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A Willing Cuckold..... and how it all came about.

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Loved your holiday memory.
Why don't you tell it as a short story and open a new thread, I am sure that it
would be very interesting and enjoyable.


Posts: 274
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With the holiday seamister about to start I thought I might write about the next chapter in our new life.
However I would like to know whether I should, or not bother.
Anyway, "Merry Christmas" to everyone who frequents this site particularly Mr Big Cuckold our host.


Posts: 762
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Quoting: Greenman
I would like to know whether I should

yes you should nice theme ur style


Posts: 274
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Thank you for your kind remarks.
I think the lack of response tells it's own story, "don't bother".
Merry Christmas.


Posts: 438
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It's been really good to read a story where the love and frienship between the husband and wife has been included....

Mel x


Posts: 8456
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Please continue. I loved your story. It was one of those posts I'd have to stop reading for a while or I'd come in my pants. Have you noticed you have a perfect 5 Quality Rating? People probably were too busy over the holidays to respond. I really look forward to reading more of your fantastic story!


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Your tale was the best I have ever heard. When you shared how your heart ached after the first time and your wife wanted more; I was reminded of how I lay outside my bedroom door, heart breaking, crying like a baby as I listened to my wife's moans and her lovers groans. All the time my dick growing harder and harder. Bravo my cuckold brother!


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We were now well and truly hooked on this new and exciting lifestyle.
John continued to meet with Lisa regularly for the next six months before he changed jobs which meant that he would not visit our neck of the woods quite so often.
He remained however a loyal lover for many years seeing Lisa three or four times a year which I suppose made their liaimisters all the more potent.

Early on in their relationship I begged Lisa to take another lover as well so that John wouldn’t dominate her sex life.
I was mildly surprised that she thought that this was a good idea.

It wasn’t long before Lisa mentioned that she had met someone who might be suitable.
Ernie, was a police officer. Good looking, six foot three and as it turned out, extremely well endowed.
Someone had tried to break in to our house and Ernie was sent to investigate.
After going over the house he had several suggestions to make with regard to our security measures.
Lisa was aware that he fancied her and played along with him, flirting and teasing him while he toyed nervously with his cup of coffee.
He asked if he could come back the following day with more specific proposals.
The following evening when I returned home from the office Lisa greeted me with a big kiss and excitedly told me she had a date with Ernie for later that evening.
After a quick snack I hurried up to our bedroom to watch my beautiful wife prepare for her date.
I never tire watching her take meticulous care with her makeup applying mascara, lipstick and perfume.
She wore a thin silk dress, nylon stockings and high heels and of course a sexy pair of silk knickers. She looked fabulous and I was so proud of her.

She told me she was to meet him for takes at the Hilton hotel at 8pm.
Her taxi arrived promptly and before I realized it she was gone.
I settled down to watch TV hoping that the time would pass by quicker if there was something on which took my interest. Luckily there was a football match on so I sat back and enjoyed the contest.
Although it was a good game I found it hard not to keep wondering what Lisa and Ernie were doing at that particular moment.
It was around 10.30pm when I heard the front door bell, it was Lisa, she had forgotten her key. I was surprised she was home so early and asked her if she had not enjoyed Ernie’s company.
“Of course I enjoyed his company but he had to be home early so we didn’t have a take. We drove down to a nice quiet spot near the beach where he said we would not be seen or interrupted”.
“What did you do”, I said.
“Not what you were thinking, I decided that I was not going to be a one night stand so I made sure we kept it reamisterably safe. I suppose you would call it heavy petting, well, maybe very heavy petting. He is a very good kisser and I nearly gave in to him, however I managed to keep it to kissing and feeling.
He managed to get his hand up between my legs and he was really turned on to find that I was wearing nylon stockings. He was very good with his fingers and soon had me very wet as he wormed them into my pussy. He took my hand and placed it on his cock which he had released without me noticing. God, I thought John had a big one but Ernie’s is much bigger, longer and thicker. I wanked him for a while before he pushed me down so that I could take it into my mouth, mmmm, I stopped before he came and said we should save it for our next date.
He dropped me off at the end of the street so that no one would see us together”.
“So, when are you seeing him again”, I said.
“Friday night if that’s alright with you”.
“You know it is”.
“Fine then, let’s go to bed, I think you might like to finish me off”. !!!


Posts: 8456
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Thanks for posting again Greenman!


Posts: 151
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can we see pics of your sexy wife? for example, pics of her getting fucked by her boyfrinend infront of you. and maybe some videos.


Posts: 274
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Hi clitjoy,
Thanks for your interest.
I will look and see what I can come up with.


Posts: 454
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Greenman thanks for the hot posts. My marrage is also very strong & we've enjoyed this lifestyle for 3 years with a steady lover for her & occasional others or couples. Seeing Her in estacy is one of the most beautiful experiences in life.
It's brought us closer together and also provided some of the hottest sexual experiences we've ever imagined.


Posts: 274
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HWHusband, Thanks for your comments. Your experiences are very like my own. True love is what I consider that all "willing" cuckolds must have for this lifestyle to succeed. It goes without saying that, I totally worship and adore Lisa, my Godess.


Posts: 274
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I meant to post this some time ago.
My beautiful Lisa.
Any comments?
Lisa posing
Lisa posing


Posts: 151
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i'd love to ride this babe.


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She is heartstopping!


Posts: 274
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Hi clitjoy,
Hi oleeaglefeather,
Lisa thanks you both for your encouraging comments.
I hope to post another episode soon.


Posts: 827
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" matter how many other men give me pleasure..."...I love the "how many"...and I hope it's been a LOT !
Fanatique de l'infidelite feminine


Posts: 274
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Nice to hear from you again Brutus2.
Your comment got me thinking, just how many men has Lisa been with.
I tried counting and was surprised that I could only think of about twenty five and that includes the "one night stands" that I know of.
She is very choosy about who she relaxs with and at least a dozen of her men were long time lovers lasting several years.
She enjoyed having her own "stable" of stallions as she called them.
Alas it is now some years since she last had an affair.
She found religion and said she could not carry on as before.
Has anyone else had this problem?
I haven't given up hope that she might relent as she is still a stunning looking woman, don't you think?


Posts: 827
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Religion !? But she should know that NOT deceiving her husband is a SIN ! It is insulting the beauty and gifts Lucif...errrr...God has given her !
Fanatique de l'infidelite feminine


Posts: 274
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Nice to hear from you again Brutus2.
Your comment got me thinking, just how many men has Lisa been with.
I tried counting and was surprised that I could only think of about twenty five and that includes the "one night stands" that I know of.
She is very choosy about who she relaxs with and at least a dozen of her men were long time lovers lasting several years.
She enjoyed having her own "stable" of stallions as she called them.
Alas it is now some years since she last had an affair.
She found religion and said she could not carry on as before.
Has anyone else had this problem?
I haven't given up hope that she might relent as she is still a stunning looking woman, don't you think?


