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What is with the whole BIG BLACK COCK thing?

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Am I the only one who thinks the obsession with black cock is kinda stupid...why this obsession with a certain race? I just don't get it


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bigger cock on average + excitement of the forbidden + shame/guilt all make it hot


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No, you are not alone.


Posts: 68
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I would like to see my wife fuck a black guy just because she never has, I have fucked several black women and enjoyed it quite much. I haved fucked every race but except for an Indian woman. We are swingers and I would really like for her to get over her parents inhabitions that they installed in her. Cock is cock just like Pussy is pussy, it may be a different color on the outside but it all feels the same!


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You are not alone, I think the blk cock thing is racist and stupid. But to each their own...


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My wife's lover is a white guy with a measured 12 inch cock. She came as soon as he hit bottom with her the first time and has never looked back.
Somehow cuckolding has turned into interracial.


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The whole "black" thing started since it was thought a white wife wouldn't leave her husband for a black guy, of course times have changed. With that change comes hotwives like mine, that are in it for the dick size. Black guys actually turn her off, but there have been a few exceptions.
R Couple


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It sells. Taboo, exotica, and sex sells. It is inherently racist, but those making money off it don't mind, anymore than do those peddling stereotypes of Asian women. Race is a commodity in the porn world.


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I think it's just the taboo. When black guys ask my wife if she likes bbc, she responds that she simply likes cock. She likes abs and big dicks, color is not an issue.


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Colour contrast is part of the visual thing for me. It also works with WM and BF, although less so (probably in part because there's less porn and thus less quality porn catering that way).


Posts: 82
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Black men hold the top position for race with the largest average cocks and asians for the smallest average. With that said, it´s not a suprise that BBC has it´s place in sexual fantasy and often reality as so many people find big cocks a turn on, including me . Not that White or asain guys can´t have big cocks, but there are fewer to be found. So when the words "Black Man" ever come up in conversation there is always that connection with BBC that comes to mind. Rock on BBC!


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Quoting: lowhang52
Black men hold the top position for race with the largest average cocks

That's blatantly not true. You should do more research. On the average black cocks are around the same as white ones. Middle eastern could tend to be on the larger scale. Not to say that there aren't HUGE black guys.... or white guys. There really isn't a correlation to race and size.

It is a little racist, but due to society at a large (and only until the last few generations), it was socially unacceptable for interracial relationships to exist. Therefore now, the natural, or rather social, "taboo" of it is what is so exciting.

Permisterally, the reamister, I find, that it is so hot is the colour contrast. It's just something about dark and light that turns my crank. White guy on black girl. Black guy on white girl... the contrast is just hot to me.


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"That's blatantly not true. You should do more research"
There is no fire without smoke!... Black Men have on average the biggest cocks, and even when there are small cock sucking sissy black guys, the most are white, hehe



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I also find it a bit insulting and racist on a couple of different levels.

I don't necessarily fault those that are interested in it, and I guess it's quite the boon for the well hung black males, I mainly just think it is overemphasized.


Posts: 93
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I have never understood the obsession w/ black guys but then again I am not a cuck and Im not a woman. I think cock size is usually associated with the overall size of the guys. Not all black guys have big dicks and not all white guys have little dicks. Most asian men are smaller overall so I can believe they would also have smaller dicks-but I totally agree with you Slidebaby


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I agree with bootyz, it being the colour contrast thing. My Indan wife looks PARTICULARLY lovely with BLOND guys, again the contrast, someone the opposite of her. But being cuckolded by the blond stud is also a humiliatory thrill, & not just "permisteral offense", in that another man is pleasuring your wife, but a man who LOOKS & IS so different from you, the husband. This also becomes a "racial slight" on the part of the cuckold! I think there may be other Indian cucks on this site who may share this view.


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my wife and i both have been fucked by several black me. they had large dicks and very thick,seems like they fuck bettern than white guys,and i know they make us both cum hard.


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I like the contrast, too.

I don't know how racist it is, though, because black guys get off on fucking a white girl just as much as white girls (and their husbands) get off on the BBC thing. Black guys who message my wife on adultspace frequently talk about wanting her to tell them that she wants "that black dick in my white pussy" and to be fucked "by that big black nigga dick in my white girl pussy."

Whatever floats your boat. I want my wife to be a good slut that makes her men happy. If race differences get a guy off, then by all means she should take up the fantasy to make him happy.


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I'd rather see my wife ride a nice big white cock...just permisteral pref...


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Fuck, my post just up and disappeared!

I was making this whole long intellectually stimulating post about how black guys have on average better skin tones on their dicks than white guys, but white guys have nicer body hair than black guys and so on, but that will have to be for another time...


