Posts: 61
does somebody have experiences with visgra or cialis? does it make a real difference. how long does it take, till it works? how often can you cum within an hour, within a night wilt cialis?
please let me know you experiences (or some funny stories)
Posts: 181
Viagra must be taken on an empty stomach, or it will be completely ineffective. Cialis is much longer active in your body, doesn't matter if taken on empty or full stomach. It can be good for 72 hours. Neither has anything to do with how often you come or how soon, rather merely helps you get it up when you want to get it up.
I use Cialis for its longevity, although my insurance provider would prefer I use Viagra. It usually takes two or three or four hours for it to take effect for me, but apparently for many men, only 30 minutes is needed. I need it sometimes because of the ED induced as a side effect of another have that I must use nightly.
Another option is Caverject, a have that is injected directly into the base of the penis. Surprisingly, it is not painful, and, wow, does it work! First time I used it, had an erection for 6+ hours. It was wonderfully painful for the last two hours. However, I could not come the whole time. And I prefer not to use it (had two failures with four attempts) because the erection seems oddly disconnected to the state of arousal. The women loved it, though.
Posts: 198
I have used both viagra and Cialis, and I found as my doctor at the time said, that the viagra gave a harder erection but the Cialis lasted longer.
However, I also thought that they both seemed a bit of a rip off for the price given the Indian made generics were a fraction of what the big pharmaceaticals were selling them for. I also thought maybe a herbal alternative could be found. I tried a few but the two fairly outstanding ones were "Alpha Male Ultimate Formula" from herbal powers, and "Instant Hot Rod for Men". these were both bought from their respective websites and both gave great assistence for up to 3 days! I only ever used the one capsule instead of two, generally pulling it apart and dropping the contents in a bit of water and swallowing, it then acts quite promptly. I tried a formulation from a local Chinese shop, it also worked fantastic but consisted of taking blue capsules every day and 2 red ones before sex, so this pretty quickly used them up and worked out quite expensive.
I would be very interested too if anyone can relate experiences with a particularly good sex enhancing product (life is short - let's check we're not missing out!). Funnily enough I get very hard when cuckold/hotwife themes are being explored but the more standard vanilla sex I am beginning to need assistence! I hope this is helpful, there are so many rubbish/rippoff products out there that anyone's experiences of great products is useful to share.
Posts: 361
I have experience with Viagra, Cialis and Levitra. Cialis lasts longer (uo to 3 days) and takes about an hour for effect. Viagra half an hour, one day effect. Levitra is something inbetween.
Of the three, Viagra does not work well if one eats, especially fat foods; Cialis is unaffected, Levitra inbetween again. I need to limit smoke with all 3, as otherwise my red pressure goes a bit too high for my liking; sometimes i feel the sensation f a pressure buildup behind eyes.
All 3 products give me digestive problems: slow digestion and stomach burning.
I have taken them continuatively for about a month when on holyday, and had no side effects other than those reported.
I like Cialis most; it is the most effective and givs a little less problems. Viagra is second on my list, Levitra is definitively the worse and I don't buy it anymore.
Posts: 181
I should add that Cialis comes in two doses, 10 mg and 20 mg. My urologist has even suggested 30 mg for me because I am a big and tall fellow and a weightlifter. I usually stick to 20 mg.
Posts: 198
anyone else tried herbal pills with good results, if so which particular ones? cheers
Posts: 5859
very cognitive topic supersticked 
Posts: 23
I use Viagra. I get 100mg tabs (same price as 50mg tabs...go figure) and cut them in half.
I take it about 2 hours before sex. I find that doing a few pushups and squats helps get it into your system. Just me mind you.
I really don't dig the flushed, red face it gives me. But, I can live with it. I just like the "extra" stiffness it gives me. My wife definitely likes it I can tell you! I get so hard that the head of my cock gets throbbing like a pulsing red orb. Last night we had an exceptionally hot romp. I like taking it very slow. Pulling all the way out and then in real slow. Did this for about half an hour and we both got off like rockets. She reaches under and tickles my balls and I explode into her like I'm 15 again. Just very intense.
So, I find that we both give it a thumbs up. I tried Cialis but, hated the hot-headed feeling and wee bit of nausea I had for 2 days. I mean, I can get hard without anything and prefer the shorter life of Viagra. I pay out of my own pocket and get (3) 100mg tabs for $48.50 which I then double into 6 50mg tabs. I've never taken more than 50mg and don't feel the need to. I took it at 8PM last night and still had a morning hard on which wifey took into her already creamed pussy. Again. Nice. Real nice!