Posts: 274
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Lisa’s girlfriend Frances was the liaimister officer for a private hospitality company that organized functions for Government departments, Universities and such like, where visiting delegations were wined dined and provided with beautiful female company.

Lisa often helped Frances when she was busy or understaffed. Her job usually entailed organizing the escort girls making sure they mixed freely with the guests and that no visitor felt left out.
The escorts were from a high class agency and were hand picked by Frances not only for their looks but also for their ability to converse intellectually.
The girls could make their own arrangements for later but had to mix freely over the evening.

I remember vividly one autumn day when Lisa asked if I could also help at a small reception being held that evening for a delegation from a West African country.
A cocktail waiter had called in sick and as I had experience as a part time barman in my university days could I possibly help out.
Frances had said that she would make it worth my while and she had a big surprise for me.
Would I help, well of course I would.
Lisa told me to dress in black trousers, white shirt and black bow tie.

We took a taxi to the reception which was being held as usual in a discreet hospitality suite in a private location.
When we arrived at our destination Frances asked Lisa to give the girls a little talk reminding them of their duties.
She then took me by the hand and walked me into the large reception room which for the moment was empty.
She ran through my duties which included making sure everyone got a take, washing glasses, tidying up, filling dishes with nuts and crisps etc.
She then told me in a quite firm tone that under no circumstances was I to say that I was married to Lisa.
I must not speak to the girls unless they spoke to me.
I was flabbergasted and was about to say so when she put her fingers to my mouth and said “Just do as you are told.”

At that moment Jamister the head barman walked in and Lisa introduced us telling Jamister that I would be helping him tonight.
I was soon busy preparing for our guests and before I knew it they were arriving en masse.
I served takes and did everything that Jamister asked.
The noise in the room increased as they downed glass after glass of the free *****.

I stood in a corner of the room and for the first time had a chance to survey the scene before me.
The visitors were all male and very black and the girls were being very friendly and laughing at all the jokes being told.
There must have been about twenty of them and their Director was very imposing as he held one small group enchanted as he regaled them with an amusing anecdote.

Later I saw him summon Frances to his side and watched as he pointed over to where Lisa was standing with another group.
Frances walked over to Lisa and spoke to her then took her by the arm and took her to the Director who welcomed her with a huge smile and kissed her hand.
It was then that Jamister asked me to collect the empty glasses and wash them which took some time.
When I got back from the kitchen the first thing I noticed was that the Director had his arm around Lisa’s waist and his hand was gently caressing the top of her thigh.

She did not seem to be perturbed so I got a tray of takes and proceeded to go round all the groups as instructed.
When I got to the group including Lisa and the Director I did not make eye contact with anyone in case I lost the place.
I got back to my table to find that I had a load of glasses and dishes to take to the kitchen for washing. It was quite some time before I got back to my table.

I looked around and noticed that the Director and Lisa were sitting closely and alone.
I suddenly realised that he was summoning me over, I nearly tripped as I walked over and asked what I could do for him.
I couldn’t believe my ears when he said “Get a bottle of Cognac and two brandy glasses and come with us.”
I went over to Jamister and told him and he laughed and said that he would have put a bet on the Director making out with the redhead.
He gave me a bottle of Martell and two glasses and told me there was a private room on the first floor where the Director could have privacy.

As I walked back towards Lisa and the Director they got up and walked in front of me his arm around her waist. My eyes were glued to his hand as I watched helplessly as he caressed and squeezed her bottom as they walked in front of me.
As they climbed the stairs in front of me I was mesmerised by way my wifes sexy hips swayed appealingly reacting to the stimulation from the black mans attentions.

This cannot be happening I said to myself, I am walking behind a big black man who is groping my wife and taking her to a private room where he obviously intends to fuck her.
I felt completely helpless, unable to do anything because that would expose the fact that Lisa was my wife. What would everyone think of me.

When we got to the room he told me to put the take on the coffee table beside a huge bed.
Ignoring me he took Lisa in his arms and kissed her before gently pushing her on to the bed. Not once did Lisa look my way, she completely ignored me.
He then put his hand on my back as we went towards the door, whispering he said “Be a good boy and ask Frances if she has a packet of condoms. Bring them to me as soon as you can.”
With that he closed the door and I stood alone shaking in the hallway.

I almost ran down the stairs looking for Frances, I found her in a small office next to the front door.
“What the hell is going on, he’s got my wife upstairs in a bedroom and has asked me to ask you for condoms, this is crazy.”
“Calm down and control yourself you should be pleased for Lisa.
This is the surprise I promised you.
I thought you would understand and enjoy being present while Lisa has her first black man.
Now take this packet of condoms to him as he instructed you. Then come back here, I want to speak further with you.”

With my eyes facing the floor I returned upstairs to the room where my beautiful wife was being seduced by the biggest black man I had ever seen.
I knocked nervously on the door and heard him shout “Come.”
I opened the door and as I entered the room he came towards me and took the condoms I glanced beyond him and saw that Lisa was sitting on the bed in her underclothes. He had got her dress off already.
“OK you can go now.” he said, pushing me back out of the room.

I returned down stairs to where Frances was waiting for me.
“Go and help Jamister clear up everything and serve takes to anyone still there then wash and tidy up. Then come back here as I want to speak with you.”

About one hour later I finished my duties and returned to the little office where I found Frances sitting in an armchair.
“Stand in front of me.” she said and I did as I was told.
“Closer!!” I moved closer until my knees touched hers.
The room was lit by a very weak desk light and it felt very intimate being so close to my wife’s beautiful friend.
I nearly jumped as I felt her hand brush up and down the front of my trousers, she was staring at me as she slowly pulled the zip down and slipped her hand inside.
I was frozen to the spot, not a word was spoken as she worked her hand inside my silk boxer shorts and gently squeezed my throbbing little penis.
“You really do have a very small cock, I didn’t believe Lisa when she told me you only had three inches, three inches at the most I would reckon, am I right.”?
I couldn’t speak, my mouth was dry and I could only nod my head, yes.

“Now you are going to stand still while I tell you what is happening upstairs.
His name is Anton and he is Director for International Trade.
I have been Anton’s piece of white ass as he refers to it, for nearly a year. He asked me to find someone beautiful for him so I immediately thought of Lisa. I just knew he would love to seduce her and make her crave for his big black cock.

Did I tell you he has a ten inch monster as thick as my wrist.?
That’s more than three times longer than your little cock and god knows how many times thicker.
Lisa will never be the same after tonight, but don’t worry she did say you were very good with your mouth and tongue so you will still have a role to play in her sex life.”

