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shes gone : (

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Well, today at work my gf came in and dumped me. We were together for over four years. I'm really sad and not sure what to do. If you remember I posted about is canceling the wedding after she found porn on my computer. We were working things out, but today she saw where I purchased playboy a time or two over the past year on the satillite. And even though it was from the same time period as the other stuff she said we are done. I should have told her about that when she found the other. Not sure what to do, but looking for advice and someone to vent to.


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sex life was great with us, I made her cum like crazy.


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No surprise...move on my friend.


Posts: 360
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Any women out there have an opinion or some advice?


Posts: 360
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Any women out there have an opinion or some advice?


Posts: 360
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Any women out there have an opinion or some advice?


Posts: 1096
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The worse permister to get advice from about women is from a woman. They are well intentioned but they simply don't know what attracts them or how to handle themselves.

If we took advice from women, we would all be very lonely metrosexuals writing poetry.

She found porn on your computer and that you watched the Playboy channel a couple times? And for this, she canceled the wedding and dumped you?

Tell her to fuck off.

She's an over controlling bitch.

So you had some porn? So what?

Women way overreact about porn.

Women read romance novels and go shopping all the time, do we overreact? No. So men watch porn sometimes. Big fucking deal.

Get rid of her.

But I know you won't. Know how I know? Because if you were normal and well adjusted, you wouldn't be with her in the first place. You'll keep right on taking her cuckolds brownie and chasing after her because that's what you think you deserve. Normal guys would have dumped her ass a long time ago.

Carry on.


Posts: 11
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Well said James!!!!! I say good riddance. Over 5 billion people on this rock. Half are women. Carry on......


Posts: 22
#9 · Edited by: rdy_toplease
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<i> If you remember I posted about is canceling the wedding after she found porn on my computer.</i>

is there any guy out there who does'nt have porn on their computer !!!

next time find someone who enjoys porn as much as you


Posts: 181
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Given your attachment to her, you are actually lucky that she dumped you now, which is a lot easier than you dumping her later when you finally realize her immaturity and control issues are incompatible with a good partnership.


I agree with your assessment that he should move on to another relationship with a more mature woman, although some of your reamistering appears a bit fractured and non sequitur. jamesriske is correct about getting advice from a female concerning couples relationships. That includes professionals. [I set up sessions for the wife and me with a woman councelor once, huge mistake and waste of time (it actually made things worse from the start).] I have since discovered almost all other men who have used female professionals have had the same experience. You women have your wonderful charms, and we can't live without you, but there are some things the bulk of you simply don't understand. Such as mixing selective logic and facts with pure emotion and not seeing the contradiction and incompleteness, and confusing noncommunication for communication. However, most of us men do not hold it against you since it merely adds to your mystery and allure.

Porn is in the eye of the beholder. There is no universal definition for it. The closest anyone has ever gotten to such a definition is a long dead US Supreme Court justice (whose name escapes me) who said "I can't define pornography, but I know it when I see it." Hence, a different definition for every permister on the planet. That explains why some think medical texts are porn, but Michelangeo's David is not. Sappy romance novels are just another version of porn to some people.

slaveboy, you are better off without her. You deserve better.


Posts: 360
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Thanks for everyones reply. If anyone else wants please feel free to reply here or PM me. The more people reply the Better I feel, due to it reaffirming my positive thoughts of things that would be better without her. It helps me to get my mind off of the things that I will miss.


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I think you will find that you will miss less than you think. You've had a great burden lifted off your shoulders, and you didn't even have to lift a finger to do it. Just don't find another similar woman, and you'll be very happy in no time.


Posts: 1096
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Seriously! Is there a man out there who does NOT have porn on his computer at one time or another? Any one?

Women way over react about men having porn. Almost all of us do and it is not a reflection on them at all. It's a guy thing, visual, I don't know. I love my wife and am very faithful to her, honest, respect her, think she's gorgeous, etc. etc. but I have over 100GB of porn on my computer that she doesn't have a clue about. She knows that I do have porn as I've shown her some clips but she doesn't know that I have 100GB's of it. I keep it on a slave drive that is completely encrypted using TrueCrypt. It doesn't even show up on a search and in the off chance she took the computer apart and physically found the drive, she could not access it. In fact, even the damn FBI couldn't access it. TrueCrypt has never been cracked and the best thing about it is that it is FREE. That's right, completely FREE. You can totally encrypt any files or group of files on your computer and NO ONE will be able to get at them. (don't tell me the rumors that it can be cracked, I will challenge you to post proof):

The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!

Anyway....slaveboy, you seem like a good kid. This woman is just wrong. We've all been there and it's hard to move on but you will.

My advice for you is to work on yourself for a while. Focus on yourself. Do things that you've been putting off and have dreamed about. Do hobbies, go to night school, take a vacation, join a gym, start your own business, etc. etc. Use this as an opportunity to improve yourself and feel better about yourself. Once you start doing that, you'll start to attract higher quality people into your life, both male and female.


Posts: 15
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the best cure for a broken heart is fresh, new, clean, strange pussy.


Posts: 91
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what makes a pussy strange?!

I am stunned by a guy being in a relationship where he likes porn, the girl doesn't (not so bad so far) but SHE dumps HIM because of the porn! (WTF?!)

The guy is so far from being full actualized in such a relationship, and it such a long, long way from being an open relationship. Best to lose her, and lose himself while he is at it.


