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Notes on cuckolding

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Cuckolding is natural. Cuckold males exist and they should. It is natural for a man to become a cuckold, a man to become a bull, and woman to have need for both.
The human desire to reproduce is well documented. The mechanisms that many naturals have, including our closest natural relatives, are continually being explained. On a basic level the male tries to transfer his genes to the next generation and the females’ job is to decide which male has earned the right. So where does cuckolding fit in this scenario?
The human mind is the most complicated wonder yet encountered. So makes sense that human society would also be complex. With our intelligence, social roles and methods of reproduction gain added complexity as well.
In modern societies, women are finally gaining more and more power, a greater sense of individuality, and a general say in how and when sexual relations, for reproduction or for enjoyment, take place.
Sexual relations in nature generally occur as a means of reproduction. However, in humans, and according to recent research, in some of the more intelligent species, sex often occurs simply for the pleasure. Recent trends in modern societies have demonstrated that we are moving in the direction of acceptance for sex for pleasure. In other words, people are realizing their latent sexual desires for the first time in a long time.
Nature has included many different needs and desires in women. Just like males, women have basic human needs as well as sexual and emotional ones. Although there is complete variation in women’s sexual desires. Generally speaking however, women are sexually attracted to health, power, and size. Men that display these qualities are pre-determined to excite the sexuality of a woman.
Nature as made some men bigger, stronger, and naturally more dominant than other males. These dominant men are known as alpha males. Alpha males serve many purposes in our society.
However, nature also found uses for the other, more submissive males. Women have other needs that alpha males don’t need to supply. Needs such as practical needs and emotional support are what submissive males are designed for. Because alpha males spend considerable energies conquering the female and dominating the submissive males they shouldn’t be expected to perform the more menial tasks that the female requires. That is where the submissive male finds his role. A female therefore desires both an alpha and a submissive.
Alpha males and submissives see the world quite differently. When an alpha males sees an attractive female he desires to conquer and possess that female. When a submissive sees an attractive female he only thinks what a pleasure it would be to serve the woman and help her have the sexual pleasure she deserves. These reactions are very natural.
As we grow out of adolescence we are sometimes confused as to how each of us fit into the scheme. The older we get the clearer and clearer our natural roles are. Alpha males learn that they can dominate submissives and that they are desired by females. Submissives learn that they are better suited to serve and obey. Women learn how to tell the two apart and how to treat them differently. Modern society is making this easier and easier for this all to happen.
Men that women tend marry are normally submissives, because they fill the day to day needs that women have. However, due to the sexual and reproductive desires, modern women are free to seek out the alpha males who not only excite, but also are capable of satisfying them. When an alpha moves into the submissive’s territory by conquering and possessing their woman, the submissive becomes a cuckold. The cuckold is their natural role in society.
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#2 · Edited by: Ceasar_India81
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I disagree with your post of many issues pal ....

Quoting: tinyguy102
Nature as made some men bigger, stronger, and naturally more dominant than other males. These dominant men are known as alpha males. Alpha males serve many purposes in our society.
However, nature also found uses for the other, more submissive males. Women have other needs that alpha males don’t need to supply.

I totally agree with your statement that there are alpha males and then there are beta males... but what qualifies for an alpha male and what qualifies for a beta male are different for every species ... agreed that in a majority of cases males who are bigger and stronger are considered to be Alpha males as they are better structured to dominate over other males of the species and thus are able to have a greater control over their surroundings and are thus better providers... but being big and strong does not make one a better provider in every species and the best example is humans... it is an established fact that the body size and definitely the dick size of a guy has nothing to do with how well he can provide to his family... what is more important is how well he is educated, how smart he is and how well he is earning ... i know it sounds very boring but these are precisely the qualities that make an alpha male in the human society...
According to me there are 2 reamisters why cuckolding is prevalent among us ...first reamister is that on some levels we are still the naturals of the wild; that women still on a very basic level are attracted to big, strong, muscular men... but they are smart enough to realise that being big n strong does not make a man better! the second reamister why cuckolding happens is the taboo factor associated with cuckolding... u make something off limits to a human and he will crave it all the more ... human society is built on monogamous partnerships and it is so ingrained in our brains that swinging/cuckolding is taboo that it make it all the more attractive... the concept that black is better in just one way of covering up the fact that is the the taboo of taboos for a white man to willing let a black man relax with his wife ( this has nothing to do with blacks being inferior but more to do with the slavery part).
My 2 cents..
I think with my dick and fuck with my brains :)


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Quoting: tinyguy102
Men that women tend marry are normally submissives,

LOL ... dude by these estimates almost the entire human male species is submissive ... the girl that i have been seeing for some time now is literally begging me to marry her and I am anything but submissive!!
I think with my dick and fuck with my brains :)


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I think he was trying to be concise. I agree with what he said. I don't think he meant to say that you are either dominant or submissive. There are mixtures of all kinds, but in general terms I got what he was saying.

When I see a beautiful woman my first thought is wanting to submit to her. I could never see myself as an equal to a woman I am attracted to.