All the time she kept rubbing my little hard on but as soon as she felt I was about to cum she would stop, starting to play with it again when she knew the crisis was over.

“Did you see anything when you delivered the condoms?”
“Lisa was on the bed without her dress she only had on her bra and panties and her nylons, she didn’t look at me.”
“That is how he likes his women, he loves fucking them in their silky underwear, he says that when they go home to their husbands they will be reeking of sweat and sexual juices.

“It’s now more than an hour since you gave him the condoms so I think it is fair to assume that Lisa will have been well stretched by now.
I will tell you exactly how he has taken her.

After you left the room he would take delight in telling her that the waiter had been ogling her and probably had a hard on going down the stairs.
He would start by making Lisa kneel on the floor to kiss and suck his huge cock, telling her how good she was he would also keep taking it out of her mouth and rubbing it all over her face.
After about ten minutes of this they would both get on to the bed and he would start to prepare her for his big cock, licking her and sliding his fingers in and out of her juicy cunt.
He would most certainly tell her that she had a very tight little pussy but that he was about to turn it into a big juicy cunt that would always need a big black cock to satisfy it.
He will have given her a good deep shafting and I can assure you that your wife will have experienced multiple orgasms, which is something she will crave from now on.”

As Frances was speaking the phone on her desk rang.
Answering it, I listened as she nodded her head several times then said “Right away sir, I’ll get him to bring them to you now.”
Turning to me she said “That was the Director, he wants you to bring him some more condoms and he says he has a job for you.”
She handed me a handful of loose condoms and told me to deliver them to him now!!
My mind was racing, I was excited beyond words, Frances had cleverly put into my mind how pleased Lisa would be if I did as I was told and assisted with her seduction.

As I raced up the stairs I was breathless as I knocked on the bedroom door.
There was no command from within so I knocked again.
After a while I heard footsteps and the door was opened slightly, enough for me to see that Anton was naked and covered in perspiration.
I held out the condoms and he took them saying that the others all seemed to burst.
“I want you to do something for me, I want you to stand guard outside the door and make sure that I am not disturbed by any of my staff or anyone else. I should be finished in about half an hour, then I want you to take Mrs G. home safely in a taxi.”
With that he tucked a twenty pound note into my shirt pocket and closed the door.

I spent the next hour trying to listen through the door but could only hear muffled sounds and the sustained banging of the headboard against the wall.
My mind was full of sexual scenes trying to imagine what he was doing to my poor wife hoping that he would not hurt her but at the same time I strangely wanted her to enjoy it.
I felt that my heart would burst it was aching so much and I remembered how I had felt that first time Lisa had sex with another man, that awful feeling of sweet ***.
I felt exhausted when after more than an hour the door opened and the Director appeared with Lisa.
She had obviously had too much to take and was hanging on to him with an adoring look on her beautiful face.
Speaking to me he said.
“Now, take her home to her husband.”
Then speaking to Lisa he said “ that was one of the most wonderful evenings I have ever had here in the UK, thank you, I will phone you tomorrow, relax well.”

I half carried Lisa down the stairs as her legs could hardly support her, at the bottom we were met by Frances who quickly helped us outside and into the waiting taxi.
On the way home neither of us spoke for several minutes. I cuddled her closely suddenly realizing that she was weeping. “What’s wrong darling did he hurt you?”
“Oh no, he was ever so gentle at least till I got used to it, no it’s just that I didn’t mean for you to get hurt. I didn’t know this was going to happen.
Frances only told me when we arrived.”
“Me too.”
I held her close and kissed her tear stained cheeks. “I love you and your happiness and pleasure is all that I desire. Did you enjoy tonight?”
“Oh yes, once I knew that you were OK with it. He was incredible, so big in all departments and insatiable I just gave in to all my lustful desires it was a wonderful experience.”

When we got home we went straight to bed and Lisa told me everything that happened, exactly like I had been told earlier by Frances.
When she finally fell arelax I picked up her knickers and nylons and put them to my nose and inhaled the heady aroma of spunk, piss, perfume and perspiration.
I was excited as before and would be forever more.

To be continued, Yes ? No ? ???


Posts: 274
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Lisa’s girlfriend Frances was the liaimister officer for a private hospitality company that organized functions for Government departments, Universities and such like, where visiting delegations were wined dined and provided with beautiful female company.

Lisa often helped Frances when she was busy or understaffed. Her job usually entailed organizing the escort girls making sure they mixed freely with the guests and that no visitor felt left out.
The escorts were from a high class agency and were hand picked by Frances not only for their looks but also for their ability to converse intellectually.
The girls could make their own arrangements for later but had to mix freely over the evening.

I remember vividly one autumn day when Lisa asked if I could also help at a small reception being held that evening for a delegation from a West African country.
A cocktail waiter had called in sick and as I had experience as a part time barman in my university days could I possibly help out.
Frances had said that she would make it worth my while and she had a big surprise for me.
Would I help, well of course I would.
Lisa told me to dress in black trousers, white shirt and black bow tie.

We took a taxi to the reception which was being held as usual in a discreet hospitality suite in a private location.
When we arrived at our destination Frances asked Lisa to give the girls a little talk reminding them of their duties.
She then took me by the hand and walked me into the large reception room which for the moment was empty.
She ran through my duties which included making sure everyone got a take, washing glasses, tidying up, filling dishes with nuts and crisps etc.
She then told me in a quite firm tone that under no circumstances was I to say that I was married to Lisa.
I must not speak to the girls unless they spoke to me.
I was flabbergasted and was about to say so when she put her fingers to my mouth and said “Just do as you are told.”

At that moment Jamister the head barman walked in and Lisa introduced us telling Jamister that I would be helping him tonight.
I was soon busy preparing for our guests and before I knew it they were arriving en masse.
I served takes and did everything that Jamister asked.
The noise in the room increased as they downed glass after glass of the free *****.

I stood in a corner of the room and for the first time had a chance to survey the scene before me.
The visitors were all male and very black and the girls were being very friendly and laughing at all the jokes being told.
There must have been about twenty of them and their Director was very imposing as he held one small group enchanted as he regaled them with an amusing anecdote.

Later I saw him summon Frances to his side and watched as he pointed over to where Lisa was standing with another group.
Frances walked over to Lisa and spoke to her then took her by the arm and took her to the Director who welcomed her with a huge smile and kissed her hand.
It was then that Jamister asked me to collect the empty glasses and wash them which took some time.
When I got back from the kitchen the first thing I noticed was that the Director had his arm around Lisa’s waist and his hand was gently caressing the top of her thigh.

She did not seem to be perturbed so I got a tray of takes and proceeded to go round all the groups as instructed.
When I got to the group including Lisa and the Director I did not make eye contact with anyone in case I lost the place.
I got back to my table to find that I had a load of glasses and dishes to take to the kitchen for washing. It was quite some time before I got back to my table.

