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An Idea

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not sure if this as been done before, but what about we all take part in writing the ultimate cuckold story. i'll write the first paragraph, then whoever wants to write the following paragraphs can. that way we all have a say in how the story devolps.

here we go then.

me and jessica had been married for just under two years. a relationship was fine at first, but i had my doubts whether i fully satisfied her in the bedroom . my penis was only 3 inchs long and although she said otherwise i could she was far from happy in the bedroom.....


Posts: 312
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Jess always joked and teased me about my "little weapon" becasue it would gurgle out a little dribble of semen within one minute of entering her. I couldn't help it, she was so FINE. Her albino white skin, coupled with her deep pentrating blue eyes and pouty mouth drove me wild, especially when she would knell doggie-style, her favorite position. I knew I was very lacking in the man department, but somehow she said it didn't matter, even though I came so fast. Boy was I about to find out that it indeed, did MATTER.

One day, Jess came home from a girl's night out with allie, whom I hated because she alwaysmade fun of my puny 5'9" 155 lbs skinny white boy frame. She said they got to talking about guys and sex. "Allie", Jess said, "says all men have at least 8 incarbonsmudges and are thick, especially this black guy that hit on her at the beach club today. But I said "uh-uh, Wally has three incarbonsmudges when hard and she laughed at me!" "Is that true, Wally, do all men have 8 incarbonsmudges in the men department? And if so, what does that make you?"
Allie Hit On
Allie Hit On


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I tried to stammer out an answer but couldn't find one but I did find that my little penis was begining to stiffen in my Dockers. It didn't help that I had slipped on a pair of my wife's satiny pink panties which was causing me to become very stiff. My wife noticed this and let out a giggle. "Honey, did my talking about yur penis give u a little stiffy. She walked over and felt my cock and before I knew it she had unzipped me and was fishing her hands into my slacks. She gave me a puzzled look for a second and then smiled and giggled. "You're wearing panites aren't you, you little naughty boy. Do you like feeling girly."


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Girly? How could I even begin to explain how girly it made me feel?! And how much I relished it! The way the thong rode up my ass, the way that black man looked at me in the elevator when he saw the sides of my panties peak out of my jeans, the way he and his beautiful white girl smirked and smiled at me - I loved it all!

But right then, all I could do was moan a pathetic "Yess!" in answer to her question, which only made her giggle further.

And then, suddenly she stood back, looked at me with her beautiful eyes filled with curiosity and excitement and said "Undress! Show me! I want to see what a little penis like yours looks like wrapped in pink.."

I thought I would die right then and there, from pure shame and excitement!


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