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Want to do something different to my hot 25yr girl - pics

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Ok, I'm going through a weird thing here. Pleaes bear with me. I need to get all of this stuff out, and I don't want to talk about it with friends or anyone I know really. I've never been insecure about anything before I met this girl. She's talked about times when she used to go with a friend and pick up guys and from bars and either go to hotels or out in the parking lot with them?? I never asked if it was actually out in the lot or in a car or where.. I never really asked questions about it because I didn't want to appear insecure. Sounds like she used to be a major whore. Anyway, she has this image of me as this great, nice, caring, sweet, guy, etc. I always do treat people well, etc, and she always tells me I'm amazing, that shes never been in love like this with anyone before, etc.. So when she told me this stuff about her past I was kind of surprised. She wrote me and tells me she loves me so much and that she used to be stupid and easily influenced and that's her past and not her anymore and she's not proud of it. Here's my weird fetish/fantasy whatever u want to call it. I don't know if I want to be there and have some guy fuck her and humiliate me, but I do want someone to try to seduce her and fuck her so I can break up with her. It's weird. I want the offense, for her to tell me about all the guys that have fucked her with dicks bigger than mine, but I want to also use that to hurt her. Is this weird? I gently try to get her to talk about other guys, but she seems unccomfortable. I've also told her I've measured my dick, but she's never asked how big it was? Is that weird? Should I bring this up somehow, or ask her how big she thinks it is?

She says she would never ever cheat on me no matter what. I tend to believe her since she knows I've been through an enormous amount of stuff in my life, more than most people). I've almost died several times, had major surgery, etc. I'm fine now, but that makes me think she wouldn't cheat on me, but who knows.

So, I need help, or maybe this is impossible. I would love for someone really good looking with a big dick to hit on her,seduce her,etc, but I don't think it will be easy.. I have tried myself to pretend to be someone else in email and she blew it off.

Anyone have any ideas how I could go about this? How would someone email her and not mention they got her email from me? I really really don't want her to know I want to set her up like this, but I do want to be able to call her on it and use it to break up with her. weird I know.
anyway, she is very hot..
here's a pic. If you want to chat I can send more..


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hmm.. No one is responding.. Well, she's in South Carolina, about an hour north of myrtle beach if anyone is interested. I'd love to talk about this further with someone..


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She sounds like a nice lady.
Don't hurt her. She wouldn't hurt you. She's come clean and revealed her past to you so you two can make a life together.


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I agree with andrea ... a fantasy where you are humiliated is one thing ... hurting her is just wrong


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True I'm am battling with her past a bit. Another thing I left out was that she mentioned she had a dream one night where she was with another girl using some 2 headed vibrator thing. So, I said, "a two headed vibrator"? And she replies , actually it was a really thick dildo. So, what is that saying? She has this dream because she wants a bigger dick? I guess I'm sahing I'd want to know that I can trust her or not, or if she would fuck other guys.


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You have some issues. If I had a woman dreaming about fucking another hot slut with a two headed dildo I'd tell her let's make it fucking happen, today. So she was a major whore for big dicks before she met you, lots of women were. Doesn't sound like she'd cheat on you now, lots of women do that too so you might wanna re-think this fucked up idea you have about hurting someone that seems to care about you.
The best pussy is always married pussy


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A lot of hot talk in bed worked for me.


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Sarg, I understand your point. I guess what I'm getting at is I never mentioned previous girlfriends to my current ones, and never tell them details about sex with them, etc, and none of miy ex's have gone into describing that stuff to me unless I've asked. I guess the fact that she volunteers stuff annoys me, like she's comparing. That and the fact that I have a memory like and elephant and have caught her contradicting herself a few times about her past. I know maybe it's no big deal, but my instincts tell me to be careful with her. I don't want to hurt her, but I do want to know if she's still the whore she used to be. She's mentioned things to me when we were just getting to know each other, like she's had a threesome, etc, and now I bring up a threesome and she says she's never had one. She says she's never done anal, but I remember her telling me she did once. She seems like she's trying to pretend she's a good girl now or something. Why should I waste time with her, have her move in with me, only to find out she's out in the alley sucking cock? I guess I could just take things slow and see how it turns out, but I don't see the harm in getting a good looking guy to hit on her and see what happens?? That's not exactly hurting her is it?


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An hour north of Myrtle Beach would place one in NORTH CAROLINA. Get yourself a Garmin ha'as.


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It sounds like she truly thinks you're great, probably the best she's had so far. And she's trying hard not to mess that up. I think some of your reactions to her earlier confessions might be the cause of some of her revisionist history later on. I think she truly wants to be good enough for you.

Please don't screw this, and her, up by being dishonest or doing BS testing games. If her referring to previous guys as much as she does bothers you, ask her to not do it. Maybe she is more comfortable discussing her and your past than you are. But if she knows it's a problem for you I bet she'll work to stop.

