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Slutty Clothing on a budget

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Hey guys. Living near NYC we have some incredible fetish clothing stores where one can find rare and erotic outfits, but they are largely priced for special occasions only.

But for those who would like to provide their wives with a significant wardrobe to turn other men's heads, there must be a cheaper way to go. Where do you guys get the best deals?

Lingerie4Wholesale - I'm looking into these guys because their prices are great (but I don't know if they are on the up-and-up yet, has anybody ordered from them?) The downside? you have to buy in bulk (minimum order $200 and you usually have to buy items like stockings in packs of 6!!) This seems ideal for items that need to be frequently replaced like stockings which are prone to runs (or being ripped off in the heat of passion.)

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For slutty shoes I think eBay is the best bet. Just remember to check out the retail price of the shoes you might bid on to ensure you ARE getting a good deal (sometimes in the heat of the moment people end up bidding more on eBay that the price of the item at their local store!!)

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Can anybody suggest other places?


#2 · Edited by: jbrown
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ebay is always a good find


Posts: 23
#3 · Edited by: Phxhng
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A lady I once date bought her naughties at K-Mart of all places...It didn't matter if we destroyed it (and we usually did)!


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Have a look at the last Becky pics I posted. I bought her those PVC, spike-heeled cheap and nasty boots at the cheapest shoe shop you could imagine. Just MADE for the bedroom...


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Okay, well mom cucked dad when I was 12, Dad wasn't really into "the lifestyle" all that much, so after The Divorce mom and I went from a big house in Hinsdale to Section 8 in Roseville MN. So I was on a budget, like, ZERO, but I did all right, I perfected the "Junior High Slut" look, you know, "dumpster chique," short, tight, ripped, the guys didn't care, they were like, "Jamie? Yeah, she's hot! Won't fuck but she'll BLOW your MIND."

I mean the black stockings, garter belt look, god! Where did that COME from? My GRANDMOTHER didn't dress like that. I didn't even know you could GET stuff like that until I started working at Victoria's Secret. I mean, I tried it on, but I'm like, 5'1 and 90lbs and wear a 32A bra, it was like a little girl playing dress-up.

So I went back to the white shorty-shorts rolled up to show all 32 inches of my creamy white legs and the tightest ass you have ever seen on a girl over 12, and the bare-midriff tummy-top that stretches over my pointy little titties. I mean, I get the "looks" all right, but god, I have to carry two id's to buy a damn take, and some places STILL won't let me in.



PS Yeah, I'm Gen-X (24) but if U think I'M badd, oh my god, Gen-Z, they are like 9 or 10 right now, I teach them in ballet class, THESE grrlz KNOW what they WANT, and KNOW how to GET it, and they don't need internet porn to figure it out, so watch out! Give 'em ten years and the world will flip over. Think Jamie Lynn Spears...

PPS Wait, DON'T think about the Spears grrls, give you brain strain, think about something else
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Slutty Clothing on a budget
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