Posts: 48
I am Redheads husband, and although I have not used the pill forms, I have used the aformentioned caverjet. My wife is a reaserch specialist and I volunteered to try it a few years back. It was originally used for men who suffered from paraylisis to aid in inserting catheters. As stated it is injected into the sides of the penis and constricts the outward flow of red thus producing an erection. There is some trial and error as to the dosage, you want to start slow, and increase gradually. In my case I reached the point where the dose was to high and I had an erection for over 7 hours, potentially anything over 4 hours can (but not always) cause tissue damage, however after 4 hours it becomes painful and urination is impossible unless you can stand on your head, smile In my case I experienced several orgasms and never lost any erection, in fact the erectal power was more than I have ever experienced. And other than taking to much I had no adverse effects, and have used it several times since to please my wife. Jay mr redhead
Posts: 126
#10 · Edited by: lkitkinke
Gonna add my .02 to this one- Let me start by saying I am 40 years old and really dont need anything at this point to achieve a nice hard erection- But curiousity has got the best of me on a few occasions and I did purchase some Viagra from a friend to try it. I equate it to taking a vitamin C when healthy  Anyway- The Viagra obviously worked very well. My wife said "lets go upstairs" and I got hard. Obviously quite effective. But my face got flush and I got a bit of a headache- Loved the cock that wouldnt quit but did not like the side effects- A couple weeks ago I was in the health food store and they had something in the check out line called "The Super Sexual Herbal Ball". The owner of the store said he sold a few over the counter herbal suppliments but that this one was awesome. It comes 3 balls to a pack for $25- I tried it and bit it in half so I will have 6 doses. Looks like a balled up tootsie roll or black hash. I chewed it up and took it with a glass of water 20 minutes before having sex and though it does taste horrible it worked very well. I had a great long lasting erection- Just like a Viagra made my cock as big and hard as it gets  Wife and I had a great time- I also masterbated about an hour after she went to relax and still had a great hard on- And I woke up the next morning with wood like I used to get when I was 18. All in all I'd say the Chinese herbs worked great. If you google it you will find the website- They sell them online as well. Now Im gonna research and try to figure out what is in it. Who knows what is in the stuff- though honestly- how bad can it be? Viagra made me feel like I was gonna have a stroke- much more in the way of side effects with the Viagra.
Posts: 36
I've taken Cialis and viagra but prefer Cialis way over Viagra for a few reamisters: One, Viagra is like a fucking sledgehammer and so is the Viagra hangover. Major sinus stuffiness and congestion and for me there was always a huge headache as the end result. Plus, many guys get the Viagra flush....all the red goes to your head and your face looks like a beet. Cialis is much more subtle and longer lasting for me. Many guys have had better results with Viagra I'm sure but I go for cialis any day.
And if anyone is wondering why a bull would use it, well let's say that the ladies who I've been with have never complained when 50 yr old keeps his thick stick rock hard and pumping for 4 hours, unloads in her and then is ready for round two a little bit later. Real Bull ISO Real Couples
Posts: 116
A couple words of advice from my experience. Viagra creates a noticably harder cock. Cialis just makes my legs really sore for a couple days. So sore I wind up taking pain medication.
Avoid any generic. They are grabbage compared to the real thing. Buying online is fine if you get genuine product. The price will tell as much as anything. There are no bargins on viagra that I have found.
Want to try Caverject. Any advice or where to order from?
Might try some of the Super Sexual Herbal Ball...not liking the idea of the taste for the price. The price is almost as much as real viagra which is usually $10 a pill.
One really cheap trick which can lead to some fun results is to put a thin elastic hair tie around the cock and balls. I do this in a figure 8 configuration. Once around the balls then across and over the base of the cock. I pick them up in Walmart for 10 cents each in packs of 20. It definately makes you harder and longer lasting while not interfering with normal sexual activity.
Posts: 293
Does anyone know where to get any of these? Viagra or Cialis?
Posts: 38
Viagra makes you fuck like you are the world champ. Highly recommend it. I have taken the knock off versions too with great results. I dont mind the flush feeling while its taking effect and every once in a while I do get a headache afterwards but I always take a couple of excedrine right afer the sex and its not a problem. Dont take it on a full stomach it does effect it. I highly recommend Viagra D. Lowe
Posts: 38
has anyone ever bought Viagra from the advertisement on this sight? Just wondering if it is a good place to order it from, D. Lowe
Posts: 126
#16 · Edited by: lkitkinke
Quoting: QUICKSILVER Might try some of the Super Sexual Herbal Ball...not liking the idea of the taste for the price. The price is almost as much as real viagra which is usually $10 a pill. I have played with the SSHB alittle bit more- I experimented with 1/4 of a ball- Not on an empty stomach but a few hours after an average size dinner, still worked very well. I took it about an hour before sex and again achieved results quite similar to what i experienced with 1/2 a dose and with Viagra . Again,without feeling as flushed as Viagra made me and no headache afterward- As for the taste- It isnt good but it isnt sickening either- Better than some of the crap I used to have to "taste" at grandma's dinner table when i was a little kid  with a glass of water it's really no big deal- Also woke up today today with quite the morning stiffee about 10 hours after I took the dose and after having had 2 orgasms last night- that part I find a trip cause the morning wood hasnt been what it used to be the last couple years- takes me back to the 90's  If a 1/4 dose will work than this product becomes a 12 dose product for about $21(online price) That is a great value- I would be curious to hear results of this product from someone who has ED-I do not have ED and am just taking this as alittle extra and not using it everytime. If anyone else decide to try this I would love to hear what you think.