I looked around and noticed that the Director and Lisa were sitting closely and alone.
I suddenly realised that he was summoning me over, I nearly tripped as I walked over and asked what I could do for him.
I couldn’t believe my ears when he said “Get a bottle of Cognac and two brandy glasses and come with us.”
I went over to Jamister and told him and he laughed and said that he would have put a bet on the Director making out with the redhead.
He gave me a bottle of Martell and two glasses and told me there was a private room on the first floor where the Director could have privacy.

As I walked back towards Lisa and the Director they got up and walked in front of me his arm around her waist. My eyes were glued to his hand as I watched helplessly as he caressed and squeezed her bottom as they walked in front of me.
As they climbed the stairs in front of me I was mesmerised by way my wifes sexy hips swayed appealingly reacting to the stimulation from the black mans attentions.

This cannot be happening I said to myself, I am walking behind a big black man who is groping my wife and taking her to a private room where he obviously intends to fuck her.
I felt completely helpless, unable to do anything because that would expose the fact that Lisa was my wife. What would everyone think of me.

When we got to the room he told me to put the take on the coffee table beside a huge bed.
Ignoring me he took Lisa in his arms and kissed her before gently pushing her on to the bed. Not once did Lisa look my way, she completely ignored me.
He then put his hand on my back as we went towards the door, whispering he said “Be a good boy and ask Frances if she has a packet of condoms. Bring them to me as soon as you can.”
With that he closed the door and I stood alone shaking in the hallway.

I almost ran down the stairs looking for Frances, I found her in a small office next to the front door.
“What the hell is going on, he’s got my wife upstairs in a bedroom and has asked me to ask you for condoms, this is crazy.”
“Calm down and control yourself you should be pleased for Lisa.
This is the surprise I promised you.
I thought you would understand and enjoy being present while Lisa has her first black man.
Now take this packet of condoms to him as he instructed you. Then come back here, I want to speak further with you.”

With my eyes facing the floor I returned upstairs to the room where my beautiful wife was being seduced by the biggest black man I had ever seen.
I knocked nervously on the door and heard him shout “Come.”
I opened the door and as I entered the room he came towards me and took the condoms I glanced beyond him and saw that Lisa was sitting on the bed in her underclothes. He had got her dress off already.
“OK you can go now.” he said, pushing me back out of the room.

I returned down stairs to where Frances was waiting for me.
“Go and help Jamister clear up everything and serve takes to anyone still there then wash and tidy up. Then come back here as I want to speak with you.”

About one hour later I finished my duties and returned to the little office where I found Frances sitting in an armchair.
“Stand in front of me.” she said and I did as I was told.
“Closer!!” I moved closer until my knees touched hers.
The room was lit by a very weak desk light and it felt very intimate being so close to my wife’s beautiful friend.
I nearly jumped as I felt her hand brush up and down the front of my trousers, she was staring at me as she slowly pulled the zip down and slipped her hand inside.
I was frozen to the spot, not a word was spoken as she worked her hand inside my silk boxer shorts and gently squeezed my throbbing little penis.
“You really do have a very small cock, I didn’t believe Lisa when she told me you only had three inches, three inches at the most I would reckon, am I right.”?
I couldn’t speak, my mouth was dry and I could only nod my head, yes.

“Now you are going to stand still while I tell you what is happening upstairs.
His name is Anton and he is Director for International Trade.
I have been Anton’s piece of white ass as he refers to it, for nearly a year. He asked me to find someone beautiful for him so I immediately thought of Lisa. I just knew he would love to seduce her and make her crave for his big black cock.

Did I tell you he has a ten inch monster as thick as my wrist.?
That’s more than three times longer than your little cock and god knows how many times thicker.
Lisa will never be the same after tonight, but don’t worry she did say you were very good with your mouth and tongue so you will still have a role to play in her sex life.”

All the time she kept rubbing my little hard on but as soon as she felt I was about to cum she would stop, starting to play with it again when she knew the crisis was over.

“Did you see anything when you delivered the condoms?”
“Lisa was on the bed without her dress she only had on her bra and panties and her nylons, she didn’t look at me.”
“That is how he likes his women, he loves fucking them in their silky underwear, he says that when they go home to their husbands they will be reeking of sweat and sexual juices.

“It’s now more than an hour since you gave him the condoms so I think it is fair to assume that Lisa will have been well stretched by now.
I will tell you exactly how he has taken her.

After you left the room he would take delight in telling her that the waiter had been ogling her and probably had a hard on going down the stairs.
He would start by making Lisa kneel on the floor to kiss and suck his huge cock, telling her how good she was he would also keep taking it out of her mouth and rubbing it all over her face.
After about ten minutes of this they would both get on to the bed and he would start to prepare her for his big cock, licking her and sliding his fingers in and out of her juicy cunt.
He would most certainly tell her that she had a very tight little pussy but that he was about to turn it into a big juicy cunt that would always need a big black cock to satisfy it.
He will have given her a good deep shafting and I can assure you that your wife will have experienced multiple orgasms, which is something she will crave from now on.”

As Frances was speaking the phone on her desk rang.
Answering it, I listened as she nodded her head several times then said “Right away sir, I’ll get him to bring them to you now.”
Turning to me she said “That was the Director, he wants you to bring him some more condoms and he says he has a job for you.”
She handed me a handful of loose condoms and told me to deliver them to him now!!
My mind was racing, I was excited beyond words, Frances had cleverly put into my mind how pleased Lisa would be if I did as I was told and assisted with her seduction.

As I raced up the stairs I was breathless as I knocked on the bedroom door.
There was no command from within so I knocked again.
After a while I heard footsteps and the door was opened slightly, enough for me to see that Anton was naked and covered in perspiration.
I held out the condoms and he took them saying that the others all seemed to burst.
“I want you to do something for me, I want you to stand guard outside the door and make sure that I am not disturbed by any of my staff or anyone else. I should be finished in about half an hour, then I want you to take Mrs G. home safely in a taxi.”
With that he tucked a twenty pound note into my shirt pocket and closed the door.

I spent the next hour trying to listen through the door but could only hear muffled sounds and the sustained banging of the headboard against the wall.
My mind was full of sexual scenes trying to imagine what he was doing to my poor wife hoping that he would not hurt her but at the same time I strangely wanted her to enjoy it.
I felt that my heart would burst it was aching so much and I remembered how I had felt that first time Lisa had sex with another man, that awful feeling of sweet ***.
I felt exhausted when after more than an hour the door opened and the Director appeared with Lisa.
She had obviously had too much to take and was hanging on to him with an adoring look on her beautiful face.
Speaking to me he said.
“Now, take her home to her husband.”
Then speaking to Lisa he said “ that was one of the most wonderful evenings I have ever had here in the UK, thank you, I will phone you tomorrow, relax well.”

