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Wife went out with High School Fuck-friend 7/12

Rating: 8


#1 · Edited by: navydude77
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Whew.... I wasn't sure this was ever going to happen. I feel kind of ill, but in a good way with anticipation.

Let me start with my situation. My wife cheated on me a few years ago with one guy, for about a year. The fact that she lied to me about it, and considered leaving me really pissed me off. It almost destroyed our marriage and family. However, we remained mature, and worked it out, and built upon that rubble. The foundation is proving to be strong as communication is at record levels.

Currently, we are in the midwest seeing family and friends for the first time in 10 years.

About 6 months ago, I told my wife the fact that another man had been fucking her in my bed really turned me on. She was interested to hear more, but was very trepiditious at first. Things progressed slowly as we discussed desires, fantasies, and ideals through considered open communication.

My wife really came on to the hotwife idea. She is a looker, for sure, and I will see if I can append a pic on to this post in just a few minutes, although, I will have to disguise her face, of course.

She is very submissive in bed, although dominate in life. We found our ideal situation to be fucked handily and multiple times by someone she either trusts already or gets to know for a while --- We are looking for a new friend in our metro area of Seattle, as well. Feel free to PM me. Our schtick is that she wants to be a very naughty girl, going outside our relationship for big cock, and coming home to be punished, cleaned, and dominated, again, back into our relationship. She likes to be used for hard fucking in her cunt, and her ass, especially if the dick is medium girth and long. She hates being fucked in the ass by a fat cock.

Well, as I alluded in the title, she is out, right now, hopefully getting fucked and filled by her high school fuck friend. I am expecting a cell call shortly, and would be happy to answer any questions I can or chat while waiting. They are supposed to be going to the same hotel I am in now, with the rest of my family, but I am unawares of the room #. She promised to call so I could listen in, however.

I feel very nervous with excitement.


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pics of her


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she just texted.... They are leaving the meeting place and headed back. She is gonna call and drop her cell phone in her purse for the evening. I knew we were saving all those damn rollover minutes for something.

Se won't make me clean her out, but I will to reassert my dominance over her. Afterwords, I will fuck her and demand her presentation back into our marriage, in order to re-accept her.


Posts: 116
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An interesting take on things. A Dominant who is also a cuckold of sorts..If it works for you great. I kind of like the variation for a change on here.


Posts: 142
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Sounds like you have a full night ahead of you! Your wife might be even more full!!!!


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An interesting take on things. A Dominant who is also a cuckold of sorts..If it works for you great. I kind of like the variation for a change on here.

Thanks, Quicksilver. She seems very turned on by the idea. Tonight is the first time it has/is/should happen, so I will definately keep everyone posted. When she calls, I will try to capture some on my laptop's mic and append it to this post, as well.

It's been 40 minutes since she texted and said they were leaving, so I am sure she will be calling soon.


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Quoting: charge
Your wife might be even more full!!!!

Indeed... I am very ready to find out.

I smoked a joint just a bit ago to take the edge off my nerves, but they are back.....


Posts: 385
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sounds hot, cant wait to hear what happens


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ok... she just pulled into the parking lot... should get the call very soon.


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Unforntunately, I have still not recieved a call. My only guess is she forgot her cell phone in te car? If so, what a let down. Still, I hold out hope.


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check it


Posts: 414
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It is also probably quite difficult for her to talk to you with her mouth full?


Posts: 2117
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any news?


Posts: 1506
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navy, like 2 c her hangers
show me sum bare tits


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Hi guys...

Sorry it took me so long to get back in here and update this. I was finishing up my family vacation after that night.

Indeed, it was very difficult for her to talk with her mouth full....

So, I did get a phone call during their 2nd encounter, a 'quickie' when she went to drop him back off. I have attached the sound file and will post it in the sound file area as well.

I'll post on here what happened for me, and I amy have my wife sign up and post how she felt about the experience as well.

BLIZZARD-- I will have to get her permission for that. It is her body! ;)



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Attached to this one.....
1stnight.mp3Attached file: With old boyfriend
 Delete attachment #1


Posts: 500 Pictures: 1 
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Nice story and pics, would love to see more of your hot wife!


Posts: 6
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Thanks, Navydude--very hot. I hope things are well with you two.
Rating: 8, 2 votes.
Cuckold World Talks / Cuckold World Talks /
Wife went out with High School Fuck-friend 7/12
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