at this cliffhanger stuff.
Posts: 1077
Hope you keep it going!
Posts: 1285
cuckmark: However, at the very last minute, my wife decided she couldn't tell him. She came home in tears and told me that she'd been so stupid for even thinking it was a good idea and being that close to making it a reality had really scared her. After that we agreed to just keep the whole thing as a fantasy. Of course I was a little disappointed but there was no way that I would ever want my wife to do something that she didn't want to do I'm sure it was disappointing, but you did the right thing dropping it for a while and concentrating on her comfort. She was (as she told you) scared of taking that kind of risk with the relationship. By your actions afterwards you demonstrated to her that you also value the relationship more than you kinky thrills. I suspect that is why you marriage has emerged stronger and closer. I gather from your new story that she is now willing to revisit the fetish. You should be very proud. Only a rock-solid confidence in you and your marriage born from your behaviour following the near-miss could allow that. Good job, and good luck to you both! Pantalone, Wittol, oblate, abnegator, fellator, pathic, irrumatiophile,fop, epicene, cotquean, skivvy, thrall, and pilgarlic.