slut leanne
Posts: 509
#1 · Edited by: slut leanne
my wife has been seeing her lover for three years now and i enjoy it when she goes to see him which is about once a week now but i find it hard a couple of days later is this normal uk slut loves big cocks
slut leanne
Posts: 509
Bill mgee
Posts: 81
Do you feel she's loving you less? Tell us, friend. Feel free to let it out, so we can help.
slut leanne
Posts: 509
not really sure what it is but kind of feel a bit left out uk slut loves big cocks
Posts: 1352
I don't think what you're feeling is all that unusual. It's easy to go from giving your wife total freedom, to feeling like you're being left out. You two probably grew into the lifestyle together, and she most likely thinks you're happy with things as the are. You need to let her know your feelings have changed a bit.
Most wives want to please their husband. Once she knows you wish to be more involved, I bet she'll be open to it ... maybe have you drive her to his place... or listen from another room... or even watch them at times. There are many ways for her to continue getting what she wants, while getting you a bit more involved! Good luck. cuckold - Pronunciation - kuk-uhld - noun 1) The husband of an unfaithful wife. 2) A husband whose wife has sex with others. NOTE - It does NOT say: Sexually confused, submissive, humiliated, sissified, crossdresser, cocksucker, or piss drinker
slut leanne
Posts: 509
thanks not sure if "left out" is what i ment it seems like she is doing more things with him as they get to know each other more and it seems that i im getting less she is so happy and glowing after she sees him for a day or two i know this is what the cuck life is but its getting harder and i get very snappy with her and feel down uk slut loves big cocks
Posts: 25
I have an Asian wife I fuck on a regular basis and when she is with me she is a total different permister than she is with her husband. I can basicaly have my way with her however i please, but she barely lets her husband even touch her. Sometimes I get the feeling she is falling in love with me, but could never leave her husband, nor do I want her to. Be carefull how you treat her, and don't do anything to push her farther away from you.
Over the years, I have experienced similar feelings when my wife has become infatuated with a new lover. I tend to keep these feelings to myself, but I redouble my efforts to show my wife how much I love her. Whether it is cleaning the house when she is out on a date, buying her little gifts, or surprising her with a weekend away, I make the effort to express my feelings for her. It has certainly worked for me.
Another thing both my wife and I agree on is that she should see more than one guy at a time. Currently my wife has three different guys that she sees and this really lessens the chance that she will fall for any one of them. Of course this means more nights alone when she is out, but I enjoy this part of my wife's dating life so it works for us.
Posts: 15
I would say you guys need to communicate. Let her know of your feelings and how it is not comfortable for you. See what could be worked out in terms of alternatives, or the reamister for insecurity.
Check your pm.
slut leanne
Posts: 509
thanks guys i think we need to talk uk slut loves big cocks
Posts: 274
Good advice from wifedateshubwaits, safety in numbers. My wife always had at least three different lovers who serviced her and who she could call on whenever she wanted. At the end of the day it boils down to how much you love each other. Love is everything but it has to be reciprocated.
Posts: 346
did you guys talk?
slut leanne
Posts: 509
my cock lock came today in post im wearing it while she is out fucking her lover im am now a proper cuck uk slut loves big cocks
Posts: 150
Leanne, I knwo how you feel, I love it and hate it? has she femminized you too?
slut leanne
Posts: 509
not yet but who knows whats next uk slut loves big cocks
Posts: 308
if she was my wife ...i would insane with lust you lucky cuck!!!!