So she has had a lot of wild experiences. Many girls (and guys) kiss a lot of the proverbial frogs before finding a prince. Maybe she thought the slutty, easy path was the way to go, or picked different guys then and later found out that was getting her nowhere, especially compared to you.

Now, has she truly changed? Hard to say, and even if she has, I doubt she'll fail to make some mistake in the future, at least in your eyes. I think you need to see her sincere effort, lower your pedestal a bit and give her a chance (and maybe some more compassion) and see what happens while keeping your eyes open. If you are really thinking about continuing with her, as someone said above, work to be as good and kind and awesome as she sees you. If you're not really interested in working through this, gently let her go now and save her months of work and struggle and possible self-loathing so she can find someone who can accept her more for what she was and what she is trying to be.

Now, if you like the idea of her messing around and breaking up with you on some fantasy level, that's of course different. And it may be quite possible. My gf also notes how amazing, kind, gentle, etc. I am but also understands me and my kinks enough to be pretty cruel to me now and then in a roleplay fantasy sort of way. But that will require some honest communication from you.

Good luck, and I hope you'll let us know which way you go.


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Why should I waste time with her, have her move in with me, only to find out she's out in the alley sucking cock? I guess I could just take things slow and see how it turns out, but I don't see the harm in getting a good looking guy to hit on her and see what happens?? That's not exactly hurting her is it?

Perhaps not, but that wasn't what you claimed earlier - you said you wanted to be humiliated by her and "use it to hurt her". Sounds like issues to me.

If you are genuinely interested in the girl, and afraid she might hurt you, you might ask her a bit more about her past.

I mean, so she did it in a parking lot. Was it because she is a bit on the exhibitionistic side? If so, you could explore that side with her by doing some (quasi-)public sex.

Has she had many lovers? Did/does she take a lot? Party a lot? Did she have most of her ONS under the influence? Has she had long-term relationships before?

As others said, communication is key. If you can't talk with her about such things, that's a major negative sign for you two as a couple, regardless if she's a two-timing biatch or a newly reform goody-two-shoes.


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Yes you're right, I did say I wanted to be humiliated by her. I am kind of struggling with that idea. It's a fantasy but don't think I woulid do it in reality. She doesn't see me, at least I don't think, as someone to humiliate. I don't think she'd be into that, but you know what, I'd love to find out, but without actually asking her.. That would be hard to do wouldn't it!?

Anyawy, I've since found out several guys have hit on her and she has dismissed them. She didn't tell me this, but I was able to find out in probably not a very good way, but at least I know.

I've been confused lately. I think I have an obsession with her past. I mean, I wish I could see the things she's done, etc. I'd love to hear every detail, but as I've said she doesn't like discussing it, and at the same time I think it would bother me as much as excite me.. This whole this is beyond strange to me. I've never ever had any issues like this before and I've had plenty of girls.

So, I'm thinking I want to do something, small, and maybe these feelings wil subside over time.. What do you guys think of this idea? I was thinking of sending her an email, like spam, from a fake address like "Misstress Kim" or something about how to dominate/control your boyfriend into eventually watching as you fuck other men. I could lay out some step by step playbook for her and then just see if she actually follows this or ignores it? Not sure what I would do if she followed it.

thoughts? maybe you all could advise me what to write in this email?


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about how to dominate/control your boyfriend into eventually watching as you fuck other men. I could lay out some step by step playbook for her and then just see if she actually follows this or ignores it? Not sure what I would do if she followed it.


It's your life, and it's all about what you want from it yourself. Seems to me you've just discovered something that you may want to explore further - it may be nothing, it may be something, you might want to be cucked, you might sum, you don't know, and you sound very much like you want to find out. And you are planning for her to be the guinea pig in your little experiment.

Of course, if you don't really consider her long-term relationship material, it's not the end of the world for you however this plays out - may not be fair to her, but I'm not going to lecture you about it, I ain't your keeper. However, if you do consider her LTR material, you could fuck up things for yourself this way. You're setting up a 'trap' for her, but your foot will be in it right beside hers. What if she follows one - 1 - 'step'? Does it mean she want to control you and cuck you? Or did you simply make her very curious, and she tried it just to see what would happen, but had no intention to take it further? And what if you had misunderstood something? Suddenly, an otherwise innocent gesture or word takes on multiple meanings. A glance from her at another man means that she's cheating on you in your own bed.

Doing something like this sets up a minefield inside your own head - don't play games you don't want to lose. If you care about her, you might tell her that you have stuff you need to resolve, that you really care about her but that you need to find out what you want for yourself, etc.

Best way to get to know yourself better is to find someone to play with, a fuckbuddy or even professional domina, someone you can put less emotional investment in and find out if the whole offense/cucking business is for you.

Bottom line, you need to get to know yourself before you can find out who can give you what you want. Don't waste your time and peace of mind, it's the only two assets that's really worth anything when it comes right down to it.

This message has been brought to you be Dr., Bootyz. :o)


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Well said, Bootyz.


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If you go ahead with your plan, it appears that it would be your loss.....
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Want to do something different to my hot 25yr girl - pics
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