Posts: 1441
its definitely not just a fantasy, i wish she would fuck me more often. two of the five years she was pregnant with our kids and she would not fuck at all, but even if we throw those years out it is still only 7 times in 3 years, about a twice a year average. I wish we had sex more often, im sure i could do better at pleasing her with more practice. i do admit, the idea of her getting a bull does excite me a little, but i dont think she has one. submissively
Posts: 1441
her vibrator has recently disappeared, what do You think that means? submissively
Mister Junior
Posts: 40
if you've only had sex 7 times in 5 years obviously something's wrong. maybe you should sit her down and talk about.
Posts: 1441
we have, she insists shes just stressed and tired from work and kids and then she gets mad and defensive if i bring it up too much. submissively
Posts: 1441
i have found her vibrator, it has been obviusly used, but still no sex with me submissively
Posts: 589
find a bull to seduce her... your italian bull in Venice
lets meet over week-ends or full weeks: your gorgeous hotwife will be my slut. From unaware sexy ladies to complete slut in training. Classy and strong. please Pm for detail. Age 49. Looks younger. Will travel to European de
Posts: 1441
im trying amicosalepepe, but i am not sure how to find one. she would have to be seduced so it would probably require a bull who is patient enough to get to know her and earn her trust first and then seduce her. submissively
Sexy sub TV
Posts: 112
Well even before my boyfriend became my cuck, I would still go through the motions of having 'sex' with him quite regularly, just to avoid him becoming suspicious that I was getting it elsewhere (I was). Your wife could be doing one of a few things. She could have someone else, in which case you are a sort of cuck, she could be happier with her vibrator than with you, in which case you need to improve your performance!, or she could simply have a very low sex-drive, which there is little you can do about. There's probably some more possible reamisters too - those are just 3 I can think of now. Question really is - would you be happy if you were a cuck...? Tracy xxx [email protected]
Posts: 1441
thank You Tracy for your input and sharing your experience. it is helpful and a good question you ask.
the idea does excite me, but if it actually happens or already has happened, i can not say how i would really react? I am not sure which is the better scenario. having a wife with a low sex drive, or having a wife who may be cucking me.
i guess at least if she is cucking me, than she is being satisfied and perhaps i may be able to one day enjoy that with her, where as a low sex drive simply leaves me in the cold.
that being said, i think i'd prefer being cucked, but i'd hope i could participate in some fashion, otherwise she might as well just have the low sex drive.
thanks again Tracy for your honest input. it is helpful to hear from the ladies on these issues.
be well submissively
Sexy sub TV
Posts: 112
Jilly There's a big difference between you thinking its exciting for her to have sex with another guy and actually finding out that she is. Only you can judge whether you are ready for that. My cucky found out his feelings by accident. We had been together 2 years, then one night some girls he knew told him he should dump me cos I was relaxing around - they even told him who with. Instead of feeling angry or upset, he actually found himself turned on by what he had been told. The next night he asked me to have an 'honest chat' with him, and he told me how he felt. I was pretty shocked, but I was honest with him and told him why I did it. Since then we have always told each other the honest truth, and things have developed into how we are today. One thing we've learned to do - seperate our sex life from our everyday life. It took a while, but it really helped us deal with things in our heads. Tracy xxx [email protected]
Posts: 93
Sissy-what kind of shape is she in- does she work out? what about her hygiene appearance, etc. In other words, does she look like she's keeping herself looking good for someone (obviously not you). If so, she is definitely getting laid. Otherwise, she's probably just depressed and stressed out. Women go thru both phases. bullcock
Posts: 1441
thanks again Tracy lol jilly submissively
Posts: 1441
Bullcock, she had started to work out again, but had to stop right away because of some seperate family issues, but plans to start again. she is all done with kids and wants to get back into shape ( she's not out of shape, just wants to be better) and then plans on maybe getting a tummy tuck to flatten tummy from past pregnancies. she wants to look like she did before kids again. she has always maintained her appearance, always looks good. takes care of skin, nails, wears nice clothes etc.
