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Advice needed

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Posts: 64
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Honestly folks I need serious advice.

All of this is absolutely true. I am 42 and have been married to my wife for 15 years. We live in the UK. I have fantasised for so long about her having sex with another man. To start with she hated me raising it at all, I sometimes raised the subject when we were having sex. She always told me that she would not even consider it.

We have a very cloose relationship and a young. I would never want to break up with her at all and I don't think she would either.

Recently my wife started to enjoy my fantasy and would ven encourage me to raise it when we were having sex. As a result our sex life got even better. Once when we were doing this she admitted to me that she fancied her boss at work and that she often fantasises about having sex with him. We both got veryt turned on and had loads of sex in which we were both thinking about her having sex with her boss. She was very turned on and much wetter than I have ever known her.

Although I enjoed the sex I found this difficult to deal with and became jealous. We had a very difficult few weeks. I was worried that she would leave me for him or have an affair behind my back, althoughn at the same time the thought of her having sex with him really excited me. As a result of my concern she said that she had lost her feelings for him as she did not want to lose me. I was pleased about this to an extent although a bit disappointed too.

We spoke about it again last night and she admitted that she still fancies him and would like us to have the fantasy back about her having sex with him. She says that she would not actually have sex with him but would like us to role play about her having sex with him. I would like to do this too as it was so sexy when we did it before.

My worries are that shje will get so turned on by the idea that she will end up falling in love with her boss or having sex with him. I would definitely not want her to fall in love with him. I am not sure about the sex thing. Part of me would really like her to but I am worried that she would end up loving him if she did. Is ist possible that she could have sex with him and stay with me?

I need your advice urgently please, especially anyone whio has gone through a simialr experience.


Posts: 112
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Since you asked, here are my two cents worth... Since this is the first time, take it very slowly. I would have no problem with role playing as long as you both enjoy it. Role playing doesn't mean she will eventually follow through with having sex with him. I would however try to use other men as potential lovers on occassion so she isn't completely focused on him during your role playing. Ask her about men you see around town. Does she find them attractive?

I permisterally worry about having relationships with co-workers and especially bosses, not because of the sex, but because of how it can affect the job if things don't end well. If you both ever get to a point you want to live out the fantasy, I'd suggest picking a lover which may be a casual aquantance or stranger in case she feels guilty afterwards. If she feels guilty and has to see the man often, it can lead to problems.

And finally, if fantasy becomes reality and you become her cuck, she should decide if she wants to do him and you as the loyal cuck should be supportive of her wants and needs. Permisterally I love the fantasy of my wife (I'm currently divorced so my ex wife) having sexual relations with guys she works with. Always wondering what they are doing when she's at work.... VERY hot to me.

Good luck. Please keep us informed on what you decide.


Posts: 181
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Yes, it is very possible she can have sex with another man without loving him. Sex and love are two very different (if related) states of mind. Some women/wives have difficulty separating the two (at least at first) but if there is any kernel of interest at all, they'll come around. One good way to help them separate sex from love is for you two to participate in some swapping of spouses. After a few sessions of swapping and you get back together in bed for your own romps, she'll understand the difference. Once she is convinced and hooked, you can evolve back to your original cuckold fantasy.

All women have these fantasies, regardless of their marital status and in spite of their denials. They just don't talk about it as much as us big-mouth men. It takes them more time to fess up to them. Sounds like that is what has happened with your wife.

Caution: Sometimes they move faster than you can believe. She may already have consummated the fantasy with her boss, and she is just giving you time to ease into the already existing reality of your cuckoldhood. That is essentially what my wife did. When I did find out many years later, I was angry not for her fucking him, but for not letting me in on it. It was her lying about it and her rationale for lying about it that was unacceptable to me. Don't let her do that for you. Encourage her from the start to be totally honest and let her know you don't mind.

Of course there is risk involved. There is risk for everything you do or don't do. But life is short. Go for it. Even if she does fall in love with him (unlikely), that does not mean she will have fallen out of love for you. As she tells it now, my wife did in fact fall in love with her bull, still in love with me (we had one young and another on the way). Her fantasy was two husbands, but realized society wouldn't have gone for it at the time. They separated after a few years, but she still keeps track of him. I think she'll want to eventually have a threesome with him, just for completeness. I look forward to it sometime (he's more than a thousand miles away).

Good luck.


Posts: 64
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Thanks both of you for these excellent responses and advice. I agree with much of what you say. I would appreciate other views and will keep you all informed if you wish


Posts: 64
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I should add that she says her boss is very popular with all the women at work and she feels that he would probably not be interested (which I doubt). He is married tho, with 2 kids.


Posts: 64
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No one else able to help.

Yesterday she wore a revealing top to work and she said that her boss was looking at her tits in a meeting


Posts: 1514 Pictures: 10 
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Listen. It's totally possible for her to have sex with another man and still want to stay with you. I've been with lots of married women that loved being fucked by a new and bigger cock but they never once wanted to leave their marriage to be with me. It's purely a physical thing, their lust was being satisfied by one permister but their true love was their hubby. If the marriage is strong she can do this, if the marriage is weak then this won't help but it might hasten the innevitable. Take a look at your marriage and decide if it's rock solid or not, that's what's going to keep her in love with you.
The best pussy is always married pussy


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!? SO you're thinking about this fantasy, and suggest it to your wife, who apparently has the hots for the boss....she thinks great, got a green light. You meanwhile are trolling sites like this that promote...promote this lifestyle. So what kind of advice do you really expect?

You want it, get over the jealous piece. You get to have a hot wife, perhaps get to clean up or watch...she gets used like you never could.

Win Win, YES?


Posts: 110
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Well, this wouldn't be the first time your wife has fallen in love. Do you think she may cut you off again like she did when she wanted to be faithful to Danny? Do you remember your thread about this situation?


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perhaps he was talking about his other wife....
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