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There is absolutely no correlation between race and penis size: many scientific studies have proved it. Yes, you get black guys with big dicks, but you also get white (and every other race) guys with big dicks too. Same for small dicks. The average dick size worldwide is just over 5 inches. There is, however, a greater than average proportion of big-dicked black guys in the porn industry, and this is no doubt a major factor in the skewed perception of many people. The reamisters for this are fairly obvious: in the USA, where most porn we in the west are exposed to originates, there are less career opportunities available to black people for historically racist reamisters; black males therefore tend to gravitate to industries where they can earn a lot of money for some special talent or attribute, such as singing/music, boxing, etc, and of course, if they have a big dick, porn. Big dicked white men, on the other hand, have other career opportunities available to them that have nothing to do with their dick size but more to do with their academic qualifications. Also a contributory factor is culture: being a porn star is considered pretty cool in black culture, but in white culture it tends to be looked down on. The myth that black men have bigger dicks originated in the racist views of the 18th and 19th centuries, that black people “were closer to nature” than white people (i.e. were more like naturals). Because of this, sex with black men was taboo for white women, but as we all know, that just makes it more desirable. As the beneficiaries of such sex (and the money it often afforded them) black men naturally did little to set the record straight. I’ve known many girls in my life who’ve slept with black men in the expectation that they were going to get fucked by a really big dick, only to be disappointed that he was after all no bigger than a white guy.

The myth also works both ways: I have black friends who’ve told me that they were brought up to believe that white men always had smaller dicks than them, regardless of actual size. So if a black man has a 5” dick, he naturally thinks that all white men are smaller than that anyway! This leads to the belief that white women prefer black dick over white dick, and this gives black men a sense of self confidence that women find attractive, and works in his favour, thus reinpowering the stereotype. Countless informal studies and questionnaires have demonstrated that the single most attractive feature of a man, for women, is self confidence. If you’ve got self-confidence, it doesn’t matter what you look like, how much you earn, or how big your dick is: you will be attractive to women. It’s this self-confidence that makes a “real man”, nothing else, and any woman will come if she’s being fucked well by a confident man. Having said that, there is also absolutely no doubt that a man’s dick size can be a major factor in his self-confidence. Some men are self-confident anyway, still have little dicks, and still incredibly satisfy their women. But many small-dicked men will suffer a lack of self-confidence because of it, while many big-dicked men will have greater self-confidence simply because of their big dick, even if they only think it is a big dick.

Even then, there are exceptions and downsides: I once had a friend that had a 12” dick (it was fucking amazing to see in real life!). One takesen evening, he confessed to me, in tears, that he was still a virgin, because although women loved seeing and holding his dick, absolutely none of them would let him inside them for fear of getting hurt. And I’ve seen plenty of porn films where big-dicked men can’t get their dick all the way in to the base, which leads to less satisfactory sex than normal sized men get. And I’ve also read that the body only diverts a set amount of red to an erect penis, so the larger the penis, the less hard it gets when fully erect, although I don’t know for sure if this is true or not. And don't forget, men and women evolved together: average dick size in men correlates exactly to average vagina size in women. There are very few women that can take a really big dick, simply because it will hurt them too much. Usually, the only ones who can are those who've had a baby, and their vaginas have been stretched from giving birth.

At the end of the day, it’s what you do with it that matters. Permisterally, my self-confidence depends on a lot more than just my dick size. My penis is a better than average 8” when fully erect, but my wife prefers to dominate me and fuck me in the arse with a strapon rather than let me fuck her. She prefers to get her cock elsewhere. This is obviously more to do with my lack of self-confidence than my dick size. Some of you will think that I should be self confident having a bigger than average dick, but my lack is due to my joblessness and sense of self esteem rather than anything else. Permisterally, I prefer to be applauded for my achievements rather than an accident of birth, and with little achievement, I feel like a worthless loser, only good for taking care of my wife’s needs, doing what I'm told, and bending over the bed: I don’t deserve to fuck her. Her new lover however, has a good job and earns loads, and can afford to pamper her in ways I never could. He deserves all she can give, and if I’m lucky, and very well-behaved, maybe I’ll get to clean her up after he’s finished. That’s all I can hope for. Oh, and he’s Middle Eastern, with a 7” dick.


Posts: 1531
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Good post, devoT. And sorry to nitpick, but there are a few things that I do not believe are correct.

"There is absolutely no correlation between race and penis size: many scientific studies have proved it. Yes, you get black guys with big dicks, but you also get white (and every other race) guys with big dicks too. Same for small dicks. "

This is AFAICT not true, there is a correlation, BUT

1) The average difference between the major groups is not as big as anyone likes to believe (we're probably talking about half an inch between those who would be classified as 'black' compared to those who would be classified as 'white')

2) This allows for great variation in the group and between subgroups. There are probably subgroups within those who would be classified as either 'white' or 'black' whose own average surpasses either of the supergroups average with more than the difference in average between the supergroups

3) Your self confidence point is a good one.
I once heard of an experiment conducted on two groups of Asian women, controlled for earlier academic performance. Each were given a mathematics test, but before they could start working on it, the first group were told that Asians on average were better at math compared to other races, while the other group were told that women on average did worse in math than men. The latter group did significantly worse on the same test...


