Cuckolding is natural. Cuckold males exist and they should. It is natural for a man to become a cuckold, a man to become a bull, and woman to have need for both.
The human desire to reproduce is well documented. The mechanisms that many naturals have, including our closest natural relatives, are continually being explained. On a basic level the male tries to transfer his genes to the next generation and the females’ job is to decide which male has earned the right. So where does cuckolding fit in this scenario?
The human mind is the most complicated wonder yet encountered. So makes sense that human society would also be complex. With our intelligence, social roles and methods of reproduction gain added complexity as well.
In modern societies, women are finally gaining more and more power, a greater sense of individuality, and a general say in how and when sexual relations, for reproduction or for enjoyment, take place.
Sexual relations in nature generally occur as a means of reproduction. However, in humans, and according to recent research, in some of the more intelligent species, sex often occurs simply for the pleasure. Recent trends in modern societies have demonstrated that we are moving in the direction of acceptance for sex for pleasure. In other words, people are realizing their latent sexual desires for the first time in a long time.
Nature has included many different needs and desires in women. Just like males, women have basic human needs as well as sexual and emotional ones. Although there is complete variation in women’s sexual desires. Generally speaking however, women are sexually attracted to health, power, and size. Men that display these qualities are pre-determined to excite the sexuality of a woman.
Nature as made some men bigger, stronger, and naturally more dominant than other males. These dominant men are known as alpha males. Alpha males serve many purposes in our society.
However, nature also found uses for the other, more submissive males. Women have other needs that alpha males don’t need to supply. Needs such as practical needs and emotional support are what submissive males are designed for. Because alpha males spend considerable energies conquering the female and dominating the submissive males they shouldn’t be expected to perform the more menial tasks that the female requires. That is where the submissive male finds his role. A female therefore desires both an alpha and a submissive.
Alpha males and submissives see the world quite differently. When an alpha males sees an attractive female he desires to conquer and possess that female. When a submissive sees an attractive female he only thinks what a pleasure it would be to serve the woman and help her have the sexual pleasure she deserves. These reactions are very natural.
As we grow out of adolescence we are sometimes confused as to how each of us fit into the scheme. The older we get the clearer and clearer our natural roles are. Alpha males learn that they can dominate submissives and that they are desired by females. Submissives learn that they are better suited to serve and obey. Women learn how to tell the two apart and how to treat them differently. Modern society is making this easier and easier for this all to happen.
Men that women tend marry are normally submissives, because they fill the day to day needs that women have. However, due to the sexual and reproductive desires, modern women are free to seek out the alpha males who not only excite, but also are capable of satisfying them. When an alpha moves into the submissive’s territory by conquering and possessing their woman, the submissive becomes a cuckold. The cuckold is their natural role in society.
 Object of desire
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