I half carried Lisa down the stairs as her legs could hardly support her, at the bottom we were met by Frances who quickly helped us outside and into the waiting taxi.
On the way home neither of us spoke for several minutes. I cuddled her closely suddenly realizing that she was weeping. “What’s wrong darling did he hurt you?”
“Oh no, he was ever so gentle at least till I got used to it, no it’s just that I didn’t mean for you to get hurt. I didn’t know this was going to happen.
Frances only told me when we arrived.”
“Me too.”
I held her close and kissed her tear stained cheeks. “I love you and your happiness and pleasure is all that I desire. Did you enjoy tonight?”
“Oh yes, once I knew that you were OK with it. He was incredible, so big in all departments and insatiable I just gave in to all my lustful desires it was a wonderful experience.”

When we got home we went straight to bed and Lisa told me everything that happened, exactly like I had been told earlier by Frances.
When she finally fell arelax I picked up her knickers and nylons and put them to my nose and inhaled the heady aroma of spunk, piss, perfume and perspiration.
I was excited as before and would be forever more.

To be continued, Yes ? No ? ???


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Lisa’s girlfriend Frances was the liaimister officer for a private hospitality company that organized functions for Government departments, Universities and such like, where visiting delegations were wined dined and provided with beautiful female company.

Lisa often helped Frances when she was busy or understaffed. Her job usually entailed organizing the escort girls making sure they mixed freely with the guests and that no visitor felt left out.
The escorts were from a high class agency and were hand picked by Frances not only for their looks but also for their ability to converse intellectually.
The girls could make their own arrangements for later but had to mix freely over the evening.

I remember vividly one autumn day when Lisa asked if I could also help at a small reception being held that evening for a delegation from a West African country.
A cocktail waiter had called in sick and as I had experience as a part time barman in my university days could I possibly help out.
Frances had said that she would make it worth my while and she had a big surprise for me.
Would I help, well of course I would.
Lisa told me to dress in black trousers, white shirt and black bow tie.

We took a taxi to the reception which was being held as usual in a discreet hospitality suite in a private location.
When we arrived at our destination Frances asked Lisa to give the girls a little talk reminding them of their duties.
She then took me by the hand and walked me into the large reception room which for the moment was empty.
She ran through my duties which included making sure everyone got a take, washing glasses, tidying up, filling dishes with nuts and crisps etc.
She then told me in a quite firm tone that under no circumstances was I to say that I was married to Lisa.
I must not speak to the girls unless they spoke to me.
I was flabbergasted and was about to say so when she put her fingers to my mouth and said “Just do as you are told.”

At that moment Jamister the head barman walked in and Lisa introduced us telling Jamister that I would be helping him tonight.
I was soon busy preparing for our guests and before I knew it they were arriving en masse.
I served takes and did everything that Jamister asked.
The noise in the room increased as they downed glass after glass of the free *****.

I stood in a corner of the room and for the first time had a chance to survey the scene before me.
The visitors were all male and very black and the girls were being very friendly and laughing at all the jokes being told.
There must have been about twenty of them and their Director was very imposing as he held one small group enchanted as he regaled them with an amusing anecdote.

Later I saw him summon Frances to his side and watched as he pointed over to where Lisa was standing with another group.
Frances walked over to Lisa and spoke to her then took her by the arm and took her to the Director who welcomed her with a huge smile and kissed her hand.
It was then that Jamister asked me to collect the empty glasses and wash them which took some time.
When I got back from the kitchen the first thing I noticed was that the Director had his arm around Lisa’s waist and his hand was gently caressing the top of her thigh.

She did not seem to be perturbed so I got a tray of takes and proceeded to go round all the groups as instructed.
When I got to the group including Lisa and the Director I did not make eye contact with anyone in case I lost the place.
I got back to my table to find that I had a load of glasses and dishes to take to the kitchen for washing. It was quite some time before I got back to my table.

I looked around and noticed that the Director and Lisa were sitting closely and alone.
I suddenly realised that he was summoning me over, I nearly tripped as I walked over and asked what I could do for him.
I couldn’t believe my ears when he said “Get a bottle of Cognac and two brandy glasses and come with us.”
I went over to Jamister and told him and he laughed and said that he would have put a bet on the Director making out with the redhead.
He gave me a bottle of Martell and two glasses and told me there was a private room on the first floor where the Director could have privacy.

As I walked back towards Lisa and the Director they got up and walked in front of me his arm around her waist. My eyes were glued to his hand as I watched helplessly as he caressed and squeezed her bottom as they walked in front of me.
As they climbed the stairs in front of me I was mesmerised by way my wifes sexy hips swayed appealingly reacting to the stimulation from the black mans attentions.

This cannot be happening I said to myself, I am walking behind a big black man who is groping my wife and taking her to a private room where he obviously intends to fuck her.
I felt completely helpless, unable to do anything because that would expose the fact that Lisa was my wife. What would everyone think of me.

When we got to the room he told me to put the take on the coffee table beside a huge bed.
Ignoring me he took Lisa in his arms and kissed her before gently pushing her on to the bed. Not once did Lisa look my way, she completely ignored me.
He then put his hand on my back as we went towards the door, whispering he said “Be a good boy and ask Frances if she has a packet of condoms. Bring them to me as soon as you can.”
With that he closed the door and I stood alone shaking in the hallway.

I almost ran down the stairs looking for Frances, I found her in a small office next to the front door.
“What the hell is going on, he’s got my wife upstairs in a bedroom and has asked me to ask you for condoms, this is crazy.”
“Calm down and control yourself you should be pleased for Lisa.
This is the surprise I promised you.
I thought you would understand and enjoy being present while Lisa has her first black man.
Now take this packet of condoms to him as he instructed you. Then come back here, I want to speak further with you.”

With my eyes facing the floor I returned upstairs to the room where my beautiful wife was being seduced by the biggest black man I had ever seen.
I knocked nervously on the door and heard him shout “Come.”
I opened the door and as I entered the room he came towards me and took the condoms I glanced beyond him and saw that Lisa was sitting on the bed in her underclothes. He had got her dress off already.
“OK you can go now.” he said, pushing me back out of the room.

I returned down stairs to where Frances was waiting for me.
“Go and help Jamister clear up everything and serve takes to anyone still there then wash and tidy up. Then come back here as I want to speak with you.”

