Some insights about your search

First let's start with some boring numbers.
According to
The hyperlink is visible to registered members only! the population of Allentown is about 106,000 (2003 estimation). Even though Census says the population trend for Allentown is declining - let's correct it for 2007 by generously adding 10%, and estimating it as 117,000. We do not know whether the estimate includes nearby suburbs, let's triple it - so we have a pool of 351,000 permisters in or nearby Allentown.
Now let's see what we have here. CuckoldPlace states having 81486 users. Let's assume all of them are in USA (again twisting the chances in your favor). Assuming that the Cuckoldplace users are spread equally over USA according to the state population - which is not the case, but makes things simpler, and getting the 2007 USA population as 303,941,639 ( - this means that there should be one CuckoldPlace member per 3,730 permisters. This means there might be 94 permisters in or around Allentown, which doesn't look bad. However since you're looking for a man, and the Allentown has 52.1% women population, this leaves us with just 47 men, which is still good.
Let's look further. On Cuckoldplace there are generally four categories of people - bulls, cuckolded men, cuckoldress women, and guests who read all this to jerk off. Since you're only interested in first cathegory, let's be generous and assume there are 50% of bulls. Which leads us to 24 bulls in Allentown who registered on Cuckoldplace.
Now let's look on your requirements. You mentioned "good looking", "nice body" and "nice cock". Since there is no prescreening, let's assume those 24 bulls you have fall into the typical statistics. It doesn't need elaborating to say that it will probably take less than 10% of the overall population to be a good looking and having a nice body AND a nice cock (the average 22.5% obesity rate itself excludes 1/4 of the pool). You didn't specify age, so I generously assume any man in 18-70 age range. So now we're down to 3(!) good-looking bulls with nice body in Allentown, who registered on Cuckoldplace.
However you just posted yesterday. The forum statistics says that most users ever been online was 1051. From my web development experience I could assume that maximum total number of visitors rarely exceeds 3.5 of maximum number of visitors ever online (the forum activity is based on peaks). So this means that it's a 5% chance of a bull to see your post and reply. Since we have three of them, the total chance is 15% - assuming that every user reads all the new posts, even those which do not have location in subject (hint).
So, as you see, it's expectable.