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How much gooey jizz has been in your wife?

Rating: 10
Mister Mystery


Posts: 57
#1 · Edited by: Mister Mystery
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Math for the Cuckold

I expel approximately 1 tablespoon of Sperm / Semen at a shot, and have sex about 3 times a week (3 X 52 weeks) = 156 so if 64 tablespoons = 1 quart, my wife gets approximately 2.4 quarts per year, after 20 years of marriage (2.4 X 20) = 48 quarts / 4 (quarts in a gallon) = 12 gallons

I think it would be fascinating to see some of your wives who “screw around” on you quite a bit, just what your totals would be!

Can we rate them if my frequency is “normal” what should these ratings be (would the top be “whore” or “super slut”?

The following was gleaned from the internet
As long as you remain healthy you will continue to produce thousands of sperm every minute, with about 3 million at the tip of your penis every time you get an erection, (enough to populate an entire small country and all fitting onto a tablespoon!) all waiting to break free. As they break free they will do so at an average of 28 miles per hour, obviously observing the urban speed limit.



Posts: 414
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This posting (and a later one by someone else) got me thinking about the volume of cum taken by very sexually active wives and girlfriends.

I have been chatting for some time now with a hubby who has been known to frequent this site. His sexy wife left him at home for six weeks (exactly 42 days) over late Sept, Oct and early Nov, while she played away from home. The deal was that she could have this time to be a complete slut, while teazing hubby by denying him any sex at all. She stayed away from home with her boyfriend some nights, and on the nights she was at home, our poor hubby had to relax on a camp bed, elsewhere in the house!

During this 42 days, our hubby wasn't even allowed to see his wife naked, much less touch her body, or lick out her wet pussy as he so loves to do!! He had no sexual release at all.

It was all carefully monitored and at the end of this time, she had taken 160 loads of cum from 30 different cocks! And none of it from her hubby. At 5mls per load, she had taken a cum volume of 800mls over the six weeks!

Now hubby was so proud of her, he put 800mls of water in a jug and showed his gorgeous wife just how much cum she had taken. And wasn't she surprised!!
Rating: 10, 2 votes.
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How much gooey jizz has been in your wife?
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