About one hour later I finished my duties and returned to the little office where I found Frances sitting in an armchair.
“Stand in front of me.” she said and I did as I was told.
“Closer!!” I moved closer until my knees touched hers.
The room was lit by a very weak desk light and it felt very intimate being so close to my wife’s beautiful friend.
I nearly jumped as I felt her hand brush up and down the front of my trousers, she was staring at me as she slowly pulled the zip down and slipped her hand inside.
I was frozen to the spot, not a word was spoken as she worked her hand inside my silk boxer shorts and gently squeezed my throbbing little penis.
“You really do have a very small cock, I didn’t believe Lisa when she told me you only had three inches, three inches at the most I would reckon, am I right.”?
I couldn’t speak, my mouth was dry and I could only nod my head, yes.

“Now you are going to stand still while I tell you what is happening upstairs.
His name is Anton and he is Director for International Trade.
I have been Anton’s piece of white ass as he refers to it, for nearly a year. He asked me to find someone beautiful for him so I immediately thought of Lisa. I just knew he would love to seduce her and make her crave for his big black cock.

Did I tell you he has a ten inch monster as thick as my wrist.?
That’s more than three times longer than your little cock and god knows how many times thicker.
Lisa will never be the same after tonight, but don’t worry she did say you were very good with your mouth and tongue so you will still have a role to play in her sex life.”

All the time she kept rubbing my little hard on but as soon as she felt I was about to cum she would stop, starting to play with it again when she knew the crisis was over.

“Did you see anything when you delivered the condoms?”
“Lisa was on the bed without her dress she only had on her bra and panties and her nylons, she didn’t look at me.”
“That is how he likes his women, he loves fucking them in their silky underwear, he says that when they go home to their husbands they will be reeking of sweat and sexual juices.

“It’s now more than an hour since you gave him the condoms so I think it is fair to assume that Lisa will have been well stretched by now.
I will tell you exactly how he has taken her.

After you left the room he would take delight in telling her that the waiter had been ogling her and probably had a hard on going down the stairs.
He would start by making Lisa kneel on the floor to kiss and suck his huge cock, telling her how good she was he would also keep taking it out of her mouth and rubbing it all over her face.
After about ten minutes of this they would both get on to the bed and he would start to prepare her for his big cock, licking her and sliding his fingers in and out of her juicy cunt.
He would most certainly tell her that she had a very tight little pussy but that he was about to turn it into a big juicy cunt that would always need a big black cock to satisfy it.
He will have given her a good deep shafting and I can assure you that your wife will have experienced multiple orgasms, which is something she will crave from now on.”

As Frances was speaking the phone on her desk rang.
Answering it, I listened as she nodded her head several times then said “Right away sir, I’ll get him to bring them to you now.”
Turning to me she said “That was the Director, he wants you to bring him some more condoms and he says he has a job for you.”
She handed me a handful of loose condoms and told me to deliver them to him now!!
My mind was racing, I was excited beyond words, Frances had cleverly put into my mind how pleased Lisa would be if I did as I was told and assisted with her seduction.

As I raced up the stairs I was breathless as I knocked on the bedroom door.
There was no command from within so I knocked again.
After a while I heard footsteps and the door was opened slightly, enough for me to see that Anton was naked and covered in perspiration.
I held out the condoms and he took them saying that the others all seemed to burst.
“I want you to do something for me, I want you to stand guard outside the door and make sure that I am not disturbed by any of my staff or anyone else. I should be finished in about half an hour, then I want you to take Mrs G. home safely in a taxi.”
With that he tucked a twenty pound note into my shirt pocket and closed the door.

I spent the next hour trying to listen through the door but could only hear muffled sounds and the sustained banging of the headboard against the wall.
My mind was full of sexual scenes trying to imagine what he was doing to my poor wife hoping that he would not hurt her but at the same time I strangely wanted her to enjoy it.
I felt that my heart would burst it was aching so much and I remembered how I had felt that first time Lisa had sex with another man, that awful feeling of sweet ***.
I felt exhausted when after more than an hour the door opened and the Director appeared with Lisa.
She had obviously had too much to take and was hanging on to him with an adoring look on her beautiful face.
Speaking to me he said.
“Now, take her home to her husband.”
Then speaking to Lisa he said “ that was one of the most wonderful evenings I have ever had here in the UK, thank you, I will phone you tomorrow, relax well.”

I half carried Lisa down the stairs as her legs could hardly support her, at the bottom we were met by Frances who quickly helped us outside and into the waiting taxi.
On the way home neither of us spoke for several minutes. I cuddled her closely suddenly realizing that she was weeping. “What’s wrong darling did he hurt you?”
“Oh no, he was ever so gentle at least till I got used to it, no it’s just that I didn’t mean for you to get hurt. I didn’t know this was going to happen.
Frances only told me when we arrived.”
“Me too.”
I held her close and kissed her tear stained cheeks. “I love you and your happiness and pleasure is all that I desire. Did you enjoy tonight?”
“Oh yes, once I knew that you were OK with it. He was incredible, so big in all departments and insatiable I just gave in to all my lustful desires it was a wonderful experience.”

When we got home we went straight to bed and Lisa told me everything that happened, exactly like I had been told earlier by Frances.
When she finally fell arelax I picked up her knickers and nylons and put them to my nose and inhaled the heady aroma of spunk, piss, perfume and perspiration.
I was excited as before and would be forever more.

To be continued, Yes ? No ? ???


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My apologies, I do not know what has caused this repeat of my presentation
I don't even know how to remove the two additional presentations.


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Just as a matter of interest I have re-posted this story in the stories section as suggested by an interested reader.
He said that it was more appropriate in that section.
For the record, although this thread has slipped to page five in Cuckold World, it has received more hits than in page one of Cuckold stories.
This shows that this section gets far more attention than most of the other sections on this site.
As I said, just a matter of interest.
By the way good luck to all who read this and to all who have commented along the way.




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My decision to move to the Story section has only proved that many more people check out Cuckold World.
The next chapter follows.


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The next morning I could not help going back over in my mind all that had happened the previous night.
The picture that kept coming into my head was one of Lisa gazing adoringly into Anton’s eyes when I collected her to take her home.
I think that showed the infatuation and addiction which would be part of her for a long time to come.
As I daydreamed I was startled by the phone ringing.
I picked up the receiver but Lisa had already lifted the extension in the bedroom.
As I suspected, it was Anton and I listened to him thanking Lisa for a wonderful night.
“Will you meet me for lunch today” I heard him say.
“Then I would like to take you out to do a little shopping, would you like that?”
“That would be lovely thank you.”
I replaced the receiver and didn’t hear any further conversation.

When I heard the phone being replaced in the bedroom I went through to wish her good morning.
Knocking gently on the door as I always did, I waited for her command to enter and within a few moments I heard her say “Avanti” which was our private word for me to go in.
I went in and knelt down beside the bed, taking her hand I kissed it and told her she was my goddess and that she looked very beautiful as always.