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Thanks. I guess it depends on which study we choose to use for reference The one I used was supposedly a general overview of all studies done so far, which concluded that there was no correlation. Within that, individual studies HAVE found slight differences, but they are so insignificant and sometimes even contradictory. In any case, we're only talking, as you point out, about half an inch or less, not 4 or 5 inches difference.
And also, the number of people involved may be a significant factor: in most studies conducted so far, the sample has only been a few hundred or less: until someone actually gets round to measuring about a million men from each race, we will never be 100% certain. And part of the difficulty is that in today's PC world, scientists are very reluctant to undertake any work which seems to promote the idea of any difference between races, preferring to concentrate on the similarities instead.
It's also been noted that in studies where men are asked to measure themselves rather than be measured by scientists, they nearly always overestimate their size


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i myself dont exclude my partners to just black like alot of the ladies here, i permisterally think that they are limiting their ability to get fucked and i for 1 refuse to limit myself and make myself 1 dimensional. i love all cocks all sizes all colors, as long as they are hard and shoot cum and can fill my pussy and assshole with cum so i can power my hubby to lick me clean, that is all i look for in a man
even though i love bbc i will fuck any cock willing to fill me with cu
even though i love bbc i will fuck any cock willing to fill me with cu
this white cock is sucking a niggers cum from my  pussy as i smoke
this white cock is sucking a niggers cum from my pussy as i smoke



Posts: 79
#26 · Edited by: lipservice
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Quoting: slidebaby
Am I the only one who thinks the obsession with black cock is kinda stupid...why this obsession with a certain race? I just don't get it

Interesting how it's never Big African American Cock ! Interesting how it's never Big African American Cock taking his African American neighbor's African American wife !

I've always resisted any serious commentary on these kinds of boards because hey this should really be about great sex, fantasy, etc., not about reality. But this particular topic really gets to me so I'm going to give it a try and anticipate all the angry responses.

You are definitely not alone!!! It is of course usually an example of racism in mainstream culture. Not in every single case of course, but culturally as a whole, the black cock theme is a cultural phenomenon due to culturally programmed racism. No one wants to hear that of course, they want to believe they're being independent thinkers and very open minded....

The general theme of cuckoldry is about offense. A black man is seen culturally as less than (these are not my messages, but mainstream culture's messages), less likely to develop intelligence and play fair, makes less money, more likely to have nothing to lose, more willing to do something wrong because he has less to lose if reprimanded. The cultural message (not my message) is that he is more likely to say 'fuck it' and take what is yours and not worry about consequences. So in a lot of white men's minds, the black man stereotype is a good candidate for someone to fuck their wife in a cuckold context. Being black symbolizes those things, and the humiliating unfairness that his white wife would prefer this unsafe dangerous stranger.

These cultural messages are of course completely absurd and insulting. But we're all culturally programmed to some degree, we're all racist to some degree (even black men), so we often get caught in this without realizing we're being programmed. Sometimes white cuckold-oriented men like to use the argument that they're actually being pro-black because it's about giving their wife to a black man. Unfortunately, that's not the case though because that situation wouldn't be so sexually charged in the first place if the black man were actually seen as equal rather than less than, or seen as an exotic unknown creature at best.

For me, the race aspect is intensely annoying and distracting. I prefer cuckold fantasies about people that I permisterally am more prejudice against, people I see as less than me, like high school jocks, white asshole business men, white people that get power unfairly, and how they go fuck everyone's wives and girlfriends, etc.

All I can say is wouldn't it be amazing if this president, just by his existence and example, will change these cultural messages at least slightly, and the new messages will signify a much healthier mainstream culture...
forced to suck


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Not into the IR thing ourselves but it is different strokes for different folks


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I actually have a small question, playing devil's advocate here, due to the comment of racism and African Americans. Why must people insist on calling "Black People" - "African Americans"?

Are all of these people from Africa? What do you call a white permister living in the US who is from Africa? Do we call "black" people from Europe "African-European-American"? How about the fact that we're calling other people "White"? Why not "European American"? Permisterally I'm none of the above, technically you'd call me "Asian-Canadian" by these standards, and I'm from Israel (If you didn't know, Israel is a Western Asian country).

Why is it okay to trash talk the "white" guy, but as soon as something is said about another "colour" of skin, there's an issue. What about the Irish? Who came to the states and were slaves as well? There's no Irish History Month.

I'm ranting now, but Racism is where you look for it. If you've ever seen the movie "Anger Management" you'd appreciate the scene where Adam Sandler is on the plane and he's being annoyed by the flight attendant and the security permister. He says "What's with you people?" and the security guy happened to be black, who responds in kind with "You people?" and Adam Sandler says, "I didn't mean YOU people.... I meant you PEOPLE!"
Just to say, Racism is where you look for it, and how you handle it.


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One last note, why don't we just call everyone Pangeatic and be done with it?


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LOL, I totally agree! I'm from the UK, and historically we haven't had such a big racism thing going on here. Sure the British were involved in the slave trade way back when, but slavery as such never really took off here: we didn't have any plantations that needed working, and there was already plenty of poor white folks to exploit. And although we had a few riots back in the 50's, generally black/white/Chinese/Indian/Pakistani etc etc all get along fine here these days. So this whole "big black cock" thing just doesn't do it for us... it's unique to Americans, and it is undoubtedly due to some sort of conscious or *** cultural programming from your history.
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What is with the whole BIG BLACK COCK thing?
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