In the terms of cuckold marriages, what he said made perfect sense to me. My wife gets everything she needs from me and from her lovers. None of the guys she is sexually attracted to are beta males. She gets great sex from alpha males and does not have to put up with their egos. I "put up" with whatever she says. She likes to tease and deny me sex but she also enjoys being a slut. She's a slut with her alpha males, and a dominating bitch with me, her beta male.


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I'm naturally submisive to a beutiful woman, you have it absolutely correct!!!! Kudos

Society and patriarchy teach women from birth to want to marry a "real Man" the exact kind of alpha man...that like an alpha female ROTS in a wedded situation, wleocme to the western world of divorce!!!

It's absolutely the natural way for an alpha female to wed a beta male and an alpha male to web a beta female... the alphas will cheat and ominate put two together one must capitualte to the other and that one just suffers immensely


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i still enjoy your 'lectures' on the history of women and society, you know loltinyguy102
nice pix


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Ha, yeah I spend a bit of time on the subject. It's my second career to be honest, finishing masters and then have to pick an exact area for thesis and doctorate, and well you can guess where I am headed.

LOL is that ultimate cuck to get a PHD on the subject... hesitating on not wanting to explain my research publicly LOL

The " ethnographic" research portion will prove kind of embarassing to explain I think


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When interacting there are societal rules that are established and followed. When alpha males encounter submissive males the lines are quickly established. The submissive will submit to the desires of the alpha and relinquish any power that they may have had. Alpha males will dominate and often choose instances to express their domination over submissive males. The often happens right in front of the female, so that the female is also shown who is the more dominant male.
Submissives should offer no resistance to the dominant male and submit at all times. When an alpha male desires a submissive’s woman, the submissive should always relinquish his rights. It is up to the woman if she finds the alpha acceptable, not the submissive. More and more men are finding that by submitting to both the female and the alpha male their lives are easier and filled with less conflict.
Submissives should demonstrate their position as much as possible. Relinquishing of sexual rights is the first step the submissive should take. Since, he obviously isn’t designed for sexual relations, he should give complete control of his sexual life to the female and/or alpha male. This often takes some form of chastity or regulated masturbation for the submissive, which helps further clears his role. However, often the submissive is granted some sexual release for pleasure if they perform their role well. The submissive should also demonstrate their position by adopting feminine signifiers. Physical instances are the submissive wearing female panties or shaving body hair. The submissive can show his role sexually by offering their mouth or ass to the alpha male or female. In a sexual situation the submissive should be obliged to give both oral and anal pleasure to both the alpha and female. The submissive should take every opportunity to demonstrate his presentation to the alpha male and female, so that both the female and the alpha are free to pursue their needs and desires unencumbered.
The alpha male often, but not always, enjoys demonstrating their position above submissives as regularly as possible. This shows both the female and submissive the alpha’s domination. This takes the form of taunting, physically punishing the submissive, and sexual domination acts.
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There's a lot of what you say that I agree with - there's no doubt that I was and am, a beta male, and certainly my ex-wife, Barbara, saw me in that light. There's also absolutely no doubt that the best by far of her lovers, Dave, was an A1 alpha male. He had no interest whatsoever in marriage and his entire sexual desires and practice lay in fucking married women but always with the full encouragement, knowledge and passive involvement of the husband.

He wanted no social relationship with the woman he was fucking - he made this clear and the wife in question could take it or leave it - and the only times he ever took Barbara out in his car, were for sexual reamisters.

He was virtually Barabara's perfect body type and very well endowed, easily the largest of the men she had, including me, and sexually he turned her on like no other man had ever done. Where the beta, submissive cuckold was concerned, since he was so turned on himself by knowing and relishing the fact that the woman was married to a man who wanted him to fuck his wife, he included the cuckold in the equation by ensuring Barbara referred to him frequently when with me, thanking me for letting a real man cum in his wife, that sort of thing.

I do part company, though, with some of your comments here. In no way was my own sex drive lessened by my wife's lovers, no way, in fact it was further enhanced so that the four years I was being cuckolded was the most erotic and sexual of my life, easily. I was very greatly turned on by knowing my wife had a lover like Dave but his expertise, endowment and attraction for my own wife, only heightned my own desire for her. In fact, I totally disagree with the part of your analysis where you mention the cuckold's own possible sexual involvement with his wife's lover. I can't fathom out for a second such involvement - it was my wife's erotic behaviour and attractive body in making her lover hard and erect for her that so turned me on. The very first time I saw her touch Dave's cock, I ejaculated, it was that sexy. Why on earth would I want to touch him? Submissive or not, I'd have punched him on the nose if that had been powerd on me.

Also, you know, there is an element to this which you haven't touched on. Fair enough, a lot I agree with but not all submissive married males would be willing cuckolds. And is, for example, the cuckolded man whose wife has an affair without his knowledge, a cuckold in the way that one such as me was? Some submissive males could not take their wives having sex with another man, alpha or not.

This leads to one overwhelming question in my view: submissive male or not, why still is it such a huge turn on for many men?


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"It's my second career to be honest, finishing masters "

So here you are working on your masters, in another thread you working on your phd...which is it?

Suppose next week you'll be completing your post doctorate work.....

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Notes on cuckolding
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