“That was Anton on the phone he wants to take me out for lunch then for a spot of shopping.”
“What sort of shopping.” I asked.
“I don’t know but I bet it’s for some sexy lingerie, at least I hope so.”
“I take it that you will be seeing him again then.”
“Yes darling as long as you don’t mind. He wants to take me to a Club tonight. Some dive or other, he says he wants to show me off to some of his friends. I must have made quite an impression on him.”

I went to fill her bath and while I was doing that I heard the phone ring again.
A few minutes later Lisa came in to the bathroom and passed the phone to me saying
“It’s for you, it’s Frances.”
“Hi it’s Frances I have some good news for you. No doubt you will know that Lisa is meeting Anton today.
He phoned me to ask you if you will be his Assistant and driver whenever he is meeting with Lisa. He doesn’t want to use anyone at the Embassy for this and he says that you already have served him well. He will pay for your services through my agency account so I will deal with your remuneration.
It won’t conflict with your job as you will only be required at weekends and evenings.

He says you must act with full discretion, call him Sir when addressing him, Lisa must be referred to as Madam and you must do whatever he instructs you to do without question.
Remember you only speak when spoken to and you must reply with due respect.”

I started to tell her to stuff his offer of a job up her backside when she said, “How lucky you are to be able to be present while Lisa enjoys being wined, dined and seduced. Imagine how excited you will be as you watch helplessly as she willingly gives herself to her new lover, her new big black lover. I just know you will get a great thrill from the experience.”
I just mumred, “ So, when do I start?”

“You are to pick up Lisa at 12 noon and she will tell you where to go from there. As this is Saturday you will be required to be on duty until perhaps the early hours of Sunday morning.
Wear a business suit and tie and black shoes, things you will surely have in your wardrobe.
Now listen to me do not screw this up, Anton’s account means a great deal to our company.

At noon I eased the car out of the driveway and took the main road in to the city. Lisa was sitting in the back seat looking gorgeous as usual.
I felt so full of love for her at that moment, realizing that she was doing this for me as much as for herself.

At 12.30 I pulled up at the address given to me by Lisa. It was a townhouse property in a nice neighborhood. Anton had been watching for us and as he emerged from the house he looked strikingly handsome and sported a huge smile as he strode towards the car.
As he reached the car I was already opening the rear door so that he could join Lisa on the back seat.
He said nothing as he got in and as I closed the door I saw him put his arms around Lisa and proceed to give her a passionate kiss.
He was still kissing her by the time I had got back in to the driving seat.
I watched in the rear mirror as his hand massaged my beautiful wife’s breast through her thin silk blouse.
Remembering my instructions not to speak until spoken to, I waited for him to give me instructions.

He eventually directed me to a well known restaurant about a mile away. When we got there I held the door while they got out of the car.
“Right, pick us up here at 2pm sharp, you better get yourself a sandwich somewhere but remember, no holy water.” With that he took Lisa’s arm and went in to the restaurant.

At 2 o’clock on the dot I pulled up outside the restaurant just as they were leaving.
Safely back in the car Anton gave me directions to what he said was the nearest Ann Summers sex shop.
I pulled up right outside the gaudily decorated shop as instructed and quickly got out and held the car door open.
Anton helped Lisa out and they disappeared in to the shop without giving me any instructions.
I shrugged my shoulders and went back and sat in the driver’s seat to await their return.

While sitting there I congratulated myself on not getting too annoyed or upset at what had happened up to that point.
I began to feel more relaxed about the bizarre situation I was in and thought that maybe it could be quite an enjoyable experience.

I am not sure how long they had been in the shop but I was brought back to reality when I was suddenly aware of Anton banging on the windscreen to gain my attention.
I immediately jumped out of the car and ran round to open the back door of the car for the now giggling couple.
Anton told me to go in to the shop and collect their purchases.

In the shop two pretty assistants smiled knowingly as I asked for the Directors parcels.
I was astonished when they handed me about a dozen parcels all beautifully presented and decorated with pink ribbons.
When I returned to the car Anton told me to put the parcels in the boot and to take him back to his flat. When we got there he told me to take Lisa home to her husband and that I should pick her up again at 8pm and bring her back to him.

On the way back to our house Lisa told me how Anton had been feeling her up and kissing her while I was driving. I told her I could see some of it in the rear mirror. She said, “Did it turn you on?”
“Yes I suppose it did rather.”
She giggled at that then told me how embarrassed she had been in the Sex Shop when Anton had picked out the different items he was buying for her telling the girls in the shop that she was his new girlfriend.
They obviously knew him and treated him as a very valued customer.

When we got back home Lisa said she would have a little nap and I should waken her about 6.30pm and have her bath ready for her.
I duly woke her as instructed and I also had prepared a light meal for her.

After her bath I dried her down, then kneeling at her feet kissing her all over I told her how much I loved and adored her.
I then asked if I could pick the underwear she would wear for her date.
She hesitated then told me that Anton had asked her to wear nothing under her blue silk dress except suspenders and nylon stockings.
I must have looked disappointed for she immediately said “Perhaps you could help me to put them on, would you like that?”
“Oh yes that would be nice.” I replied.

We left the house just after 8pm and as I drove to Anton’s I told her how lucky I felt that Anton had requested me to be his assistant. It was so exciting to be so close to the action without him realizing that I was Lisa’s husband.
Lisa laughed and said that I must make sure I did not let anyone know the truth.

When we arrived at Anton’s house I jumped out and rang the doorbell. He came to the door dressed only in a pair of red silk boxer shorts.
He was clearly not ready to leave yet.
He said “Bring Lisa to me then go and sit in the car until we are ready to go to the Club.”

I helped Lisa out of the car and as she walked up to his front door I realized that I was shaking with emotion. Here I was delivering my beautiful sexy wife into the waiting arms of a frighteningly virile and handsome black man. He kissed Lisa passionately and as he drew her inside, he turned, looked at me, and winked as he closed the door behind them.

Sitting in the car my imagination started to take over. I tried not to think of what they might be doing, but erotic images of my lovely wife being stripped and s*******fully ravished kept flooding through my mind.
It was more than an hour before they came out. They both looked as if they had walked out of a fashion magazine. Not a hair out of place. I thought maybe nothing had happened after all.

I was given directions and within fifteen minutes or so I pulled up outside a Club which appeared to be a member’s only place with two powerful looking black men standing on guard at the entrance.

As Anton and Lisa got out of the car he handed me a ticket saying “Park the car round the rear. You will see a door at the back of this building with Private written on it. Knock on the door and give this pass to the permister who opens the door. He will take you in to the main bar area where you can sit and wait till I call for you. Order yourself a soft take and put it on my account.”

