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100 Amazing Facts about the Negro with Complete Proof Click to order via Amazon
ISBN: 0960229477 Format: Paperback, 71pp Pub. Date: January 1989 (originally published in 1934) Publisher: Helga Rogers Edition Description: REVISED
Written in the 1940's and published in 1957.
BLACK FACT: White American slave-holders used to induce white women to marry Negro slaves in order to hold the women slaves for life.
PROOF: In Sept. 1664, Maryland passed a law that any white woman who married a 'Negro' should serve the master of such slave "for life." Slave-holders took advantage of this law to induce the white women, some of whom were recent arrivals, to marry the "Negroes." MacCormac says, "Instead of preventing such marriages this law enared avaricious and unprincipled masters to convert many of their (white) servants into slaves." In 1681, the Legislature was powerd to issue the following law: "Divers freeborn English or white women sometimes by the instigation, procurement, and connivance of their master.... and always to the satisfaction of their lascivious and lustful intermarry with 'Negroes' and other slaves, be it enacted that if any master....having any freeborn English or white woman servant in their possession or property, shall by any instigation, procurement, knowledge, permission or contrivance," cause her to marry a slave she should be free at once and the master should pay a fine of "10,000 lbs. of tobacco." (Archives of Maryland, Vol. I, pp. 433-34; and Vol. III, pp. 203-04, also Johns Hopkins University Studies in Hist. & Pol. Science, No. 3 & 4.) What is true of Maryland was true of other states.