Posts: 1
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I'll give you the best advice you'll ever get: NEVER CHASE AFTER A WOMAN OR A BUS.........THERE WILL BE ANOTHER ONE ALONG IN JUST A FEW MINUTES.
Percy Kution
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


Posts: 2340
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My husband had 4 wives from the time he was 19 till he was 36, went through all the councelling, read all the books, bent over backwards trying to meet their needs, everybody had the same advice,,,"you have to work at a marriage". Then he met me, that was almost 23 years ago. This is what he's discovered after all that,,,if you have to work at your marriage,,,you're married to the wrong woman, if it all comes natural, like falling out of bed in the morning, then you're with the right woman,,,period.


Posts: 31
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This thing about porn offending women is very real. I realize some gals enjoy it, my present wife adores it. But my first love, the one I still have fantasies over (for over 40 years now and 7 marriages later.. that first true love that is forever etc) hated it and this is why: if a man keeps his attention on his wife's charms ONLY then he will have no other recourse than to find all sexual enjoyment and release in her form and permister. No matter how she ages, so long as his passion is single minded for her, he will always pay her undivided attention. And she, in return has the comfort of knowing her man is totally her man. To quote the author of the Marshall Plan when asked how he felt about the impending doom of democracy by the hands of Germans, "I have no passions for anything but Mrs. Marshall." They were a very happy pair.
About porn on a man's computer, I know a few men who will not allow such filth into their mind sphere. I like it, but not because I get off on it, because I am an artist and see it completely different than most men - or anyone does. When I do seek out porno it is in literature, yet sometimes that is such an "in the eye of the beholder" that classic prose and even the Bible can get one off.


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Hi slaveboy,

I do agree with people saying it's for the better the two of you are no longer a couple. I think maybe even you agree. When you use your brains.

But a human being is not merely a set of brains. A human being is not a vulcan. You and me and all of us, we are no mr. Spock. We have feelings too (as did mr Spock btw, he was just damn good in hiding them). Your feelings hurt. They probably say to you that you really don't think it's a good idea to have lost your woman. And in a way they are right.

"Get over it". Easier said then done. Still I believe you should. Mourn. Talk about how you feel. Take your time.
But don't take too long. Now is not the time to start worrying about how long you may give yourself to grief, but in a while I think you should. I once mourned for the loss of my miss right for ten straight years. That was a mistake -don't you make the same mistake.

You are a good, loving, caring guy, and you have a lot to offer. There will be another girl one day. Make sure you are ready for her when you meet her.

Good luck and hold on!



Posts: 39
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My wife hates my porn stuff, or when I peruse the net for more, but she comes like a freaking freight train when I fuck her while watching it. She comes even harder if some big cocked guy is drilling some chick...And she freely admits to being aroused by seeing a big cock (which is odd for a woman to be visual).

At any rate, I have no clue or understanding about the psychology of a woman, and I don't think women know that much either.

MultiOrgasmicMary, did make a great point about chemistry and she may be on to something.


Posts: 360
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Thanks to everyone for replying.
Multiorgasmic Mary, thanks for giving me the proof that there are women out there like the ones I fantasize about. And maybe I will be luck enough to meet a woman like you who can fulfill my fantasies, yet still know that I have some feelings and she would never leave me for someone else. She can fuck and suck them all she wants, but she is still my woman. I loved reading about how you would tell someone to leave if they tried to take you away from your man, and how you two have so much fun together and are best friends. You are living my dream.
If there is a single woman out there who wants this type of relationship, then message me. I can't promise anything, there has to be a connection between us, but at least we will know what our expectations are before we get involved. I posted on the "cuckolds and swingers permisterals" board and posted a pic of my cock on the "real member request" board to prove that I'm real. I hope to hear from someone soon.


Posts: 7
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Your best option is to tell her you are sorry and move on. If she really loves you she will forgive you and come back, if not then you will know she never really loved you in the first place.


Posts: 7
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Your best option is to tell her you are sorry and move on. If she really loves you she will forgive you and come back, if not then you will know she never really loved you in the first place.


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sorry to disappoint you, but this is not a likely place to find a partner....


Posts: 525
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your ex is a total controlling bitch. had you married her your life would have been hell, no fun, cuck or no cuck.

the best thing that ever happened to you was your engagement breaking off. someone up there is looking out for you.

by the way, the porn was not the reamister she broke the engagement. she broke the engagement because she did not want to marry you. she used the porn as an excuse, so that YOU would look like the permister at fault, the fall guy, allowing her to play the role of the wronged woman. she is dangerous in the extreme.

no stop trolling here for a mercy fuck and get on with life.


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is correct, you do need to move on.


Posts: 24
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Quoting: jamesriske

The worse permister to get advice from about women is from a woman. They are well intentioned but they simply don't know what attracts them or how to handle themselves.

If we took advice from women, we would all be very lonely metrosexuals writing poetry.

She found porn on your computer and that you watched the Playboy channel a couple times? And for this, she canceled the wedding and dumped you?

Tell her to fuck off.

She's an over controlling bitch.

So you had some porn? So what?

Women way overreact about porn.

Women read romance novels and go shopping all the time, do we overreact? No. So men watch porn sometimes. Big fucking deal.

Get rid of her.

But I know you won't. Know how I know? Because if you were normal and well adjusted, you wouldn't be with her in the first place. You'll keep right on taking her cuckolds brownie and chasing after her because that's what you think you deserve. Normal guys would have dumped her ass a long time ago.

Carry on.

Couldn't have said it better myself.
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shes gone : (
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