thanks for Your thoughts Sir submissively
Posts: 1441
well im a little more worried now. tonight i found a minipad in the trash. she commonly wears mini-pads because she is always naturally wet. she seems to have a lot of natural feminine drainage, however tonight it seemed like a lot more than usual. the pad was brownish colored, still wet, and left a slimmy feel on my tongue when i tasted it. there was no real strong taste but a slightly different odor, but didnt smell like my semen smells. i went to store and bought a black light because semen is suppose to glow. it did not glow, so i tested a spot in some panties i knew i had made. that spot didnt glow either. do black lights not really make semen glow or did i just get a cheap light. i googled it and was confused. it mentioned uv light makes semen glow but referred to uv light as black light also. should i buy a different bulb. do You think she fucked someone? am i cucked? she did leave yesterday to go back to work. she said she forgot something. work is 20 minute drive. she called two hours later from work, because she left her cell phone home, and said she was on way home. did she get laid yesterday when she went back to work? what do You think? please help. anyone have advice about black light? thanks lol submissively
Posts: 1441
after researching on line about uv light and bodily fluids i learned that semen alone glows a neon whitish color. i tested this with a sample of mine and found it to be true. vaginal fluid doesnt have much glow and is harder to see. urine glows the bightest and is a bright neon yellowish color. my wifes pad was a bright yellow orange and pinkish color so i think it was soaked with urine. it even began to smell like urine after a few days in the zip-lock bag. i did learn however that it is impossible to tell if there is sprem present by uv light alone. chemical or dna tests must be preformed to be sure. there are kits to buy online or places to send samples in to find out for sure if sperm is present in the sample, but the cost ranges from $50-150. based on my findings i believe her sample was urine stained, but there may still be sperm mixed with it. i dont know why the pinkish color was present, but based on what i have found and the cost of further investigation, i am going to assume that she didnt fuck anyone this time. of course based on fact that she hasnt fucked me much the last 5 years, i still may have been cucked at another time. impossible to tell for sure. what do you think? submissively
Posts: 144
Honey hate to disappoint you, but your wife just might have a low sex drive. It's a big problem for lot's of women.
If I were you I would be a lot more worried if she was fucking you five nights a week and suddenly stopped.
Try romancing her a little. Hire a baby sitter on a regular basis. Give her some breaks. Take her out for a nice dinner or send the kids to a baby sitter and make dinner for her at home (You make the dinner and pamper her a little) Don't push the sex thing too hard at first. Try putting a little romance back in your life. The sex might just follow.
Posts: 1096
She might be a lesbo. Happened to a friend of mine.
Posts: 134
Your wife sounds much like mine. My wife only lets me have sex with her about once a month. And that's only if I ask regularly. I keep an eye on the pocket rocket vibe I bought her. She uses it about one to two times per month. She claims she never masturbates. She hates the dildo I bought her. She won't let me use it on her. Because of this I never checked it. I checked it the other day and found three of her pubic hairs on it. So, I guess I'll be keeping an eye on it too. My wife never initiates affection of any kind. I tried to abstain from initiating any physical contact with her once. I could only last about seven weeks before I caved in. She never made any comment the whole time. We've got three young youngren under 10 and she doesn't work outside the home. My wife is always tired, or has a headache, or feels sick, or has a stomachache. When she does agree to have sex, she always waits until she can barely stay awake after channel scanning and watching the nightly news. Then, after I vibrate her clitoris to orgasm (she's actually squirting regularly the last few months,) she tells me to hurry up and do my business. She usually complains if I take more than five to ten minutes. Afterwards I usually feel like I wished I hadn't asked her at all. She keeps her shirt on during sex, keeps her eyes closed, and doesn't like to kiss. I feel that she doesn't like it when I try to play with her breasts. Oral sex is out of the question for either of us. My wife's panties are frequently wet too. I believe it's from being stretched during three natural youngbirths. She has to cross her legs when she sneezes or coughs to avoid peeing her pants. Nevertheless, I have been suspicious of these wet panties too. I've never tried the black/UV light trick myself. The chemical tests are too expensive to be practical.... I could go on and on. Lately I'm becoming increasingly frustrated with her and am giving serious thought to just giving up and not trying to have sex with her at all. Masturbating is not the same quality of release as real sex, but at least you can get it when you need it. I've considered using a spy cam in the house to try to find out what she's doing on her own. However, I can't decide if I want to cross that line and invade her privacy. I fantasize about cuckold and hotwife scenarios with her regularly. Real life would definitely tug hard at the heartstrings. It's hard to know how I would react. Right now I'm just very frustrated.
Posts: 1441
trevn it does sound very much the same. its a tough scenario. outside of the lack of sex part and the occational fight over finances or housework that all couples im sure have, we get along well, but the lack of sex is very frustrating to me and like your case, doesnt seem to bother her at all. i think she would be just as happy if i never mentioned sex to her at all. good luck and be well lol submissively