I parked the car and duly knocked on the door as instructed. Another black man opened the door and I handed him the pass.
He looked me up and down then said “The Director says you are to bring in the parcels that are in the boot of the car, get them quickly.”
I got them and he let me inside.
It was dark outside and nearly as dark inside as I followed the guy along a corridor and into a room full of black men several of whom were dancing with white women who apart from myself appeared to be the only white people in the club.

The guy took me to a table at the rear of the room and said he would get me an orange juice. Taking the parcels from me he left me there so I sat down and tried to take in the scene before me.
There was soft smoochy music playing over the sound system and I counted seven white women dancing very closely with their black partners. The rest of the room was laid out with tables and chairs with one side flanked with booths along its length. In all I reckoned there were about sixty people in the room at that time, most of whom had a take in their hand.

As my eyes got used to the dim light I saw that Lisa was being introduced by Anton to all the men around the bar area. I thought to myself how beautiful she looked and from the looks on the faces around her I was not the only one.
Several of the men were openly ogling her aware that she was wearing no bra as her erect nipples were clearly evident through the thin material of her dress.

After about half an hour two men asked if they could sit at my table.
Sitting down one turned to me and asked “Is there a show tonight?” I said I had no idea as I was a visitor to the club. He then asked me if I was with the Director and I said yes I was his driver.
The other man then said “That’s some woman he has with him tonight she sure is sexy. I bet he’s fucking her stupid, lucky guy.”
At this point I didn’t know whether to be pleased or annoyed at his remarks but I made no comment.

The other man then said “I was speaking with him a little earlier and he told me that she was a real hot one and that apparently her husband only has a two and a half inch prick, can you imagine that, Christ, two and a half fucking inches. After Anton’s finished with her there is no way her husband will ever be able to give her what she needs.”
The other man laughing said “They say Anton’s got the biggest cock of all the members of this club, I really hope he gives us a show tonight.”
My mouth was dry, I hoped they could not see me shaking as I tried to control my emotions. What sort of permister was this Anton, telling people private things like that.


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Out of the corner of my eye I saw Anton and Lisa leaving the room through a door behind the bar.
One of the men at my table also noticed it and he said “Well we might be getting a show after all.”
I asked “What kind of show?”
He just said “Wait and see you’ll enjoy it.”

“OK guys if you would like to come forward.” a voice said over the sound system. At the same time at the back of the bar a curtain was pulled back revealing a large screen showing the interior of what looked like a large bedroom.
Standing in the middle of the room locked in a passionate embrace was Lisa and Anton.

I was dragged towards the screen by my two companions and we joined the heaving group around the bar.
Everything went very quiet as all eyes were glued to the screen, the already dark room was made even darker as the dim lights were turned down further.
Someone increased the volume on the speaker and we heard Anton’s voice “I just want you to model the presents I bought you today.”
I watched with everyone else as Anton slid his hand between Lisa’s legs and pulled her dress up and over her head. I heard a few gasps and invectives from the watching group as Lisa, standing naked apart from her sexy suspenders, nylons and high heels bent over and undid one of her parcels.
We all watched as she put on a pink see through baby doll nightdress and proceeded to dance around Anton sexily pouting her lips as he stretched out to stroke her quivering breasts and luscious bottom.

My heart was pounding and my breathing was labored as I listened to the comments from all around me. The man in front of me kept repeating “Beautiful, beautiful.”
The “Show” continued as Lisa changed into a red basque.

I suddenly felt a hand slipping in to mine and squeezing it. I looked to my side to see one of the white women looking into my eyes. She was a very attractive blonde showing some signs of wear.
She whispered “She’s your wife isn’t she?” I just stared back unable to answer her.
“It’s OK, I know how you must be feeling but don’t worry it will be all over soon.”
I started to speak, “ I don’t know what you are talking about I’m just Anton’s driver.”

I continued to stare at the screen unable to tear my eyes away.
Anton was fondling her now and the comments around me were still very complimentary about Lisa.
She must have been in her fifth different outfit when I realized that I still had a hold of the girl’s hand.
She squeezed it again before saying, “You must love her very much, I wish my husband was as understanding.”
This time I couldn’t manage to speak so I gave her hand an understanding squeeze which she returned meaningfully.

Anton was now pushing Lisa down on to her knees as the hidden camera zoomed in close.
He told her to “Take it out, you know what to do.”
Whoever was working the camera knew what he was doing, as he cleverly moved from widescreen to close-up and showed in detail Lisa pulling Anton’s trouser zip down and releasing his enormous cock.
I heard several gasps of admiration and awe as Lisa stroked the monster.
Anton’s voice was loud and clear, “Now suck it like a good girl.”

I will never forget the next few minutes as I watched my beautiful Lisa kissing, licking and finally taking that huge black cock in to her mouth.
Here I was surrounded by a large group of people watching my lovely wife submitting to this veritable giant of a black man.
The screen was filled by a close up shot of Lisa wanking his huge cock as she ran her tongue up and down it’s length.
The large veins were clearly visible and I could see that Lisa’s fingers did not manage to encircle his shaft.
A large globule of pre cum leaked out of the evil one eyed monster and Lisa’s tongue slid across his bulbous swollen cock head before she sucked it in to her mouth.

Anton took her head in both hands and started to face fuck her telling her loudly that she was going to get it.
The noise coming from the speaker was so loud that it was distorted but we could hear grunts from Anton and obligation sounds from Lisa.
As he quickened his pace I felt my hand being gripped very tightly by my blonde friend
who just said “This is it, don’t panic it will be OK.”

At that moment Anton let out a roar and screamed, “Swallow it you bitch, swallow it and don’t spill a drop.” We could all hear Lisa slurping and obligation as she tried to swallow it as he pumped a copious load of hot semen down her gagging throat.

I felt sure my heart was going to burst it was beating so fast, my legs felt like jelly, my mouth was dry and I was sweating, I needed to sit down before I collapsed.
The next thing I was aware of was a view of Anton’s hand coming towards the camera
and then the screen went blank.

There was a loud cheer from the assemred group as they made their way back to their seats.
My blonde friend took my arm and helped me back to my seat. She said “I have got to go now and be available for anyone wanting to dance. I am sure we will meet again, your wife is a very lucky woman.”

A few moments later the man who had let me in at the back door appeared and said “You are to get the car and pull it up right outside the back door.”
I walked as calmly as I could and once outside in the fresh air I felt a lot better.
I went to the car and drove it up to the back door of the Club as instructed.

After about ten minutes the door opened and Anton and Lisa came out, he was looking at me with a huge smirk on his face.
I jumped out and opened the door for them. Anton told me to get the parcels from inside the back door and put them back in the boot.
I was surprised that he did not join Lisa in the car.
Instead he said to me “Take her home to her wimp of a husband, I’m staying on at the Club for a while yet.”



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