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I think it would be a great idea to collect in one thread real news items about cuckolding and cheating wives. So start off I'm posting this news article I found. Would be great if others contribute with similar stuff.

'Cuckold' ex-cop, wife settle with Pueblo for $20,000
A former Pueblo police officer who said he was fired because he and his wife have a "cuckold" relationship will receive a $20,000 settlement from the city, the Pueblo city attorney's office said today.

Michael and Tammy Bethel filed a federal lawsuit last year. In it, they said that Tammy Bethel is free to have sex with other people, as long as they are not married or minors, and provided she tells her husband about it.

Michael Bethel is not allowed to have sex with others, though he sometimes joins his wife when she is with others, the lawsuit stated.

The Bethels claim Michael Bethel was fired from the Pueblo police department, where he was a sergeant, after department officials learned of the arrangement.

City officials denied the allegation, saying Bethel's dismissal stemmed from his actions while on duty.

Bethel was fired in 2006. Four days later, he was charged with witness tampering and official misconduct.

Prosecutors said Bethel tried to convince a man not to testify in a burglary case because he was afraid the evidence would include a videotape of his wife having sex with the man.

A judge threw out one charge, and a jury acquitted Bethel on the other charge.

But in December, after a two-day arbitration hearing, an independent arbitrator determined Bethel had been properly terminated.

In a statement, the Pueblo city attorney's office said it "vehemently denied liability" but decided to settle the lawsuit because it would cost taxpayers more than $20,000 to continue defending the case.

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Soldier attacked men 'cavorting' naked with wife

A SOLDIER attacked two men with a meat cleaver and a knife after catching them "cavorting" naked with his wife.
Dean Johnston, 22, of the Royal Scots Borderers, lashed out at his Army colleague Jai Kerr and his friend Jamie Dickmister after walking in on the threesome in Edinburgh last October.

His wife Natalie, 21, had jumped up from in front of the fire naked when Johnston entered the living room.

Mr Kerr, 21, a soldier in the same unit as Johnston who served with him in Afghanistan, was naked and Mr Dickmister, 20, was wearing only boxer shorts, the court was told.

Johnston, who served in Afghanistan and is hoping to go to Iraq later this year, immediately punched one of the men in the face, then went after them with the weapons.

When police arrived at the house Johnston was sitting holding his two-year-old mister.

He pleaded guilty at Edinburgh Sheriff Court to repeatedly punching Mr Kerr on the head and body and striking him with a knife, and to striking Mr Dickmister on the head with a meat cleaver and repeatedly punching him on the head and body, severely injuring him.

He was due to be sentenced today but the case was deferred for Johnston to be assessed by psychiatrists.

The court was told Johnston tried to contact his estranged wife to arrange to see their mister, but got no reply so went to her home in Craigentinny at 5am on October 20.

The door was open and he went in to find his wife with Mr Kerr and Mr Dickmister in the living room takes and in "a considerable state of undress."

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This one is particularly delightful as the woman is actually called Mrs. Robinmister! "Here is to you Mrs. Robinmister"

Northern Ireland in uproar over lawmaker's secret affair with teen
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The threat of renewed sectarian violence is at its highest in years. But it's a seamy affair between Northern Ireland's most famous female politician and a man nearly 40 years her junior that has put the province's fragile peace pact between Roman Catholics and Protestants in danger of unraveling.

The woman in question is Iris Robinmister, 60, the glamorous wife of the leader of Northern Ireland and a canny lawmaker in her own right. For months, she maintained a sexual relationship with a 19-year-old, then allegedly helped set him up in business with money secretly lent her by a pair of property developers.

Revelation of the affair last week was enough to trigger outrage in Northern Ireland, where Robinmister had been an outspoken advocate of traditional family values and publicly denounced homosexuality as an abomination.

But allegations that she committed not just adultery but also financial malfeasance have thrown into doubt the historic power-sharing agreement between republican-minded Catholics and Protestants loyal to the British crown.

Robinmister's husband, Peter, is accused of having found out about the secret loans but not reporting them. That could power his resignation as Northern Ireland's first minister at a crucial moment when many observers consider him one of the key powers holding the unity government together. The government is grappling with the contentious issue of devolving authority over police and the judicial system from the British government in London to provincial officials in Belfast.

Clues to Peter Robinmister's fate may emerge today after he meets with officers of his Democratic Unionist Party. Iris Robinmister reportedly is already preparing to step down as a member of the British Parliament and of the Northern Ireland Assembly, her highflying political career almost certainly over.

David Trimble, a former first minister who shared in the 1998 Nobel Peace Prize for helping end the conflict in Northern Ireland, said Peter Robinmister's credibility had been fatally compromised.

"It's clear from events within the Democratic Unionist Party that his authority has gone and his capacity to lead that party is very . . . seriously hindered," Trimble told the BBC on Sunday. "I think that political reality over the next few days will lead the party toward a change."

A change in leadership might precipitate elections in the province, which could then strengthen harder-line parties on both sides of the divide, putting an agreement on the hand-over of police and justice powers further out of reach.

The transfer of such authority is arguably the most important challenge still outstanding for the 1998 Good Friday peace accord that formally ended "the Troubles" in Northern Ireland. Republicans regard a hand-over as the necessary end to an instrument of British oppression, while unionists fear it would give their onetime bitter enemies the upper hand.

An agreement is already way past its formal deadline, and the power-sharing government in Belfast, the Northern Irish capital, is teetering on collapse. Peter Robinmister, though not highly popular as first minister, had been seen by many as one of the few leaders able to help steer an agreement through.

The public rallied to his side last week when, looking numb, he publicly revealed his wife's affair after having kept it private for months.

But a few days later, the BBC broadcast an investigation alleging that Robinmister knew his wife had solicited loans from businesspeople to help her paramour open a coffee shop yet failed to report it to authorities, as political ethics rules demand.

In a statement, Robinmister declared that he had "done nothing wrong" and that he was being "tried in the media." He promised to appoint an independent counsel to investigate the scandal.

But public sympathy for Northern Ireland's "first couple" has now given way to anger -- and ridicule -- as the details of Iris Robinmister's relationship with Kirk McCambley, now 21, have leaked out.

She took McCambley, the mister of her butcher, under her wing when his man died in 2008, allegedly calling him "the other mister I would have loved to have been a lady to." (Robinmister and her husband have three grown youngren.) "She made sure I was OK," McCambley told the BBC in its investigation.

Soon, their relationship turned into a sexual one. When McCambley showed an interest in opening up a cafe, despite next to no business experience or funds, Iris Robinmister allegedly asked two developers for loans totaling $80,000, most of which was passed along to McCambley, except for $8,000, which she is alleged to have kept for herself.

The affair ended in late 2008. In March of last year, by which time her husband had learned of her infidelity, Iris Robinmister tried to commit suicide, she later revealed.

The affair has inevitably spawned gleeful comparimisters to "The Graduate," in which the middle-aged Anne Bancroft seduces young Dustin Hoffman.

"Here's to you, Mrs. Robinmister," the Guardian newspaper splashed on its front page Saturday, invoking the Simon and Garfunkel misterg from the film over a photo of McCambley serving up a cup of coffee.

The people of Northern Ireland are less amused, with many responding to the Robinmisters' alleged misconduct with the stony sound of silence.

Original article at LA Times:
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Found the TV program about the above mentioned cuckold relationship. The program also includes a couple who includes another woman in their relationship. It's an episode of Hidden Life. The links are not mine. I just found them so thought I'd share them here.

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