Posts: 133
i have had good luck wiht Cialis, but my wife is soo hot, and I get it so seldom, that I cum WAAAAY too quick,. Anyone know of a have to help that? I am afraid of the creams as I think they might dull HER sensation as well, and the LAST thing I want to do is limit HER pleasure. I know they ideas of thinking about baseball, and jerking off an hour before, and other such methods, but anyone know of any pharma help here.
Posts: 116
no longer interested in caverject. I did some googling and found it was a steriod. I did have some recent success with generic viagra. Taking it on a empty stomach worked well.
Posts: 3
Anyone had any problems buying the source on this web site? Does the meds really come from Canada or do they ship from India?
Posts: 184
I love haveging my cuckold slaveboy! One of my favourites is to power him to 'smoke', then zip him in our leather body bag, hood him and then power feed him Cialis. When it has taken effect, I gag him and then take great pleasure in driving him insane by dressing in one of my hottest PVC outfits and acting like a real porn star with one of my studs whilst cuckboy lies helpless and erect in the the bag (he can't play with his cock as there are internal arm sleeves inside the body bag LOL). Every so often when my stud fills me up, I insert a funnel into the gag (it has a special breathing hole), squat over it and let all the spunk drip into the sissy's mouth, Mmmmmm, I love that! I find Cialis works really well over a long period, although I am interested in trying Viagra as my cuck has a lactose allergy and Cialis has some lactose in it - do any of you guys have a packet of Viagra you can check, the internal information sheet should list the non active ingredients such as lactose (they use lactose a lot as a tablet bulking agent you see)? Anyway, I am planning to film one of these sessions so watch this space LOL! Mistress Lynn  Ready for you medication slutboy?!
|  |  |  | Keep on Cucking!
Posts: 11
Can some one tell me were is the best place online to buy Viagra or Cialis online Rick & Heidi
Posts: 1459
A business associate and friend a few years younger than me asked me a while back if I had ever tried Viagra or Cialis. He's single, and considers them almost a "party have", a necessity for the active dating lifestyle.
I hadn't, although I had noticed that my erections were not as big or hard as they were when I was younger, and that sometimes I tended to rush through sex, finishing quickly for fear I might lose my hard on. He gave me one of his Cialis tablets, and the rest is history! I got home from that trip on Friday and took the pill the next afternoon without telling my wife about it. An hour or so later I felt a little flushed and had a minor headache, which Excedrin quickly cured, and when we went to bed and started to play...my oh my!! I was big and rock hard like I hadn't been since my teens, fucked for about 40 minutes the first time, and twice more that night, each time long and hard much to the satisfaction and delight of my multiply orgasmic wife. It still worked well into the next evening, and we got two more rounds in. Achey balls after all that, but not due to the Cialis. I got a prescription from my doctor that week, with my wife's complete approval (I had to tell her about it, she would never have believed it was just me), and our sex life is the best it's been in years. A true miracle have. I do sometimes get a little residual backache, but it's worth it. I sold both my hammers and now use my new hard cock to pound in nails! No, not really...lol. Seriously though, I am really pleased with it, but awfully expensive.
Posts: 1
does anyone have any actual information about where is safe and reliable to buy pills online?
Posts: 593
My My, Mistress Lynn, you are deviously wicked and how wonderful. I would love to be under your spell. My nose deep in your NYLON toes fresh out of those gorgeous boots. Cannot wait to see the video, regards |Schultz
Posts: 184
Thanks Schultz - yes I am a bitch aren't I LOL! You will have to check out my websites won't you my naughty foot slave?!
ML x Keep on Cucking!
Posts: 593
Your web sites, what web sites, please do tell me! And your nylon feet and that video? regards schultz
Posts: 2517
I have tried Cialis and it works great for me. My wife refuses to let me take it now. She says I just need to accept my impotence. She says I have a weak cock and other men will take care of her needs.
Posts: 73
lkitkinke I ordered some of the SSHB and they came yesterday. As chance would have it, I had a first time meeting with a couple. I don't have ED perse, but often have trouble due to nervousness on first meetings, sometimes even second ones. I used half a viagra one time, and had such a headache from it, it really interferred with the sexual pleasure. So last night I used a whole ball of the SSHB, and wow! I had a woody all evening, and was able to pound her really good!!! Even after cumming twice in her, I jerked off again an hour later (an hour drive home) and again this morning. I am very impressed with the SSHB and will try a half ball next time. The taste is not that bad. Cheers!
Posts: 126
#29 · Edited by: lkitkinke
Good to hear Don- I have turned a few guys on to the SSHB and it has worked well with everyone. One guy did have a problem but he was takeing pretty heavily- Thanks for the feedback though Don- glad it helped 
Posts: 73
My head felt a bit messed up the next day, but it could have been from the wine we drank that night. In any case, I won't use a whole ball next time. Might try a quarter and see if that does the trick. It's great having an alternative to the prescriptions.
Thanks, Don