Posts: 195
I remember about 17 years ago, I used to visit my then girlfriend in another city about 3 hours away from me. She lived in a small apartment and I would visit every weekend. One time when I visited we were so horny that when I arrived in the late evening we went straight to bed and screwed. Being younger and less concerned with foreplay...ahem...We hit the bed without much fuss and undressed as we fondled under the covers. Lol
Anyway, I used to smoke then and lit one up, while relaxing and talking I pulled back the covers to look at the body I missed all that week, and this girl was a cracker! But to my surprise I looked her up and down and there was bruises all over her nipples and around the sides of her neck. I asked what the fuck was she doing to herself when I wasn't around, and believe me at that time it never even struck me that another guy was involved in this!
Can you imagine my surprise when she went quiet for a moment and then said with a wry smile' Well, if you think those marks are bad look at my knees.'
I pulled the duvet back and saw the red 'scorch' marks all over her knees and toes. I was a little speechless and my jaw dropped.
'I went out on Tuesday and came home with someone, a guy called Sam.' She said.
I sat bolt upright, because sometimes she kissed other guys, but never went further than a quick grope or two. She knew I was looking for answers by the look on my face as I lit another ciggie.
'He took me doggy over the coffee table while I knelt on the carpet, hence the burns. He pulled the fucking nipples of me so hard I yelled.' She said.
'Well that explains the body marks, and he must have nailed you good.' I retorted, 'But explain the hand marks around your neck if he was pulling the tits off you at the time?' I queried.
'Well, I brought home Sam at the time,' She answered,' But unfortunately he brought his friend John back as well and while Sam was having a good go on me, John was holding my head down on his cock to shut me up...'
...Well that answer just really shut me up folks, but after an argument and more lesser interesting details, we screwed again and we dated for another year.
Yes...She even let Sam & John come around during the week sometimes, always left bruising! S